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The Sound of the Sea (16+)

??? x Reader Lovestory


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Ch 2 - 1. The Journey Begins

Heavy pants escaped your lips. Every part of your body ached and burnt terribly. Your vision blurred more and more with each past second. One would guess that the cause was the heavy rain that painfully lashed against you. A storm was raging, complicating things for you. You barely could stand on your feet. The wind yanked at your stance, caused you to waver and to trip some steps backwards. But you refused to give in. You had to stand through this or else he wouldn't accept you. You needed his acknowledgement or else it meant failure for you. There was no way that you would let it end like this. Not after extending this training that stopped you from sailing with your friends.


You rubbed your eyes with your soaked sleeve of your tattered sweater. Then you looked up, directly at the large figure in front of you who showed his discontent. He was merciless as ever, he had never overlooked your mistakes. No, he rather punished every single one and beat you up. This time - however- he had unsheathed a certain sword. This gesture was a symbol for the grave meaning of this fight. You had waited for this moment for an eternity. But you didn't expect it to be that bad. You bared your teeth and pulled yourself together. For the last time you hold of your swords and braced yourself. "Come at me!", you shouted, not showing any fear. This time you would make it. You had to.


Your sensei took an aggressive stance, his expression was dead serious. He always used his full strength, when he attacked you. His intention to kill was real. The only way he showed mercy was that he let you alive. Every single time he would beat you up, until you passed out. Every day you would battle with him, trying to defeat him or at least make some remarkable progress. It was hard. Honestly said, you weren't even sure if you did any progress in the last year. He even made you stay longer than intended. You guessed, that he was ashamed of letting you go in such a state. This thought was depressing, he actually had never explained why he had forced you to stay longer at all.


"Brace yourself." His sharp command made you nod instantly. You were prepared, even if you would get killed for real this time. "Stand your ground, Evans." In an blink of an eye his eyes displayed once again his fearsome stare that shattered every man's will to fight. There had been times he shattered yours, too. But not this time, you couldn't let that happen. Mihawk slightly bend his knees, changing his stance and struck out for a drive. For some several seconds he remained in that posture. "Don't dare to avoid the strike. You have to stop it or else I'll cut you", he shouted resolved. Then he moved in an blink of an eye and swung one of his most powerful cut-waves at you. The wave dashed in an incredible speed towards you. Only a few seconds were left, before it would hit.


A final breath. You  moved up your swords, formed then into a cross and used all of your left strength to stop the incoming wave. You heard a loud thunder. Directly after you felt a strong force that pushed you back. You tried to stop it, leant further in und gritted your teeth. Your vision blurred even more, you could see almost nothing by now. There was this light, later on darkness. You screamed a battle cry, using your last strength. Then you felt the heavy burden disappear. The strong blast ceased, together with your consciousness. You dived deeply into the raven darkness.


A dull sound of your body hitting the ground was the last thing you remembered.


This was the end.




A low sound echoed through the hall. Footsteps. They echoed in a slow, almost rhythmic pace. They came closer with every step. Closer... closer until they were right next to you. They halted. After you felt a warm hand stroking your head, the touch was incredibly soft and careful. You haven't felt so much warmth in a while. Some seconds went by as you felt a weight next to you, dragging your body slightly in its direction. Fingers moved through your hair, down to your cheek. They pushed a stand of hair softly out of your face. It tickled a little.


A heavy sigh left your lips, when you slowly opened your eyes. The flashy light blinded you at first, but you got adjusted to it fast. You recognized a big silhouette. First you believed that it was Shanks, since he always was treating you kindly like some rare treasure. But in the next moment you realised that it was Mihawk, who was caressing your cheek. It was rare that he showed affection, not to mention showing gestures like these. "S-sensei...", you mumbled weakly. Only when you tried to speak your body hurt extremely. You let your vision wander, seeing that you were almost entirely bandaged. You had lost... again.


When you grimaced at the awareness, Mihawk poked softly your forehead. "No accusations.", he said coolly as always, though his expression was for his means soft. "You will take some time off.  Your wounds are deeper than usual. I cannot let you go in this state.", he informed you and put his hands casually on his lap. He could see the confusion in your face, since he had never talked about letting you go. Why did he change his mind? Was he that disappointed that he had given up on you?


"Mihawk-sama, what are you talking about?", you asked, "I... I did fail, right? I can't leave now..." Fear spread inside of you, you didn't want to leave yet. You still couldn't fulfil this one task. The last exhausting months you had spent training to stop his most powerful blast, but you failed over and over again. You didn't feel any different this time, so you guessed that you once again lost to him. Taking into consideration that you wouldn't be able to defeat the most powerful swordsman in the world, you still wanted to be as least a worthy opponent. But if things continued in this pace, you would never get his acknowledgement.


Mihawk's expression remained untouched. His blank, sharp stare was all over you, when the corner of his mouth pulled up. A crooked, amused smirk appeared on his lips. "A half year ago you were raging that you weren't allowed to. Are you telling me that you want to stay?", he asked slightly chuckling. He watched your face turning red. It was obvious that you didn't expect him to react this way. However, there was a thing that disturbed you. Why didn't he answer your second question?


"I... you said that I am not ready.", you stated and tried to sit up. A sharp pain shoot through your body, making you groan in pain. You ignored the pain, sat up and pressed your hand on your stomach.


"Don't overstrain yourself.", he demanded strictly. After he crossed his arms. There were a lot of things he had to clear, but it seemed too early for you. You could see that he debated with himself. You sighed and looked at your hands. Every finger was bandaged, every muscle signalled its hatred towards you. Maybe it wouldn't harm to relax. You didn't remember when you last travelled over to Gularia to have some free time. An unpleasant feeling gathered in your tummy. Shit... you kept remembering this one night. You tried hard to forget it, but you couldn't. This stranger had left a mark on you, deep inside your heart. You didn't see him since, though.


Or... maybe you did. You couldn't remember anything about him, as if something blocked your memory. It was strange...


"[name]" You looked up, as you heard Mihawk's voice. "You're ready to leave. I won't hold you back any longer." You blinked. What did he just say? You needed some moments to understand what he was telling you. Disbelief spread on your face.


"What?", you asked confused. "Why.. how.. I thought..."


"There is nothing left to show you. If I keep you here, you will never gather the experience that you need for progress. I have taught you everything that you needed to know. It's up to you what you will make out of your knowledge.", he told you, while he shut his eyes. The tone of his voice expressed his graveness. He had never joked about things like these. "In fact, [name], you were ready a half year ago."


"What?!" Now you were shouting. "B-b-but! You stopped me from leaving, sensei! You told Shanks-san that I am not ready for anything! He sailed this large distance in order to get me, but you didn't let me! Why are you telling me this now!?" Was this guy making fun of you? Did he enjoy torturing you so much that he kept you here for nothing? No, that wasn't it. "Why... did you make me stay, Mihawk-sama? I thought I am a bother for you" Rethinking his words you couldn't believe that your extended training was for nothing. You rather believed that he tried to teach you something important, something close to a legacy. He showed you his strongest blast after all and taught you how to stop such powerful strikes - although you weren't able to stop a single one...


Mihawk turned his head into your direction. He sighed and stroked your head carefully. Because of his hand you couldn't see his expression. Something was odd about him. "You're not a bother. I would say that you are a nice change of pace. My boredom was reduced, since you had been living here." You blinked astonished about this information. Did he drink too much? He had never mentioned before that he was fine with you around. You knew that he had accepted you... but... "I expected you to give up after the first few days. I was convinced that you would surrender after few months. I did everything to make you leave. But you refused and accepted everything I made you do" Mihawk smiled at the thought, his eyes remained closed.


"However I still don't think that a woman should fight like a man and put her life on the line. You're not made for this." His shark eyes stared in your ones which glowed in confusion. He shook his head slightly. "Yet your willpower impressed me. I've rarely seen someone as strong as you." Was Mihawk praising you? He never had... you stared at him, you mouth hung down. You couldn't say anything.


"I... thank you. That means a lot for me.", you mumbled, flattered by his words, while you ignored his problem with your gender. Shanks, too, praised your willpower. Mihawk was the one who explained you how it worked. You had a special willpower, they called it Haki.  You heard that you were a natural talent who could use Kenbunshoku Haki, the Haki of the sixth sense of the world that allows to sense things others couldn't. The significant trait of this Haki was the -limited- ability of precognition. You were able to see attacks coming before your enemy actually struck. After Shanks hinted that you actually could use a second form, Mihawk started to train with you special things until it showed up. It was called Bososhoku Haki. This special Haki allowed you to put up a strong armour, so that special attacks wouldn't hurt you. Also you could make your blasts even stronger. Well, you weren't perfect at it, but Mihawk taught you the basics.


You were awfully thankful that he had so much patience with you. After all you didn't believe that you had powers like that. But Haki wasn't the only power you owned. There was this other one that still was a riddle for you. You learned to control yourself to some extent but it didn't change the fact that you blacked out sometimes and did cruel things. Things, that you mostly didn't remember. It was, like something possessed you. Something controlled you and you had no power to fight back nor stop it. Mihawk's voice woke you from your thoughts.


"Now, after I realised that Shank's words about your potential were true, I've decided to teach you everything to become a great swordsman. You've stood through every task and completed your training.", he informed you. His serious expression softened after a while. "You're extraordinary, [name] Evans. I am not only impressed, I am proud of you. I expect that you will someday face me again and defeat me. I approve you as my disciple after all."


Your mouth fell wide open as you heard his words. You couldn't trust your ears. Was he really saying all of this? Were you dreaming? Did you hit your head too hard, when he defeated you? You rubbed your eyes and stared at Mihawk's smiling face. "Mi-mihawk-sama... D-d-did you drink too much again?", you asked him in disbelief. "Did Shanks blackmail you in some way!?"


He chuckled at your reaction. Of course you wouldn't belief him. Since you had started your training you had never gotten any true praise by him. Shanks and his crew were the only ones who encouraged you. Your sensei rarely showed you if he was satisfied or if you did good. He rather gave you a lot of criticism and enumerated mistakes. What was different then before? "Should you accuse me of such things?"


"No, sensei... forgive me. It's just... you had never praised me before... and if you did, I would be in such a pathetic state.", you mumbled shyly, feeling that your cheeks blushed. Your heart started to beat faster. "Am... am I a real disciple of yours? I... I mean... like... officially?", you quietly dared to ask him. You were afraid that it would stay a silent wish, that he would answer you that it was a joke. But Mihawk smiled at you with such a confidence that let you tremble. Becoming his apprentice was more than a simple wish, it was crucial for your further dreams since he gave you another purpose of training and becoming stronger. Aiming for becoming the best would mean that you would be able to protect everyone you loved.


"You have been my disciple since I gave you your first training swords. Or rather: I've accepted you after you survived the first year. You should remember that we only trained your physical and psychical strength, there wasn't much of swordsmanship. But soon after I changed my opinion." You nodded at his words, you were at loss for words. It was unbelievable that he counted you as a real apprentice. He sighed almost playfully and poked your cheek. "Did I break you?", he asked chuckling. He was chuckling... you must have hit your head too hard that you imagined things. Yet, you seemed to be awake.


"Uh... yes... I mean, no! But... I..."


"In my eyes you are legitimately my apprentice, but I ask you not to mention it needlessly. I am a warlord. If I have an alliance with a soon-to-be pirate, it would complicate things for me.", he explained you casually and crossed his legs. You nodded, since he was being reasonable. In addition the happiness that rose in you was overwhelming. Mihawk's disciple, his legacy for the new era that soon would dawn. You dug your nails in your blanket and bowed as deep as you could, ignoring the painful aches from your wounds.


"Thank you for your patience with me, sensei. I will not disappoint you, that's my promise. I will come back stronger and be on the same level as you.", you whispered aspirating. You wouldn't allow anyone to defeat you in a swords battle. No swordsman was as strong as Mihawk, so you would defeat every single being who wanted to battle with you. There were lots of different enemies in the world, but there was no way that someone whose speciality was swords art would beat you. Slowly you looked up, a determinant glance in your eyes.


Mihawk nodded at your words, he accepted your promise and had high hopes for you. You could read it in his face. "I've taught you everything I count as important for a strong swordsman. Your training is over now.", he informed you calmly, "I had a reason to extend your training, [name]. It's simple." You eagerly listened to his words. You wanted to comprehend why he bothered to let you stay this long. "I wanted you to learn the most crucial elements of swords art. In my eyes you are perfectly prepared now. I have no worries in consideration of your skills anymore. However it's all up to your willpower and strength, if you want to be successful. "


You were silent for some moments. So his reason was to prepare you for everything that would face you in this adventure. You had to admit that your training had been different for the past half year. You didn't train any special techniques but basic knowledge. He had explained it in such a detailed manner that you believed that he was really unsatisfied with your progress. That's why he started anew. However, in regard to his powerful strikes that you had to stop, you could clearly see what he tried to do. This man was very good at his profession.


"I've informed Shanks about the end of your preparation. You will leave as soon as you have recovered." Mihawk told you in a relaxed manner. "I had my own reasons not to let you leave with that man, [name]. You would have run directly into the fangs of some very disturbing people, if you had left with him. Yet, it's a trial for you. Find Redhair and prove him that you're worthy to become part of his crew. After all, he's one of the 4 Yonko, a pirate emperor." You could hear the respect in his voice. It was rare that he was showing it frankly like this.


To sum it up... regarding his reasons he told you that he put all of his faith in you. Realising how much effort Mihawk actually had put into your training you felt special. You stared at him in silence, trying to handle everything you just heard. "I will not fail.", you whispered determined. Your (e/c) orbs held a burning passion inside of them. Looking at Mihawk you clenched your fists. "Sensei... Mihawk-sama... I will come back stronger and then I will show you that your effort wasn't in vain! Thank you so much for bearing me!", you shouted and squinted your eyes. You felt something wet running down, tears.


For the past three and a half years he had taught you a huge variety of things... of knowledge about the world as it was now. He had explained you basics that you needed to know, especially on the topic of the government and the system behind it. Plus, he showed you what it meant to show pride of a swordsman. You were so awfully thankful for everything you got. It was almost unbelievable how you had spent your life since Shanks had appeared in your life. You didn't feel small anymore, it was like... like you became a important figure in this world that was waiting for you. Your adventure awaited you.


"[name] Evans." You looked up, as Mihawk spoke. "Your strength is hidden in your observation skills and your speed. Your Haki is very distinctive. Don't allow anyone to destroy your masquerade.", he advised you seriously, "Your technique is special, so don't get distracted. A single mistake could mean the end. Remember the lessons."


"Yes, sir.", you answered stiffly, since you perfectly remembered how often he had defeated you. At the same time pride filled your heart. He had never praised your skills, he didn't even mention what your strength was until now. You felt more confident than before.


"Good. I order you to relax. I'll check you later.", he answered, stood up and went over to the huge wooden door. Before he left the room, he looked at you one last time. "Good job, [name].", he said, smiled and showed you an unknown expression that you interpreted as kindness and pride. You stared at him in awe. Then he disappeared and left you confused behind. He was satisfied, right? Why would he react in such an awkward way? This hole conversation was odd. It wasn't like Mihawk to talk in this way. Yet, you knew that he wasn't lying about anything.


Taking a deep breath you leant over to your bedside locker and got a small snail transponder out of the drawer. You gulped. Was it alright to call him? He knew everything, right? You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply. In the next moment you called the man whom you wanted to hear so badly. Slow, quiet beeping sounds reached your ears. Then a dark voice resonated through the speakers of the transponder. "Shanks, here. " You smiled brightly in an instant. It felt so good to hear his voice. It calmed you in some way. There were times when you called him... he didn't have to listen, but he still did. Every time you felt weak, he had been there for you and cheered for you.


"Shanks-san", you whispered, trying to hold back your tears. The thought of seeing him soon made you incredibly happy. You didn't hate being with Mihawk, it was more endurable than you had imagined. Additionally he was a rather interesting guy who you tried to figure out, since he barely showed any emotions, except for today. You shook your head, trying to focus on the conversation.


"Heh, hello there, [name]-chan. ", he greeted you happily. It sounded like he was celebrating again. "Hey, guys! Come here, [name]-chan is calling! " You giggled at his statement and heard the others speaking. They greeted you as lovely as always. You almost felt bad that you weren't with them. " [name]-chan, we are waiting for you! ", you heard Lou shouting, but Shanks interrupted him. "So, why are you calling? ", he asked, as if he pretended not to know anything.


You bit your lover lip.  First, you wanted to apologize that they had come for you but you weren't allowed to follow. But then you changed your mind. "My training is over now.", you informed your friends with a calm voice. They wouldn't know that it was hard for you not to cry in front of them. "Soon I'll be on my way to you. Please be patient. I will find you and show you how strong I've become.", you whispered smiling, staring at the small Den-Den-Mushi that stared at you blankly.


"It was about time for that", he laughed carelessly. "Mihawk was hard on you, huh? " You simply nodded, knowing that he couldn't see you. But hearing his amused hiss he signalled that he sensed your answer. You didn't expect any other words, you didn't even know why you called him. But it felt nice to tell him that you were finally ready. You didn't say anything, as if you were waiting for something. Maybe you did. Lowering your view you stared blankly at your blanket.


"Hey, [name]-chan", you heard Shanks speaking.




"We are waiting for you." You could feel his smile, even though you couldn't see him. Weird... you felt better now. Now, that you had heard the words that you had longed for, you were convinced to take the journey on. "Don't hesitate. " he told you, his voice was determined.  "Explore the world that you dreamed off. But don't forget: No matter how long it will take until your adventure cross ways with ours, we will wait. You're part of us. "


"Thank you, Shanks-san.", you whispered smiling, tears streaming down your face. You had waited so long... endured so much to finally set sail. It was almost unbelievable that you would leave this haunted, lonesome place.


"No need for thanks. Just move your ass over here", he ordered laughing. You smiled at his comment, since the others also demanded the same thing. There were friends waiting for you. You weren't alone. No matter if it was wrong, you wanted to join them. As long as you didn't break this one rule, everything would be fine, right? Even if you would fail... if you wouldn't be able to join them, you still could return to your home. You had one... " [name]-chan, I hope you're not crying. " You looked up astonished, how would he know? "I am eager to see you. So don't let us wait too long or else we'll get you. ", he joked.


You giggled and nodded. "Got'cha, captain. See you... don't miss me too much", you whispered. Afterwards you heard the crew complaining about your farewell. But Shanks didn't give them the chance to talk too much. He ended the call and let you all alone. Smiling you wiped away your tears, put the transponder-snail away and lay down. Happy. Now you were totally happy. Grinning like an idiot you turned to the side, ignoring the pain and tried to get some more sleep.




Two weeks.  Two whole weeks were needed for your recover. Mihawk had struck you very hard, so your wounds were deep and barely healed in the short time you were preparing for your departure. You were tying the laces of your black, stylish boots, before you walked in front of your mirror, checking your clothes, since you knew that it wasn't a good idea to wear to provoking clothes. Yet, you couldn't stop yourself from wearing a (f/c) tank-top with a very 'neat' cleavage, a black rivet belt, dark blue hot pants and black, thin leggings below. You put on your short waistcoat. Well, this shouldn't catch too much attention. Plus, the clothes were very handy in fights.


Grabbing your shoulder bag, you breathed deeply in and out. After you left your room. You only packed the most important stuff inside your bad, knowing that you couldn't take too many clothes with you. You would buy some later, if needed. The only important thing was the small chest with your little, precious treasures that you refused to let behind. You didn't even let it at your home. It was simply that important for you. You patted your bag, smiling.


It didn't take long to reach the entrance hall of the castle. Finally you would leave this island. It was time to prove to yourself how strong you became.  You reached out for the wooden, heavy door, as you heard footsteps approaching you. Turning towards the direction you saw Mihawk who held a very beautiful middle-sized chest in his hands. "Mihawk-sensei..." Why was he even here? Didn't he tell you that he would leave the island? You already exchanged your 'farewell'.


"You don't intend to leave with these poor swords, do you?", he asked sharply, making you gulp. Well, in fact, you took two trainings swords that hang loose at every side of your belt. That's why you wore this thing in the first place. You nodded, feeling somewhat poor only to possess these two used things. But you intended to get some nice ones. Short swords, since you couldn't work with normal-sized ones.


"I'll get new ones, sensei. But I can't leave without any, right?", you answered hesitantly. Would he get mad?


"I don't allow you to use these shabby knives. You should be ashamed of leaving like this.", he growled, making you flinch. He was right, but there was nothing else you could take. "Come over here." You nodded, did as he wished and moved towards him. Some kind of curiosity rose with every step you made. This very nicely decorated chest was interesting. Yet, it was so small that there couldn't be possibly hidden some kind of treasure. Especially no sword.


"But sensei, I need weapons...", you sighed. You didn't know what he had planned this time.


"That's why I've returned. Here. This is my farewell present for you, [name] Evans.", he told you, while he put the chest on the floor and waited for you to open it. You mouth hung open. He was really gifting you weapons!? But... the chest was so small. Yet your curiosity increased with his spoken words. You knelt down, stroked the cover of the chest and slowly opened it.  Two amazingly shaped daggers were stored in a bed of dark red velvet. On the back of the cover were two breathtaking scabbards, seemingly made of ebony. They looked expensive... but the most astounding view came from the two daggers. The hilts had a very special form, you could perfectly hold them in your hands - which you instantly did.


You took the daggers out of their luxurious bed, holding them in front of you. The design of the hilts was so perfect, that you believed they were made for your hands only. The material felt strange somewhat rough, but you liked it. The daggers weren't heavy, no they felt light. You didn't expect them to be this light. The shape of the weapons was amazing. Besides... the shape wasn't the most strange thing. It was the material of the blade itself. It looked as if it was made of diamond, but how could one shape diamond into something amazing like this? The blade was crooked and had a very thin, long tip. In the inside was sparkling a fluid, as it seemed. It even dripped from the tip on the floor. What was this? Putting down one of the daggers, you tried to touch the sharp edge, but Mihawk stopped you.


"Are you trying to hurt yourself? These are sharp.", he informed you like you were some idiot who had seen a dagger for the first time.


"S-s-sensei... I... I can't accept this gift... they must have been incredibly expensive... a.also.. this material...", you stuttered, shocked about his gift. You were realising how much effort Mihawk put in the choice of your weapons. Since you had told him that you wanted to fight with two swords, he had trained you how to use them. During his teaching he realised that there were special weapons necessary  in order to use your full potential. The blades with which you worked to far got shorter with every new technique he had taught you. And this was the result of his observation.


"I don't take a 'no' as an answer. These are yours, they were created to be wielded by you.". he answered calmly, afterwards he grinned satisfied. He had known that you would love them. "Listen now, Evans. I'll explain the special feature of this weapons.", he told you, so you would listen carefully. Eagerly you stared into his frightening eyes that had no effect on you anymore. "You see the shape of the blades? You can cut everything but also tear flesh apart. Very painful for every opponent. You can distract them by making wounds even more painful.", he explained you, showing the little spikes on the line of the swords edge. "The material of this blade resembles a diamond, yet it is as hard as adamant, a very rare material, close to be unbreakable like a diamond." He stopped. "The special feature about these daggers is the inside. The hilts contain a very low amount of sea stone, since  you don't get weakened by it. In the inside of the blade is seawater. This means, that you can cut everything."


You gulped and stared even more shocked at him. "Everything?"


"Everything", he confirmed. "No matter who you'll opponent might be. No Logia-Devilfruit-User will be able to stop every strike. They will get cut, no matter how hard they try to transform into their element." Mihawk smirked at his own words. "It's not necessary, but it'll help you. Naturally you don't need this feature, you can use Haki. But Haki is limited, while this weapons has a large amount of seawater inside. If it ever will get empty, you can simply hold the blades into the sea."


"Handy", you stated. Once again you lifted both weapons, staring at them, while they shone in the light of the sun. They looked amazing. And you knew that Mihawk's sense for good weapons meant that these pieces were deadly. "Seawater...", you mumbled, noticing that some drops fell on the floor. A thin veil of water covered the outside of the blade, it was almost imperceptible.


"The blade's names are 'Furo & Hajo'. Take good care of them, they are part of your body now, understood?", he asked seriously.


"Yes, sir. Understood.", you answered at once. The feeling of the hilts in your palms was amazing. They were so much easier to hold than these lousy training swords. Instantly you threw the shabby swords away, attached the scabbards on every side of your hips on the belt and put your daggers in their right place. "Sensei... thank you very much for this wonderful gift.", you whispered, feeling happy how much effort Mihawk put into the choice of your weapons. You felt complete and save, there was no way someone could defeat you now.


"Your boat is ready for your departure.", Mihawk told you, stood up and straightened his back. You did also, but then you bowed.


"Thank you for everything!" you shouted, showing your gratitude and respect towards this man. Now you were totally ready for your adventure! Smiling you waved and opened the door. You ran towards the small dock of this island where usually only Mihawk's creepy coffin-like boat was. Next to him was your humble sailing boat that waited for you. With a fast jump you hopped on the boat, prepared the sails and loosened the rope, so you could set sail. You took out your Log Pose that you received a while ago from Lou. He shortly had explained how it worked, so that you wouldn't get lost so fast.


You looked back a last time to the creepy Island Kuraigana. There was Mihawk, right next to his boat. He had crossed his arms always and his intensive stare was right in the place. But you could see his wide grin, like he was happy to see you set sail. You waved one last time, then you turned and pulled some ropes, tightening the sails and swimming towards the direction of the next island.


No matter how hard it would get. Every being started with only few things... you had already gotten so much help... you would make it alone to your friends. There was no way that you wouldn't make it.


With this, your journey began.


This is, where your story starts.


Time for having fun!


~Location: Kuraigana, Grandline , Next Target: Unkown~


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Von:  jasonsmith
2020-07-10T07:41:25+00:00 10.07.2020 09:41
Thanks for sharing.I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.
