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Alice9 Channel vom 21.Mai.2011 Alice Nine, Alice9, Saga, Tora

Autor:  laruku


(© all images by Alice9. All Rights Reserved)



MC: Tora~Gitarrist




Guest: Saga~Bassist











Die Zusammenfassung ist wieder von dear_numbers



Alice9 Channel is about to start:


They're late. Nao must be at the bathroom?


Tora is shaved.


Tora said all the members of Alice Nine are fine concerning influenza


Nao: It's not a raincoat. It's my spring jacket.


Apparently Nao is the culprit who gave influenza to everyone.


And Nao got it from his "ikemen younger brother".


They're talking about the last a9-chan when Saga had to blow through a hose but they didn't manage to show the full pv til the end.


Tora says Nao's scenes are supposed to be violent but he was laughing at himself.


Tora just learned there was something else Alice Nine will be celebrating: Saga's birthday.


Tora: Saga, don't you think it's weird when you see this cake?


Saga has to blow the candles on his cake now.


With the hose.


The hose is 15 meters long.


Saga: I'm happy... but not...


They're going to play another song while they change the set.


Saga's going to have to answer a quiz about himself.


Saga says he wants a TV stand.


They have a foot massage person for when Saga doesnt remember the answer. It's really painful apparently





Q1. Something that makes Saga (who still lives with his parents)'s mom angry


A. He got back home from the tour early because of influenza


Q2. The name of the girl Saga liked when he was in middle high school.


A. Watanabe-san (He wrote the full name but Nao erased it)


Saga: She had long hair and was cheerful... how do you know that anyway?


Q3. Something that pissed off his baseball team when he played baseball in school.


a. As a pitcher, threw a deathball when there were 3 men on bases


Q4. Place that marked his memory the most when he made a trip with his family


A. Hinohara-mura


Q5. The member who made a bad impression on Saga when the band was formed


Tora: Does it hurt, Saga? / Saga: It hurts, it hurts... ah, feels good


A: Hiroto made a bad impression on Saga at first because he sang more than the vocalist


Saga: It's not a bad impression, it's more like a strong impact.


Q6: The thing a girl told you that shocked you the most.


Saga: Wait.. what was the question again?


A. "You're small"


Saga: It's not down there. I was told I was small as a human being.


Q7. Something Saga regrets doing when he was drunk.


Nao: Do you remember anything at all from when you're drunk?


A. (I think he said he threw up or slept in a taxi's trunk, didn't have time to read)


Q. Til what age were you a cherry boy (virgin)?


A. Around 15 maybe,


Saga: Hiroto lost his virginity younger than me.


Q. The words of gratefulness he wants to tell to his mom.


The last massage is supposed to affect his heart. Most painful one.


A. (She might be watching) "Thank you seriously"


Tora: Wow, he had all the correct answers.


The massage person (Li-san) said Saga's stomach is bad.


They have a present for Saga on the VTR.


Tora is at Saga's place.


Tora's drinking Saga's cola.


Saga's mom "this one might be the one I drank"


Saga's mom is making Saga's favorite health juice (yogurt, banana, honey, soy milk, green juice)


Saga's mom: "it's good, isn't it?" / Tora: *laughs*


Saga's present is Tora and Nao making him juice mix. Nao is showing the recipe.





Saga's mom said Saga won't eat veggies.


Saga: doesn't like soy milk.


Saga: I'm sure you're putting too much green juice in it.Is this a punishment?


Nao was gonna put the yogurt lid on the mixer instead of the real lid.


They smell it smells really good (like maccha latte)


Saga: It's fucking gross.


Tora: But we did it with all your favorite stuff.


Saga: You put all my mom's green juice in it.


Nao says it's good, so Tora tried it and said it's gross.


Shou has been watching at the back the whole time.


By the way, "7th THEATER" stands for Alice Nine's 7th anniversary.


And it's over for tonight. Hope the translations helped.





Alice Nine no ArigaTora vom 9.Mai.2011 Alice Nine, ArigaTora, Saga, Tora

Autor:  laruku


(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)



Am 9.Mai.2011 fand wieder das Boardcast ArigaTora statt.



MC: Tora - Gitarrist von Alice9

Guest: Saga - Bassist von Alice9



Zusammenfassung wieder von dear_numbers



Tora: Today once again this guy is with me... / Saga: Popopopooon! I'm Saga


Tora and Saga say they're really into the game "Winning Eleven" (a soccer game)


Tora said he also plays online and saw someone with "GEMINI" in their user ID who's really strong and wonder if it might be a fan.


After BLUE FLAME, Tora talked about the events for the release of the single. Then they took questions from fans.


Q: What kind of food do you eat so you don't get fat?


Tora: Out of all the members I'm the one who takes on weight the easiest.


Saga: I'm jealous of Hiroto. He can't take on weight. / Tora: When we go on tour he loses weight.


They said Hiroto is probably the one who cooks the most/best.


Saga talked about the time he slept at Hiroto's place and Hiroto made him spaghetti.


Q2. When you take a bath, where do you start washing yourself?


Saga: I don't even know myself... when I think of my favorite artists... I don't wanna think about where they start washing themselves.


Tora: I guess it's creepy but maybe they were nervous. So where do you start washing yourself?


Saga: From the nipples. / Tora: No, for real.


Saga: Nao's nipples, you know..... they're like a girls. He kinda has boobs.


Tora: Poor Nao.


Saga said it's the last time he comes on ArigaTORA. Then Tora asked him who he should invite next.


Tora said they got a lot of emails in english and Tora tried to make him read it. That one was from Spain. Saga couldn't read it.


Saga: Send me a translator please!


That means, please send emails in Japanese if you can. They don't speak English.


And it's over for this week.




Alice Nine no ArigaTora vom 2.Mai.2011 Alice Nine, Alice Nine no ArigaTora, Saga, Tora

Autor:  laruku


(© by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)


Tora: Gitarrist bei Alice Nine

Saga: Bassist von Alice Nine


Zusammenfassung wieder von dear_numbers


Almost time for Tora's weekly program "Alice Nine no ArigaTora". This week again I'll be translating the jist of what's happening.


This time, Saga will be Tora's guest!


For those of you oversea, I heard some people can watch it by downloading a program called KeyHole TV...


Saga: Konnichiwa ♪ *plays guitar* ArigaTora♪


Tora just revealed that Alice Nine no ArigaTora is not a live program.


Tora says it's a good thing because they don't get so nervous. And Saga can say whatever he wants cuz they can cut it later.


Tora told Saga he tried to call him last time. Saga said he'd been sleeping cuz he was tired from work.


Tonight Alice Nine is actually doing a live in Nagoya. Last Monday they were doing a live at Akasaka BLITZ.


Tora said the song they just played was their new single BLUE FLAME on sale from 6.18


He's talking about the event they will do at Tower Record on 6.23. Saga said: It's my birthday present!


Tora told Saga that a lot of people want him to appear on Tora's show.


Tora's going to make Saga sing songs.


They're playing messages from fans who're making requests for Saga.


Saga's going to sing the Tonari no Totoro song.


And it's over until next week!


This is the Tonari no Totoro song Saga sang and played on his guitar:




Alice9 Channel vom 26.04.2011 Alice Nine, Hiroto, Saga, Tora

Autor:  laruku


(© all Image by the Artist. All Rights Reserved)



Am 26.April.2011 fand wieder ein ALICE9 Channel auf Nico Nico statt.


MC: Tora (Gitarrist)





Gäste: Hiroto (Gitarrist)





und Saga (Bassist)






Zusammenfassung des Boardcast wieder von dear_numbers


Everyone in the comments: "HIGE!!!" (moustache in Japanese)


Tora is wearing his new FC tshirt, which is a parody of the AC commercial (popopopoooon)


Saga said last night's live made his hips hurt. Tora said Saga was sleeping 3 minutes before the broadcast


Tora said Saga also grew himself some facial hair lately.


Hiroto: Since yesterday we played Gemini for the first time.


Saga: That made my hips hurt.


Saga said he grew himself facial hair because he was tired of being called feminine. He said "I'm a man!"


Saga: Of course they're putting the ball in front of me.


Saga has to balance on the ball for them to show the pv.


Now they have to touch the line for them to show the pv.


Can Hiroto reach the line?


Now they have to play Hulla Hoop without dropping it.


Now they have to do a headstand against the wall.


Hiroto: This isnt something we do in visual kei


They now have to blow in the 10 meter long hose and make the flag move.


Hiroto said the hose stinks like rubber.


Saga said it makes his hands hurt.


Last chance: they have to play jumping rope all 3 together


They won't show the pv unless all 3 enter. Poor Saga


They changed the rules so Saga can jump alone to show the pv


Hiroto and Tora are arguing about who's gonna get in next.


Saga: I'm leaving Alice Nine.


Now they're gonna do an enquete to see if you wanna see the pv (Das PV war von Blue Flame)


1- is i wanna see it


Tomorrow they have to wake up early to go to Hiroshima for the tour..


Tora: 5 candles. 5 years old. (Auf Hirotos Geburstagskuchen waren 5 Kerzen)


For those who are scared, Saga's not really leaving Alice Nine. He just said that as a joke because Tora and Hiroto bullied him.


