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Dragon Ball R

The saiyans are back!


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Chapter 3

Trunks had real trouble concentrating on his task at the library and his stomach was growling as well.

„Sorry, can you help me?” stepped a man to him and just as Trunks imagined his day cannot be any worse than it already was, he recognized Tyler, who was the first human who made him so angry that he actually had a fight in the school.

Trunks never picked a fight in school. He knew too well that he was too strong and it wouldn’t be good to draw attention to himself. Bulma explained it to him way too many times. However one day he just lost it and he hit Tyler. It was just one punch not even with his full power, but Tyler still ended up with 2 broken ribs so the principal called Bulma and asked her to come to his office. Trunks was silent the whole way back to their house as he felt the murderous look on his mother’s face.

„Now explain!” she demanded after they arrived home.

The 9 years old Trunk just sat silently and refused to say a single world.

„Do you know what you have done? You seriously injured that boy. I told you so many times that you cannot fight with others! Why?!”

When Trunks still refused to reply Bulma had a sudden idea as she saw Vegeta walking by.

„Vegeta, come here please!”

„What?” he asked, coming into the room, standing with his arms crossed on his chest.

At that moment Trunks felt the panic and he was extremely nervous suddenly. Bulma never involved Vegeta so far in any of the issues with him and it seemed that not only Trunks was surprised but Vegeta as well, once he heard the story.

„You should talk to him!” Bulma sighed.

„Me? Are you serious?” Vegeta asked with a smirk. „Are you telling me that I should tell him not to fight?!”

„Well...” began Bulma a bit confused.

„I’m quite sure he had a good reason.”

„Yeah? For you everything is a good reason. Even if somebody is just looking at you or breathing.”

„See? That’s why I don’t understand why I should talk with him.”

„Crap, I have to go, I have an important meeting at the company” Bulma stated, but before she left she told Vegeta: „ At least find out why he behaved like this!”

When they heard the entrance door close behind Bulma, Trunks half expected half hoped that his father would leave him, but he was still looking at him, obviously expecting an answer.

„Why are you still here?” Trunks asked.

„You heard your mother. I should find out why you hit that weakling.”

„Since when are you doing what she says?” he raised the question and seen his father smirk:

„I’m curious. As you never had a fight before I’m interested; what made you change your mind?”

Trunks hesitated but he came to the conclusion that he has no other choice then to tell the truth.

„This Tyler is always picking on me, that’s nothing new. He always told me how I’m a rich brat and so on. But today, he said that my mother is a rich bitch as well with a really bad personality and that you just married her for the money. He told me that my family is crazy. That’s when I lost it. It’s one thing that he is insulting me, but nobody will mess with my family!”

When Vegeta seen the serious look on Trunks face he had to laugh, which took his son by surprise.

„It seems you managed to inherit something from the saiyan virtue after all” the prince smiled and he left the room.

Trunks had no idea what his father told his mother, but Bulma never mentioned the topic again, even though that Trunks had to stay home for 2 weeks as he got suspended. Tyler never even looked at him after this and although his parents moved away and he changed schools next year, Trunks become famous and everybody left him be.

„Trunks!” cried Tyler in surprise, pulling the saiyan back to the present.

„Hi Tyler” he greeted him. „What are you looking for?”

„I... I was just... never mind” he stuttered and left very suddenly.

„What was that all about?” asked Atin, who heard the whole conversation.

„Oh, I didn’t realize you were here. I hit him once when we were kids and it seems I left a big impression on him” he explained.

„I can imagine. I was suspended so many times for fighting that I lost count. Although I really try my best now and at least in this semester I had no incidents so far. My father was always really furious at me and telling me that he hasn’t trained me so I can beat up whomever I want to.”

„My father would pretty much approve it.”

„How so?”

„Well... I sort of have a strange family.”

Just as he said it his stomach growled again really loud and Atin asked as he blushed:

„Are you that hungry?”

„You have no idea! I haven’t eaten anything proper since 2 days.”

„How so?”

„It’s a rather complicated story.”

„What’s the short version?”

„My mother left for 2 weeks and neither my father nor I know anything about cooking.”

„Why aren’t you going over to Goten? „

„His mother also left, just like his brother’s wife. So we tried to cook together, but... Well, I better not think about it.”

„If you want I can come over and cook something for dinner.”

„No!” Trunks protested, thinking about the prospect of bringing Atin home.

He had no idea how Vegeta would behave and if that wasn’t bad enough Goten, Gohan and Goku was staying there as well. Ok, maybe Gohan could act as „normal”, but the others... He never invited anybody over apart from Goten, but since his family wasn’t ordinary either, it was ok. They had long discussions about whose family was more messed up but it wasn’t easy to decide.

„It’s no trouble at all” Atin said, not realising the panic in Trunks’ voice.

„It’s just” he started but he couldn’t think straight as he was really hungry „hm... my father is interesting and now Goten, his brother and his father is staying there as well.”

„Are you afraid they might scare me off?”

„Sort of... don’t know.”

„Now you made me really curious” she laughed. „I’m insisting to come over.”

The saiyan’s mind was racing. He was hungry and he knew that he cannot live on canned foods and there was no hope that they will come up with an edible food ever. Also he knew that in case the others got wind of Atin’s idea, they might literary kill him if he refused the offer. So at the end he agreed. Atin was looking a bit strange when he mentioned that she should cook for at least 30 people but she was determined, so she handed over a grocery list and they agreed that she will be there at 7pm.

„Who will go shopping?” Trunks asked as he arrived home.

Goku, Vegeta, Goten and Gohan were in the living room, playing card games. This was almost the only game what Vegeta enjoyed to play as the saiyans had something similar to this as well. He and Goku had some issues though and sometimes called each other a cheater as Vegeta was really bad loosing to him, but so far they didn’t blow up anything.

„Go yourself” Goten advised.

„I won’t. As for your information I managed to find somebody who has cooking skills.”

„What?” asked SonGoku and Vegeta at the same time, dropping the cards and hurrying over to him.

„Yes, you heard it.”

„Who?” Gohan asked.

„Who cares?” Vegeta snapped. „As long as she can cook, it doesn’t matter.”

„Atin. She goes to the same school as Goten and me.”

„Are you serious?” Goten asked. „I thought you liked her.”

„We are just friends!” Trunks shouted.

„It wasn’t my point. Currently. I just thought you want to keep hanging out with her. Once she meets my father and Vegeta I’m not so sure that she will want to do anything with you.”

„Why?” Goku asked not seeing his son’s point.

„It didn’t felt like I have any other choice.”

At the end they decided to pick out the 2 lucky winner for shopping by playing stone, paper, scissors. As Vegeta and SonGoku lost, they had to go.

„Ok, but I will be driving” called Vegeta and they left.

SonGoku was a bit reluctant to get into the car with Vegeta driving, but he convinced himself that this time it will be ok. He still had a vivid memory where they ended up when the prince was driving. It was shortly after they defeated Buu. Chichi and Bulma went to go shopping and they left the two of them alone at the Capsule Corp. Then suddenly the phone rang and Bulma informed them that they are in a traffic jam and they won’t make it to school.

„Don’t make me laugh, Trunks is more than capable to get home alone” Vegeta explained when his wife asked them to pick up the kinds.

„Sure, normally it would be ok, but today there is a parents' meeting and the teacher said to me and Chichi that we need to come.”

„And you are expecting me and Kakarott to go there?” Vegeta couldn’t believe his ears.

„Please. I will make it up to you today evening” Bulma laughed.

„That’s a bribe” Vegeta sighed blushing a bit.

„Also don’t forget to take the car! I don’t want you guys to fly to the school. I want you to look as normal as possible!”

„Was it Bulma?” SonGoku asked, once his friend hung up the phone.

„Yeah. We need to go to pick up the brats... and attend this stupid parents’ meeting... by car...”

„I hate school” SonGoku sighed and they walked to the garage.

As he was about to open the car, Vegeta snatched the keys out of his hand and called:

„Do you seriously think that I would let you drive?”

„Ok” Goku agreed but just when Vegeta started the car he asked: „Do you have a driving license?”

„I don’t need some kind of paper for driving” the prince smiled and he drove out, almost crashing into an another car as he turned left.

„You cannot drive without a permit!”

„That’s stupid. I cannot drive without a car or without fuel, but why would I need that fucking...”

But he couldn’t finish it as a police car was coming very fast from the opposite direction. As Vegeta was driving at the wrong side of the street, they almost crashed. The prince managed to turn right at the last minute but couldn’t avoid crashing into a tree. The car was busted beyond repair and the policemen arrested them, a bit taken aback by the fact that neither of them had even a scratch on them.

„Just please don’t resist!” Goku pleaded looking at Vegeta, when the policeman handcuffed him.

„Why the hell aren’t we just breaking out?” Vegeta asked, once they were in the holding cell.

„Because our wives would kill us and I’m not joking.”

„Then how do you plan to get out from here Mr Genius?”

„Mr Satan!” Goku cried out and he asked for his phone call.

They put some pressure on the guy and he came running and paid the fee so the saiyans were free.

„If you ever tell it to anybody, I will come and kill you!” Vegeta threatened him, once he dropped them off at the school.

„I won’t! I already forgotten all about it” Mr Satan stuttered.

He was very much afraid of Vegeta and he believed every word what he said. Thanks to him Vegeta and Goku managed to get to the school in time. Later they replaced the car with an exact same model and they were sure that nobody ever discover what happened. On the next day Vegeta decided to get a driving license.

As Goku recalled that crazy day he had to laugh. When Vegeta asked what’s so funny and he explained and Vegeta smiled a bit as well:

„I never assumed that it will be so complicated to get this freaking license.”

„At least you didn’t almost kill your instructor, like me.”

As Vegeta thought back on that day, he remembered that it was on the next day he decided to get the driving license.

„What?” he asked once he shared this with Bulma.

„I’m just... I wasn’t expecting it.”

„If that stupid Kakarott has one, then I should have one as well. It cannot be so hard!”

When they arrived at the hypermarket SonGoku tore the shopping list into two so they could finish it more quickly. None of them had any idea how could somebody enjoy shopping. When they had to go shopping on rare occasions they hated it, it was similar to torture. The only thought what gave them hope was the food, which Atin will cook soon. While the two saiyan went shopping, Trunks suddenly asked Gohan:

„How did you manage to introduce Videl to your family?”

„I certainly wasn’t planning to do so, it just happened” Gohan explained. „My father wasn’t there so it was just my mother and brother who met her first. Goten wasn’t so bad at least considering. He couldn’t keep his powers hidden but at least he was more or less like a normal kid. My mother on the other hand... I’m not sure that I was more afraid of that meeting or the meeting with my father. Mother is human, but... well, you know her. Anyhow Videl just decided to stop by as I wasn’t going to school. So she just met my mother and they immediately begin to fight. I haven’t really had time to panic. Strangely once my mother knew that Videl was rich she became much nicer to her. You know how she is. At least after that it was ok. Meeting my father wasn’t again my choice. They had to meet as well since we all participated in the tournament. When we fought Buu she was hanging out with my mother and the rest of our friends and after we won, she already knew most of the things so there was not much to explain.”

„How did she take it?”

„Good I guess, but she hasn’t had much time to think about it, the facts just kept hitting her during the fight against Buu. I guess I was lucky in that aspect.”

Just then Vegeta and Goku arrived and soon after Atin came by as promised. Trunks played with the idea to ask the others to behave normally, but he knew too well, that it would be a waste of time. Their families just weren’t ordinary at all. Not even the human members. He introduced them to each other:

„This is Atin. Atin, this is my father Vegeta, you know Goten, this is Goten’s brother Gohan and their father Goku.”

„It’s so good that you can cook!” SonGoku smiled at her.

„Let’s not keep her here, I’m starving” called Goten so Atin followed Trunks to the kitchen.

He wasn’t so familiar with the items stored here but he tried his best to find the equipment. While the other saiyans waited for the food, they decided to play a card game again.

„Kakarott you cheated!” shouted Vegeta.

„No I didn’t! You just cannot bear the thought that I won again” Goku answered.

„What again?! You only won 358 times while I won 361 times.”

„Wow, are you really counting it?”

„Of course I’m.”

While they shouted, they both stood up and faced each other. Suddenly something broke and Goten cried:

„Just take it outside! If you blow up the house my mother and Bulma will kill you.”

„Is it normal?” Atin asked looking at Trunks who silently prayed that his father would stop yelling.

„Pretty much. Whenever we play with cards my father and Goku always fight. Sometimes literary.”

„Why are they hanging out together when it sounds like they cannot stand each other?”

„It’s not true. They are actually friends, at least since a while now.”

When the food was ready the saiyans stormed to the dining room and they begin to eat or rather to gobble. Even Trunks failed to eat like a normal human as he was way too hungry.

„That’s delicious!” Goten said with his mouth full of food.

„Thank you!” Atin managed to say while she couldn’t believe her eyes.

„Trunks, you should really keep your girlfriend” Goku smiled, then grabbed an another plate and continued to eat.

„She is not my girlfriend!” Trunks objected and while he blushed he had a hard time swallowing his food and he almost choked.

Goten couldn’t resist and he was laughing on his best friend who shoot him a murderous glance. After they finished there was an argument about washing the dishes. Atin wanted to offer her help, but she couldn’t as the four saiyan (Trunks was too ashamed even to say something) were shouting so much. At the end they came to the conclusion that Goten and Gohan should have this task as Vegeta and Goku handled the shopping.

„Ok Kakarott, let’s train. Now that I have some energy!”

„Sure, it’s exactly what I wanted to say!”

„Can I watch them?” asked Atin when the two saiyans left.

„I don’t think it’s a good idea. They are training in a gravitation room and most probably set it so that it has a much higher gravity then what we have on earth.”

„Wow, is such a machine even possible?”

„My mother invented it.”

„Oh yes, I forgot that your family owns the Capsule Corporation. Although I never knew that your mother was among the scientists.”

„She is, although recently it’s more about paperwork then working in the lab.”

Atin admitted that she was excited to see the house where Trunks lived. The company was famous and everybody knew that he was the one who will inherit it all. But as his family was mainly just friends with the Z fighters, no normal human have actually been in this house.

„It’s not such a big deal” Trunks said once he showed around Atin.

„It’s huge. Didn’t you ever got lost when you were young?”

„It’s not that huge” he smiled „but it was cool to play here hide-and-seek or tag with Goten.”

Atin promised to come over the day after tomorrow and make some food again. And so the problem around the cooking was solved at least for a short while. SonGoku and Vegeta managed to work for 5 days without any incidents. Then, on their 6th day it happened. They were helping an elderly couple to move in, but the woman was always changing her mind about the places of the cabinets and she had a really hard time deciding where her wardrobe should go. The saiyans were just putting it down, when the woman said for the 5th time:

„I don’t like it there. Put it back next to the brown cabinet.”

„I will blow her up with the whole house” Vegeta whispered.

„Relax! This is the last house and we are finished for today.”

„We could have finished an hour ago!”

„Hm, it’s still not good” stated the woman.

„You stupid old hag” the prince shouted causing the woman to jump. „It will stay there, everything will stay where it is and if you don’t like it, then screw you!”

With that said Vegeta left the house. SonGoku lingered there for a moment, but then decided to follow him. When their boss heard about the incident he had a hard time deciding what to do. With his newest employees he finished every work more quickly, but he couldn’t afford the customers to complain. At the end he decided to keep them at least until somebody complained again.

„Just bear it for an another week!” SonGoku asked the prince, when they left the boss’ office.

„Retarded humans...” Vegeta murmured.

That evening they eat all the leftovers of Atin’s food and morning they were already about to starve. As it was Sunday everybody had a day off from work, so they mainly trained in the gravitation room. By lunch they all came to the kitchen and tried to find something to eat, but the only leftover was a small bowl of salad, which Goku found. Or let’s say he grabbed first. As they were looking into the fridge together with Vegeta, they saw it around the same time.

„That’s mine!” Vegeta shouted but Goku begin to run.

„Catch me if you can!” he shouted.

„Kakarott, I will kill you!” the prince shouted back and he run after him.

Vegeta caught Goku in the garden and he begin to strange him. Trunks grabbed his father and tried to save Goku, but just as Goku was free he realized that the salad was on the ground, spilled so he attacked Vegeta. So Goten had to grab his father pulling him back.

„Let me go!” both saiyans shouted while their sons tried to hold them.

„Am I interrupting?” asked Gohan and when all of them looked at him, they realized Atin was there as well. „Since nobody answered the door I let her in.”

„What are you doing?” asked Atin taken aback.

„We were just trying to prohibit that our fathers kill each other” Goten began to explain, while everybody let go of the other (Trunks was holding Vegeta, Vegeta was holding Goku’s throat, while Goku was holding Vegeta’s and Goten was holding back Goku).

Trunks was blushing but he had no idea why Atin was looking at them like she is seeing a ghost. Then he realized that all of them turned into super saiyans. He had no idea when as he wasn’t even aware of it. All of them changed back, then Vegeta left, throwing a killing look at Goku who shot out his tongue as a response.

„Let’s get back inside” Trunks offered and Atin followed him.

„How can be that you were all blond?” she asked, while she prepared the food.

„It’s sort of a long story.”

„What’s the short version?” she smiled.

Trunks’ mind was raising but he couldn’t come up with anything apart from the truth so he decided to explain everything. Or at least the basic story, that Vegeta and Goku are from an another planet, belonging to the saiyan race.

„So your father is an alien and you are what? Half alien? Or is your mother from an another planet as well?”

„Only my father. My mother is human, just like in Goten’s case.”

„That’s crazy. Why cannot you just say the truth?” Atin asked angrily and she was just about to leave, when Trunks grabbed her:

„I’m not lying! I could have come up with a better story then this, what doesn’t sound so crazy.”

Atin had no idea what to think. She definitely seen something strange, but to believe that there were aliens... Trunks just then noticed that he was still holding her arm so he let it go like it burned him or something.

„Show it again!” Atin asked.

„What? Now?” Trunks couldn’t believe his ears but as he felt that Atin might leave otherwise, he turned into a super saiyan again.

„Unbelievable” she said and he touched Trunk’s blond hair, as if making sure that it’s real. „This Ki is... I never felt something like this. And it’s still not your full strength, is it?”

„No, not really.”

„I’m not entirely sure that I believe you but this strength is indeed inhuman.”

Trunks turned back and Atin continued the cooking. They spoke about normal things and she never mentioned the topic again, until dinner was over.

„Can I watch you training?” she asked suddenly turning to Goten and Trunks.

„I’m not so sure it’s a god idea” Trunks protested but somehow only a few minutes later he was fighting with Goten in the gravitation room on normal gravity

„You are still too slow” Goku laughed, when Goten pralled off the wall.

„It’s obvious that my son is stronger” Vegeta smirked then they joined the sparring session.

This time Goten and Goku fought against Trunks and Vegeta so the powers were balanced. Two hours later Atin was entirely convinced that Trunks told her the truth. Strangely enough she was still not scared off for which all the saiyans were thankful as she cooked them 2 more times before Bulma, Chichi and Videl got home. They were pleasantly surprised to see that the house was still in one piece.

„Have you had a good time?” Bulma asked smiling.

„It wasn’t so bad” Goku smiled back.

Nachwort zu diesem Kapitel:
So, this was the 3rd relatively long chapter. Could any of you give me some feedback? Is this story good? Or bad?
Threw me some bones here :)
Thanks for reading! Komplett anzeigen


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