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Einzelposting: Verkauf Carue / Karoo P.O.P. Figur

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_273095/-1/12871394700984/

Von:   abgemeldet 15.10.2010 12:48
Betreff: Verkauf Carue / Karoo P.O.P. Figur [Antworten]
Guten Tag,

Unfortunately, I haven't speak German for ages, I hope English is fine.

My name is Yoann MARY, and I am a great fan of One Piece.

I am interested in your Carue P.O.P. Do you still have the box?

I would like to make you a first offer at 65€ + transport.

What do you think about my proposition?

Have a nice day,

Best Regards,


(do not hesitate to send me email directly at: painchoc@msn.com), I would be pleased to talk to you ^^

Yoann MARY

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