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Einzelposting: Memorable Quotes from QAF

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Von:    nukaru 19.01.2008 07:00
Betreff: Memorable Quotes from QAF [Antworten]
meine Lieblingszitate:

Ben: I don't want to celebrate my goddamned birthday.
Brian: Finally, a man with the right attitude. (216)

Ben: Something tells me we've been stood up.
Brian: Over a comic book.
Ben: More than just a comic book. There's nothing as sexual as the act of creation. When I'm writing and it's pouring out of me, I swear to God, I'm like, completely turned on. Sometimes, I even get a hard-on.
Brian: Is that what they mean by stroke of genius?
Ben: It's the fucking greatest orgasm there is.
Brian: You have your orgasms between the pages, I'll have mine between the sheets.
Ben: I bet it's the same with Michael and Justin. What they're sharing is the most intense form of intimacy there is. Nothing, not even the hottest fuck in the world, can come close. Let's have another drink, while our boyfriends are cheating on us. (215)

Brian: For someone who’s never seen a western on principle you have an awfully keen interest in firearms? Where’d you get it?
Justin: Cody gave it to me.
Brian: How thoughtful. What’s next? Small nuclear device?
Justin: It’s necessary that we have them, after what happened the other night, we could have been killed.
Brian: Play with this long enough and you will be.
Justin: Will you just….
Brian: You’re not running around the streets with a concealed weapon.
Justin: I told you….
Brian: It’s necessary so that you and Cody can be the Gay Avengers, heroes of the resistance, martyrs to the cause.
Justin: We’re trying to stop violence before it happens.
Brian: Ha ha by starting it?
Justin: You wouldn’t think it was so funny if you were the one who’d been bashed?
Brian: Nobody said it was funny. (Ich liebe Brian's Stimme wenn er das sagt *___*)

Brian: My mother was a frigid bitch, my father an abusive drunk. They had a hateful marriage, which is problably why I am unwilling or unable to perform a long term, commited relationship of my own. The fact that I drink like a fish, abuse drugs, and have more or less redefined promiscuous sex dosen't help, much. As a result, I've lost the two people in my life that mean the most of me.
Theodore: There, don't you feel better?
Brian: No, but I'm sure you do.
(Episode: 508)

Brian: I'm a cock-sucker! I'm queer! And to anyone who takes pity or offense, I say, "judge yourself." This is where I live. This is who I am. (Episode: 501)

Brian: You're going to be a great dad.
Michael: How do you know?
Brian: You raised me, didn't you? Look how I turned out.
Zuletzt geändert: 19.01.2008 07:01:35

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