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Have you ever hatred yourself?

Autor:  Dat-Yun-chan
  It looks like you feel nothing but hate for me.

Why can’t you just see what’s truly in your heart?

Fear, relief, hate, love... it’s all mixed in you to one big feeling which is poisoning your whole body.

A poison you can’t escape from.

It’s not like I could help you to find out of the darkness you got into a long time ago.

It’s like you’ve been captured by the claws of the dusk, lured into the shadows and you ran away from the light by yourself.

I don’t want to blame you.

I, too, ran into the darkness which consumes all of my pain.

But then I found out that the darkness itself is consuming me, eating my body and my soul with every single day I use to live.

So I myself decided to leave the darkness behind and go back to the light.

I chose to live my life like everyone else is doing.

But I know I will never be one of the normal human beings.

I will always stay as an abnormal creature, born in light and left in darkness.

A creature of the darkness.

I know no one can change what I am.

But I don’t ask for personal change.

I do have friends who stay with me, listen to me and love me like the being I am.

And I love you to do so.

It’s like an angelic touch for me to be liked.

But today shows me that the hate grows inside you.

I want you to fight against it!

I don’t know how to hate humans.

But I know a much stronger kind of hating.

I hate myself.

I hate myself because I’m not able to trust others.

I hate myself for being useless as a member of my family died in front of my eyes.

I hate myself for the inexperience that makes me fail in any situation.

I hate myself for my suspicion-filled heart that forbids me to believe in the humans.

I hate myself for the rebellious nature that prevents me from cooperating with others.

I hate myself for the jealous nature that makes me envious of everyone else.

I hate myself for believing in the stupidest things nobody else would believe.


But the most I hate myself is because I’m not a person anyone can trust. Every little thing can be destroyed through me. A stone, a paper, a cupboard, a tree... that’s nothing if someone looks at what I have broken a long time ago. I myself broke my own soul into pieces and slashed my heart. Only a little thing reminds on that what a long time ago was there. A little piece that you cannot even see with a microscope. I destroy everything around me, so I’m not a person who earns your faith.


You can leave me to die, I don’t care.

It’s not like anyone would cry even one only tear when I’m gone, right?

So... why don’t I just go out of this life and go over to never ending sleep?

Then the search for the reason I live is over.

And then I can finally rest...

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