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Don't Tickle a Sleeping Slytherin


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Hi there :)
The stipulations for each chapter will be posted in the afterword.
Since this is the first chapter I didn't really get any special stipulations. I was told to start with the general one (see the spoiler tag in the description) and see how far I'd get in chapter one. So from chapter two onwards the rule for each chapter will be posted at in the afterword.
On another note, special thanks to Cuilwen for her suggestion when I was desperately searching for a suitable title.
Now, have fun reading. ;) Komplett anzeigen


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Chapter One

The first thing to catch my notice is the stench. I groan. The smell is just awful. Is it? It doesn’t smell that different. Confused by my own conflicting thoughts I try to open my eyes. I blink. The light is too bright at first. I struggle to sit up and look around. Where am I? I don’t recognize my surroundings. The small street is dark and dingy now that my eyes have adjusted to the light. I turn my head to see if I can find out more and wince.

My head is pounding. Now that I notice my neck and back hurt as well, the cobble stone road is far from comfortable. Cobble stone? Well, whatever is left of the cobble stones in the small crater I’m lying in. Looking around again carefully, the houses lining the street near me strike me as odd. They are not like the old buildings in my hometown. They seem older somehow – and younger. I am unsure what to make of them. They are damaged though from what I cannot tell. The damage is far too tame to have been inflicted by modern bombs and they don’t seem to fit what I’ve seen of the aftermath of earthquakes on television. But damaged they are. Some are cracked and seem to be half-collapsed.

I try to get up and freeze. Black hair. What? My hair is brownish blond. And yet, the hair falling in my face is black. I raise my hand and touch the hair. Ouch. Yep. It’s definitely mine – pulling at it hurts. Wait. Are those my hands? They seem so small… I struggle to my feet and pat myself down. I seem to be mostly unhurt. Then I look up again. What? My whole perspective seems skewed. I didn’t realize it while I was sitting, but now that I’m standing – Everything is… The proportions are wrong. It’s like I’m still sitting down. I look to my feet. Yep. The floor, the cobble stone fragments beneath my feet seem far too close. Did I… shrink? I pat myself down again, this time paying more attention. The first time I only checked if anything hurt. What the heck? This is not my body. Which would explain the wrong hair colour but… how? What happened? I shake my head to clear my thoughts; something I regret instantly. My vision swims. I blink repeatedly trying to clear it. It doesn't matter what I seem to look like now. That can wait. I still have no idea where I am. I should get to safety, well, off the road at least. Then I can think about the rest but this place does not strike me as safe. The house right next to me is still crumbling.

I turn around only to see a big man (Is he really that big or am I just that small in comparison?) walking towards me. I back away and stumble. The ground is really uncomfortable to fall down on. He smiles sadly. “Hello child.” Child? I am not a child! Oh… well, it would explain my height. Wait, what? That would mean… I shake my head and then ground my teeth to keep away the urge to hurl. My head’s still pounding.

“Are you alright, Child? Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine.”

“No, child. You are not. But you will be. Do not worry. What hurts?”

“My… head.”

He just nods and takes my hand. “What is your name, child?”

Hesitatingly I answered. Should I lie? “N…Nora.”

“Ah. Honoria.”

“Honora.” I nodded. Well, it is one of the two names my name could’ve originated from, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

“It is nice to meet you, Honoria.” I note that not only did he mispronounce my presumed name – but since it is a presumed name what does it matter – he also does not introduce himself.

“What happened?” Maybe he knows more and I can find out what was going on, but my hopes are dashed. He does not answer. Instead he asks me where I am from. He accepts my shrugging as an answer and nods to himself. “Shock.” He mumbles to himself.

“Well.” A smile is turned my way. “Do not worry. We’ll figure it out.” He tugs at my hand – in my confusion I missed the fact that he was still holding onto it – and starts down the street. “Come.”

Should I trust him? I struggle with myself. I’m not in the habit of trusting some random stranger. Then again, he is the only friendly face I’ve seen here and probably my only chance of figuring out what the heck happened and where ended up. Even if I tried to run, without any knowledge of the lay of the land I don’t think I’d stand much of a chance of getting away. I sigh and resolve to follow the man for now.

He leads me through the village? City?... It seems too small for a city, but given the stench, the layout of the narrow streets, the rudimentary quality of the houses… I’m either in the past – which is impossible – or in some LARP area, where the people are freaking perfectionists. And with perfectionists I mean right down to the last detail. It smells worse than the sewage plant we visited in primary school. They really take this stuff seriously.

The guy is talking to me soothingly though I ignore his words in favour of observing him. He is big – and I have always been bad at guessing someone’s height – maybe 1 metre 75, 1 metre 80. He must lead an active life, given his muscles, and he has a lot of hair. His face is almost hidden by his red hair and his beard. It reminds me a bit of Gimli. Not that he’s wearing dwarven armour or anything. He isn’t wearing any kind of armour that I’d recognize now that I think about it. Just some weird clothes. Not a LARP theme that I’d recognize easily then. I sigh, and start to pay attention to what he’s saying to me. He’s still babbling nonsense, something about how I’d be fine, that I didn’t have to worry, he’d take care of me. That I was lucky I was a witch – wait what? What’s he talking about? A witch? Isn’t he taking the LARP thing a bit too far? I certainly hope it’s not a historically realistic LARP since I have no wish to burn – or pretend to burn – at a stake.

I try to ignore my errant thoughts (with medium success) and try to play along.

“A what?” I mean, don’t get me wrong, being a witch would be awesome. I just don’t trust the guy nor do I trust the situation. There are too few people around. I’ve never been to a real LARP, so I can’t be sure, but from what I’ve seen of the renaissance festival a couple of towns over, I expected a lot more people running around and not just potentially hiding in houses and being out of sight, if they’re even there.

The guy stops and lowers himself so that he’s at my eye level. “You’re a witch, Honoria. You can use magic.”

I stare at him in disbelief (Is that guy for real? Isn’t he taking this a bit too far?) which he seems to mistake as fear.

“Do not worry.” He smiles soothingly. “Witchcraft and Magic are not evil. You are a witch, just like I am a wizard.” Riiiiight. Okay. Let’s just play along for now. I nod uneasily and he smiles.

“Ah. There we are.” He stops in front of a small house I would’ve overlooked otherwise. The house has a sign I try to make out while he pulls me inside. Oli… Uli… Oliw… Ollivander?! A Harry Potter …

My thoughts freeze as soon as I see the interior of the shop. My jaw drops, I think, though I can’t be sure. I stare. This is definitely NOT a LARP then.

Dimly, I hear the shopkeeper greet my guide with “Good afternoon, Mr. Gryffindor.”

Gryffindor? As in GODRIC GRYFFINDOR?? Oh. My. God. THE Godric Gryffindor?! The founder?! How? How did I end up here? And… Is that REALLY Godric Gryffindor? I can’t help but stare at the man. Now that I look at him, I can see why the Gryffindor animal is a lion. He kind of resembles one with that mane of red.

I shake my head again – bad idea – and try to focus on what they’re saying. Godric is telling what must be this time’s Mr., no, now that I focus at the person instead of the clearly magical interior of the shop, Mrs. (or Miss… I wonder if she’s born as or married to an) Ollivander that he found me in the middle of a street right here in Lundenburh by which he must mean the London of his, well, this time.

“Her name is Honoria.” He pushed me in front of him. “Honoria, meet Miss Gaia Ollivander. She is the resident wand maker.”

Gaia smiles toothlessly. “Shy, huh? No matter. We’ll find a wand for you, don’t worry.” While she bustles off to find a wand for me to try presumably, Godric turns to me and asks me how much I remember from earlier. Since I have no idea what happened and how I ended up here so that his guess is as good as mine if not better, I only shake my head. Which, again, seems to suffice as an answer.

“Hm.” He nods. “Do not worry, Child.” Worry? Who has time for worry, I am halfway between elation and panic. I mean. I’m in Harry Potter, well not really. Wrong time. But apparently I am somewhere in the Potterverse. How cool is that?! And Godric brought me to buy a wand and told me that I’m a witch – which I can’t believe quite yet – but if it’s true… That would mean I can do magic. Magic. Real, genuine magic. That I can wield. Holy mother of… magic. That is like a childhood dream come true. I remember joking around with friends, that our letters got lost since Voldie’s men destroyed the documentation – never mind the fact that none of us were born in the UK. To actually be here… if this is a prank, I’m going to murder someone. This is awesome. And ---

Mrs. Ollivander hands me a wand made of some darkish wood that she snatches away again almost as soon as she handed it to me. Not that I mind, it felt… icky. I don’t know how else to describe it. She hands me two others, both more comfortable than the first, only to take them away again as well all the while grumbling that they’re not right. She walks away again looking for other wands and Godric turns to reassure me.

“Don’t worry, sometime it takes some time to find the right wand.” Yeah, I know. I read Harry Potter’s trials to get a wand. Trying to distract me – at least that’s my guess – he begins to tell me about the magic school he recently founded with some friends.

“It’s not much of a school yet. The first year is about to start, you can join if you want. We will teach all kinds of magical children. My friends and I want to pass on the knowledge we gained on our travels. Are you interested?”

Is he kidding? Of course I am. The chance to visit Hogwarts… I nod frantically and groan again. Not a good idea to move my head that euphorically. I feel slightly sick and my head resumes pounding as if there is no tomorrow. I grit my teeth to ride it out. Godric promises me to take me to a healer after I find a wand. At least I think that’s what he said, I wasn’t really listening right there and then.

Mrs. Ollivander returns with a handful of wands for me to try out. The first of the new batch zaps me, and the second one does not react to me at all, but the third… the third… The third feels like coming home.

Nachwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Thanks for reading :)
If you want to leave a comment, german ones are appreciated just as much :), english is just easier for me to write. Komplett anzeigen


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (3)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Peacer
2015-09-15T12:55:05+00:00 15.09.2015 14:55
Uuh, I like the premise. There are not nearly enough stories about the Founders, and this is probably one of the firsts with a SI... a muggleborn, Slytherin SI. This is going to be reaaaally interesting. I'll root for you. xD
I'm really curious how you ended up there, though, in a different body and in the midst of a crater. And with Godric frigging Gryffindor right there. Who's not very practical, now that I think about it. Shouldn't visiting a healer take priority over getting you a wand ASAP? xD
Still, pretty awesome. I mean, it's magic.
I like your writing style too, descriptive and it conveys the mood pretty well. Personally, I prefer longer sentences though. At the beginning it fittingly shows the confusion, but afterwards... Well, that's jsut IMHO. :)
And sometimes it's a little bit disjointed, but that might just be the confusion at waking up in the wrong time, place and body. And the first sentence threw me a bit off. I'd just write "I noticed" instead of "catch notice". Sometimes the simpler, the better. :)

Von: Arcturus
2015-07-04T22:58:41+00:00 05.07.2015 00:58
Oh, this is nice. Harry Potter and a medieval setting thrown in the mix - yeah, I like this fic.
Von:  Erenya
2015-05-29T17:02:42+00:00 29.05.2015 19:02
Uh Spanung was für ein Zauberstab wird das wohl sein. Und danke, dass man auf deutsch kommentieren kann. Aber ich bin wirklich gespannt. Eine FF über die Gründer. Da hat man viel Spielraum und wenn man es richtig anstellt, könnte man sogar das so logisch verbinden, dass jeder leser glaubt, es gehöre wirklich zum Harry Potter Universum. Ergo, man darf mehr als gespannt sein.
