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Dragon Ball R

The saiyans are back!


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Chapter 4

After this SonGoku and his family moved back to their home, where Chichi enjoyed her renovated house. However strangely enough SonGoku and Vegeta decided to train with each other from time to time as they both benefited from it.

„Strange” stated one day SonGoku when he was in Capsule Corporation, sitting in the living room.

„Have you felt it as well?” Vegeta asked raising an eye-brown.

„It seems like a saiyan presence. It’s not that strong, but...”

„Let’s go check it out!”

So the two saiyans left the house and flow to north. Once they were near, both of them landed, just to see a fighter running towards them. There was no mistake, he was a saiyan. He was wearing similar clothes as Freeza’s troops and he had a tail, wearing it around his hips. His hair was short and black and he had a red scouter.

„Prince Vegeta?” the man asked and then he bowed.

Vegeta and Goku exchanged a surprised look, but then the prince realized that the man seemed familiar. Then he recognised Baru, who was his father’s right hand back then. Strangely enough Baru looked almost the same as in the past.

„Baru” Vegeta called.

„So you remember me!” he smiled.

„Yeah, but you are dead. You died when the planet was destroyed by Freeza.”

„Indeed. But Frost decided to use the dragon balls and revived us.”

„Frost?” Goku asked.

„I believe he was Freeza’s brother” Vegeta explained.

„Wow, how big is his family?! And... Hey! You said he used the dragon balls! I’m quite sure that nobody used the ones on Earth.”

„It was the ones on Namek” Baru explained.

„Goku, I just checked” a voice sounded suddenly.

”Kaio!” Goku cried. „What exactly happened?”

„I’m not quite sure myself” Kaio said. „Somebody gathered the dragon balls on Namek and wished for the saiyans to be revived. I checked the life Signe of the Namekians and it seems only a few died during the incident.”

„Frost was so quick, that nobody really knew what happened” Baru added.

„But why would anybody want to revive the saiyans?” Vegeta asked.

„Frost is planning to take over the universe and he figured the saiyans are the best fighter race. So he thought to make some use from us. And that’s why I need you! We have the same situation when Freeza arrived.”

„How did you know where to find me?” The prince asked.

„Radditz and Nappa told us that this was the last planet which you tried to invade. I’m a bit confused as it seems it’s still inhabited by the original species but it’s not important right now.”

„This guy; Frost. How strong is he?” Goku asked.

„You must be Kakarott” Baru said, the first time looking at Goku. „Radditz told us that you killed him with a Namekian. How come you are still alive? Nappa said Vegeta came here to kill you. Do you two decided to join forces and are you invading other planets together?”

„It’s a long story” Vegeta interrupted, before Goku could say anything. „Why do you think that I... that we can help?”

„Actually your father and the others agreed that it wouldn’t make much difference whether you come or not, but I remember that you were unexpectedly strong even as a child and I figured you had to get stronger in all those years. So I took the chance, even though Frost is much stronger than Freeza was. Actually, I heard that it was defeated by you” Baru said looking at Goku with some doubt.

„He defeated Freeza” Vegeta interrupted „but it was my son who killed him.”

„You have a son? But how? I mean as far as I know you were the only 2 survivors.”

„We both have human wives” SonGoku explained.


„You know it seems that the human-saiyan combination is really good. Both of our sons turned into a super saiyan at a very young age.”

„You mean the legendary super saiyan?”

„It’s not such a big deal” Vegeta sighed.

„Now I’m sure you can kill Frost. You have to come back with me; both of you!”

So Goku and Vegeta prepared to visit their home planet. Bulma made some checks on one of their spaceships and they loaded it with supplies.

„You guys should come too” Goku said to Trunks and Goten. „It might be a good opportunity to train.”

“I’m sure we don’t need them to defeat Frost” Vegeta smirked “but you are right they should come before they get too used to the long piece.”

“You never know when some crazy fellow will attack the Earth again” Goten smiled. “We know!”

“I hope you will be all right!” Bulma sighed the night before the saiyans were travelling.

“Why wouldn’t I be? There wasn’t a single fight which we lost.”

“I know” Bulma said.

She was standing at the balcony, watching the sky, not even turning to face her husband. Vegeta stepped to her and grabbed her hand. While they were standing in the dark holding hands, Vegeta felt that Bulma was struggling with something. Sometimes he was shocked to realize how much he knew her. He already accepted the fact that she knows him as it was proven over the years but the prince somehow assumed he wasn’t ever trying to get to know her. Also it was still surprising for him how he felt when she was angry, sad or stressed. He couldn’t always tell it but there were occasions when he just knew only by looking at her. It still wasn’t easy for him to show his feelings but he felt becoming it easier year-by-year.

“What is it?” Vegeta asked, stepping in front of Bulma and forcing her to look into his eyes.

Bulma was happy that the saiyan felt her stress/sadness, but she wasn’t sure what to say. After a long silence she blurted out:

“Will you... come back?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Vegeta asked bewildered.

“It’s just, now that your folk is back...” Bulma began, but couldn’t finish it because Vegeta hugged her, while kissing her on the lips:

“Vegeta might be my home planet, where I was born but this is my home now, regardless how many times I tried to deny it in the past! Nothing will change that.”

“Be careful and take care of Trunks as well!” Bulma smiled, then kissed him passionately.

The next day Goku, Vegeta, Trunks and Goten left along with Baku. It took only a day until they arrived at the planet.

“What I still don’t get is; how can you just hide your strength?“ asked Baku.

Yesterday when he checked their strength with his scouter he thought that it was broken, as it only showed a low value. As he raised the question Vegeta brushed him off only saying that they can control their Ki’s.

“It’s quite easy. I can teach it to you after the fight” Goku offered.

“I assumed Frost will know straight away that I bought you all back with me, but now he will think I just came home with some low level prisoners or so. That’s good.”

When they landed behind the castle and stepped out from the spaceship everybody had their own thoughts. There was nothing much there, just a big space where the spaceships could land and a big open space which was surrounded by a grandstand. It was the place where the saiyans fought on the King’s birthday or when they challenged each other to a duel. Vegeta couldn’t believe that he was once again here and as he looked around he seen that nothing changed. It was just like if he had left only for a couple of days. SonGoku, Trunks and Goten were excited that they can see their planet of origin. Although Goku was here once, but just shortly after his births he was sent to Earth so he didn’t remember anything. Trunks and Goten were eager to see how the other saiyans were. Their fathers were very different and very similar at the same time.

“What the hell?” asked somebody behind them which caused them to turn around.

They were facing an exact copy of SonGoku, with the slight difference that this fighter had a scar on his face.

“Bardock...” Baku said, but the saiyan wasn’t paying any attention to him, he was looking at Goku.

Goku knew that it was his father, even without hearing his name. He felt strange seeing him at the first time in his life. Although Bardock has only seen him once after he was born, his visions were still vivid and he felt like he knows him somewhat.

“Kakarott” Bardock called, then he looked at the others and when he saw Vegeta he bowed.

As they entered the castle and went to the throne room, every saiyan had the same reaction; they all bowed and greeted their prince so. Nobody paid much attention to the others. Just before they entered the room, an another saiyan appeared and just like the others he was shocked to see Vegeta.

“Prince Vegeta!” he called and as he bowed Goku couldn’t keep it together any longer and he begin to laugh.

It seemed so impossible seeing that everybody treated Vegeta as a prince. He said it so many times that he was the prince of all saiyans but it had so little meaning (if any) that it was like some comedy. Baku and Bardock looked at Goku like he was mad, while Vegeta couldn’t repress a smirk. He had a good idea what was the laughing matter for Goku.

“Sorry, I think I’m ok now” Goku smiled and gathered himself a bit.

The castle was huge and it felt like being in a labyrinth. The throne room was at the far end in a tower at the north side. As a final step they needed to climb some steps as well. Although the walls and floors were rustic, it had some elegance as well. There were weapons on the wall and some strange animal furs as well. There were scupltures made from a hard white material similar to marble but it was grey instead of white. The scupltures were different, some seemed like giant apes, some looked like saiyans. The throne room wasn’t extravagant either, it was a huge room though. There were pillars holding the ceiling and from the door until the throne a red carpet covered the way. It was simple but exactly this simplicity implied strength. It was raised slightly higher as the ground and 6-7 carpeted stair risers leaded to it. The carpet had one golden streak on each side along the way. The throne was mainly red and not over designed. Here on the wall there were some pictures from the members of the royal family. As they entered the room they seen King Vegeta talking with somebody. When he spotted his son he frooze for a moment then asked them to come nearer.

“Wow, he looks like your father” Goten whispered to Trunks.

“Yes. I hope he doesn’t have the same personality though” Trunks answered and they both had to smile for a secound.

“I thoguh you will come back sooner” King Vegeta called, looking at his son.

“I had no idea that the planet was resurrected” Vegeta explained.

“Where did you find him?” King Vegeta asked from Baku.

“On Earth.”

“What the heck were you doing there? And...” King Vegeta looked at the others for the first time and as he recognised SonGoku he added “And why the hell is Bardock’s son here as well? Didn’t you kill him?”

“It’s a long story” Vegeta tried to avoid the question.

“And who are you?” King Vegeta asked, looking at Trunks and Goten.

“I’m Goten, Goku’s son.”

“I’m Trunks and well... nice to see you grandpa.”

“Grandpa? But how can you be Vegeta’s son?! You don’t even look like a saiyan.”

“They are both half saiyans” Goku explained. “You know we live on the Earth now.”

“What...” began King Vegeta, but he stopped as Bardock kicked Goku in this leg and said:

“Don’t be so informal with your king! You need to call him King Vegeta or at least add „My lord” to the end.”

“Oh yes? Then I guess I should call Vegeta „Prince Vegeta” as well” Goku smiled and then he, Trunks and Goten begin to laught at the same time.

All the other saiyans were looking strangely at them, some of them even stepped back a bit.

“Let’s skip this topic” began Vegeta “and tell us where Frost is, so we can kick his ass!”

“I already told Baku, that I don’t think even you have a change to defeat him” sighed King Vegeta, then as he turned on his scouter he was shocked to see how weak they were.

“You shouldn’t trust that damn thing!” Vegeta said. “As I already explained it to Baku, we can repress our Kis, so it doesn’t get picked up by those schooters. Also we all are super saiyans so it shouldn’t cause any problem to kill Frost.”

“But, only one super saiyan is born in every thousand years, it’s impossible that you all are...”

“We could show you but then Frost will realize that we are here” spoke Trunks.

“Anyhow where is he?” Goten asked.

Before any of the saiyans could answer, Goku said:

“I think I located him. How about we teleport there?”

The others agreed and before King Vegeta could say anything, they left and the next moment they were at the moon next to the planet. It was just the ideal place to fight as it wasn’t inhabited and all they could see were rocks, apart from a smaller spaceship.

“Who are you?” asked Frost as the saiyans appeared in front of him.

“So you are Frost” smirked Vegeta. “You are not that impressive. Stronger then Freeza, I give you that, but not all that strong.”


Frost was similar to Freeza and he was in his 4th form. His face was a bit longer and he had spikes on his tail but there was no mistake.

“I think you two should be able to defeat him, even without using the fusion technique” SonGoku looked at the two young half-saiyans.

“Yeah, he is not worth my time to kill” implied Vegeta.

So Goten and Trunks looked at each other, then stepped forwards.

“I don’t know who you are or what do you think who I’m...” began Frost, but he couldn’t finish it, as Trunks kicked him in his face and he flow away, chrashing into a rock.

While Goku and Vegeta leaned back and observed the fight, Trunks and Goten felt the excitement. It was ages ago that they fought together and they were only kids then. As they trained together, their attacks were in sync and Frost had a hard time keeping up with them. They needed to turn into super saiyans, but so far it seemed Goku was right and they could defeat him.

“What the hell...” stuttered King Vegeta, as they arrived with Bardock, Baku and some other saiyans.

They looked at the fight and couldn’t belive their eyes. Not just because the boys were super saiyans, but they seemed so much stronger then Frost.

“How old are they?” asked Bardock as they walked to their fathers.

“17 and 18” Goku answered.

“How can they already be so strong?” King Vegeta was amazed.

“They actually managed to change about 10 years ago. We were perplexed as well, as it took us way longer to become super saiyan. Even my first born son was almost twice their age when he changed.”

“I still don’t get it” King Vegeta interrupted “how can you all change and take this form? The legend...”

“The legend is wrong” Vegeta stated.

“How come you are not fighting?” Bardok asked.

“Let them have some fun” Goku smiled.

“Did you... Have you really killed Freeza?” Bardok enquired. “I have seen many things from your life and I seen you facing Freeza.”

“I defeated him, but it was Trunks who killed him.”

“How come? If he is 18, he couldn’t even be born then.”

“This retarded clown defeated Freeza and decided to let him live” Vegeta responded. “So he come after him a couple of months after the battle with King Cold to take revenge. By that time come back Trunks from the future to warn us about the cyborgs and although Kakarott was on his way back, Trunks assumed he won’t make it in time so he killed them both.”

“You mean you can time-travel?”

“My wife built a time mashine in the future for Trunks to come back, but it was never built here.”

Bardock, King Vegeta and Baku looked confused so Goku offered:

“When this fight is over we will explain everything.”

Trunks and Goten were slowly winning and Frost was furious.

“I never imagined I need to took my final form” he shouted, causing everybody to look at him.

“It’s impossible. Frezza had only 4 forms” Goten called.

“Well, I’m not my brother or my father for that matter. I’m stronger and I managed to reach our kind’s final form.”

“We shouldn’t let him change” said Goku.

“Why not? He was such a dissapointment up until now” Vegeta smirked.

“We always make the same mistakes. You let Cell absorb C18, I haven’t defeated Majin Buu when I had the chance just to let the boys have their shot, etc.”

“It’s what makes us saiyan. Tell me that you don’t want to see him change and then I will attack him with you right now!”

“Regardless how much I want to tell you that, I cannot.”

“Good. So let him change!”

“I’m not sure it’s the best idea” sighed Trunks, while they regrouped.

Frost seeing that nobody will try to attack him, used the chance and took his 5th form. His body stretched, his muscles become bigger and spikes appeared on his arms. Bardock tried to measure his strenghts but the scouter exploded.

“Can we continue the fight?” asked Goten.

“I think you are no match for him now“ Vegeta stated.

“Maybe, but it’s time that we introduce him Gotenks” Trunks smiled and to the onlookers astonishment they fused.

“What was that?” asked Bardock.

“It’s a technique I learned on an another planet; fusion” began Goku and summarised it for them.

Once again all of them werre amazed as they looked at the battle. However both Goku and Vegeta concluded that Gotenks is slowly loosing.

“You have no chanche against him alone and neither do I” Goku stated looking at the prince. “Gotenks is stronger then you or me but our power levels aren’t that different.”

“I know...” Vegeta responded.

“Why is his hair longer now?” interrupted then King Vegeta.

“Because he is SSJ3. That’s a 3rd level super saiyan” his son told him.

“Crap, I cannot beat him” Gotenks cried as he got up after a punch.

Just when Frost was about to land an another punch the fusion ended and as the two saiyans separated he missed them.

“That’s why I always tell you that you shouldn’t slack off and train more” Vegeta called looking at Trunks.

“The same goes for you” Goku smiled at Goten.

“So now you two decided to fight?” laughed Frost, looking at them.

“We don’t want to miss the fun” Goku grinned and the next moment they already attacked him.

They both took the SSJ3 form straight away, not wanting to drag on the fight longer then neccessary. Vegeta managed to reach this level 1 year after Buu was defeated and he hoped that this is the last possible level as he didn’t want to bear seeing Goku reaching a new level again, before him. Bardack, King Vegeta and Baku couldn’t belive their eyes as they looked at the fight. Even Trunks and Goten was astonished by the performance. They have never seen them actually fighting together. Of course they watched then during trainings, but that was nothing compared to a real fight. Frost felt their strength as well and just when he suspected he might actually loose, he felt two big energy flows rushing towards him, one was Goku’s Kamehameha and the other was Vegeta’s Final Flash.

“It wasn’t so bad” Goku smiled, landing on the ground.

“At least we didn’t have to fuse” Vegeta agreed.

They were covered with injuries and all of them felt extremely exhausted but they won. After the fight they all went to the medical facilities, where the saiyans had their healing machine which was implemented by the time Freeza was occupying the planet. Vegeta felt sort of nostalgic as he used those machines quite a few times here and on Freeza’s ships as well. Goku only used it once, on Namek before he fought Freeza but he found it quie effective. For Trunks and Goten is was the first time that they even seen something like this but both agreed that it’s cool once they were healed. When Vegeta was healed and put back on his clothes his father came to him:

“I never imagined that you will be so powerfull. And my grandson is extremely talented as well, specially for his age. I guess a lot happened while we were dead.”

“You can say so” Vegeta nodded.

“How come that Bardock’s son is so strong? He must have been an avarage warrior class if he was sent to Earth. As for Bardack he improved a lot but he is not an elit warrior either.”

The prince was expecting this question all along but still when he heard it he had to laugh:

“It took me years to figure it out and even if I would explain it to you, you still wouldn’t get it. You have to know him, see him fight.”

“I don’t get it. He looks almost as strong as you.”

“Actually he might be still stronger. He defeated me when I got to Earth, reached the super saiyan level sooner; in short he is a better fighter then me. I’m not intending to leave it like that, however I had no real chance overcoming him until I couldn’t confess this to myself.”

At the same time Bardock visited Goku.

“I have seen in my vision that you haven’t destroyed the Earth, but I couldn’t figure out why until Raditz told me about your accident” Bardock explained. “I assume it turned out for the better as on that planet there are many good fighters.”

“How do you know that?”

“On my last mission I killed a guy who cursed me and gave me the ability to see the future. I have seen Freeza blowing up the planet but nobody believed me so I couldn’t so anything against him. I have also seen your future, at least parts of it. I knew that you will become a great fighter and I have seen you facing Freeza. But those were just moments so it was hard to interpret.”

“I’m gratefull that I was sent to Earth” smiled Goku.

“Are you like protecting it?”

“You can say so, although many of the enemies come there to kill me.”

While their fathers talked with their fathers, Trunks and Goten decided to look around. It seemed that by that time all of the saiyans knew that they defeated Frost. Everybody was looking at them with an awe so they tried to ignore it.

“If that’s not my nephew” stepped to them Raditz and then he introduced himself.

“Do you want to kidnap me as well?” grinned Goten.

“Oh so Kakarott told you about me.”

“A bit.”

“Is he indeed a super saiyan?”

2“We all are.”

What about Gohan, your brother? Did he turned out to be a great warrior? I recall he was unexpectedly strong, at least for a short moment.”

“Sort of, although he is not training as much recently since he married and has to work. By now I’m stronger then him.”

“And you are Prince Vegeta’s son” Raditz turned to Trunks, observing him. “I can see the re semblance even though your hair is different.”

Later King Vegeta invited them into the royal dinning room to have dinner. Normally he wouldn’t let Bradock and Raditz eat there, but since Goku had a role in defeating Frost, he decided to make an exception. It was a huge room, almost as big as the other dinning rooms, used by the normal and low level fighters. In the normal dinning rooms big round tables were scattered around, but in the royal chamber there was only one table in a rectangular shape which was long enough for 50 people to eat around it.

“How long will you stay?” asked Bradock, while they were eating.

It was quite a sight seeing so many saiyans eat as each had a similar appetite as Goku and Vegeta. The servants had a hard time bringing out the food so quickly, even though there was penty from them.

“What do you mean?” looked King Vegeta at Bardock. “They will naturally stay here.”

“No. We are going back to Earth” Vegeta stated.

“How come?”

“I lived there longer then here and strange as it may sound, I like living there.”

“However we will come and visit you and you can come to see us as well” offered Goku.

They agreed to stay for an another week, which mainly involved them teaching some of their techniques to a selected group of saiyans. All of them caught on pretty quicky how to feel somebody’s Ki and how to hide their own. Goten seemed to be popular among the saiyan girls as well, just like Trunks. The girls mainly liked him for his hair as it was „exotic”. On the other hand Trunks managed to keep them away thanks to the fact that he was the king’s grandson. He just had to look at them similarly as Vegeta looked at some humans on Earth (he wouldn’t be surprised to hear that some even pissed themselves) and all of his girl problems were solved.

“Wow, you are scary” laughed Goten. “You are more like Vegeta then one would assume at the first sight.”

“I just whish I could do the same on Earth.”

“Or you could find a girlfriend! You wouldn’t attract so much attention then. Why are you not asking Atin to go out with you? With her as your girlfriend nobody would dare to even look at you.”

“I already told you, that she is not my girlfriend.”

“I know, that was mypoint, that she should be! Really, what’s your problem with her? She never tried to seduce you, she is beautiful, she is a fighter so you have some common topics already and she can cook! As a bonus she already knows some about your crazy familiy and friends and still hasn’t run away. Also, I’m quite sure she likes you. I never hang out with a girls just to hang out. I always have my reasons and girls are the same. Maybe she just didn’t make a move yet because she is afraid you will get a heart attack or something!”

Trunks got away to answer this question as the saiyans arrived who they were supposed to train. However he couldn’t get rid of the thoughts caused by Goten’s words. He never even played with the idea to go out with Atin, while he knew that he was always happy to see her and spend time with her. He now even missed school a bit as that was mainly the place where they met. He raised the question to himself; was he in love with her? Yet, he wasn’t ready to attempt to answer it and he rather concentrated on the trainings.

Goku only had a chanche to talk with Raditz on the 3rd day, when they met at the ground.

“Looks like my little brother managed to surpass me” Raditz smiled.

“You know I wouldn’t have killed you if there was any other way.”

“Yeah I know. Nevertheless it wasn’t even you who killed me but that Namekian. I still cannot belive you defeated Freeza. I always assumed it will be Vegeta if anybody, but regardless of being an average warrior you become the strongest of all.”

It was rare that a saiyan was home and not on other planets so they didn’t really had a home. There were some small houses scattered outside the palace but mainly just the mercanaries lived there. Since almost every saiyan was a fighter the „normal” people were coming from other races. Those were working on fields, manufacturing goods, working everyday jobs, basically the society. The scientiest were also part of another races. Some of their ancestors were bought here as slaves, some offered their knowledge or workpower for protection, since nobody ever dared to attach the home planet of the saiyans as they ruled the universe. The majority of the saiyans lived in the castle that’s why it was so huge. It had shared sleeping chambers were they could sleep. Only the married couples got their own small quarters after the „wedding”. There was not much difference between a role of a man and women as both were warriors. The wifes only left the battlefield when they were 7-8 month pregnant and got back almost straight after they gave birth. There was no need for them to take care of the child as most of them were shipped away to other planets. Only a small portion of them stayed on the planet, the so-called elite. Those children were trained by the senior saiyan master, who had a tremedeous experience thanks to all the years he or she spent with fighting and still was strong enough to wipe out any planet whatsoever.

“We cannot just leave them terrorizing other planets” Goku sighed.

“It’s solved, you don’t have to worry about that” Vegeta said. “I just come up with the perfect plan and my father already agreed to it. It seems that Frost didn’t just resurrect the saiyans but some other warror race as well. I’m quite sure that now as they are free as well, the loosers want to conqure other planets so the saiyans can protect those weeklings for money or technology. That way they can maintain their lifestile and still get what they want.”

“Wow, that’s an awesome idea!”

After the week passed, Goku, Vegeta, Goten and Trunks said their goodbyes and promised to visit them again soon. As they arrived home everybody was excited to hear what happened so they waited for them in the Capsule Corporation.

“Goku!” cried Chichi, then rushed to his husband as soon as they left the spaceship and jumped into his arms. “I’m so glad that you are alive!”

“I died too many times to die again” laughed Goku and he hugged Chichi.

“Goten, are you ok as well?” asked Chichi and although Goten tried, he couldn’t avoid her mother’s hug.

“Daddy!” called Bra and jumped on Vegeta who had no chance avoiding his daughter hanging from his neck in the next secound.

The 4 of them needed to go into details until everybody was satisfied with the story.


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