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Dreams of Seiki

Zeichner: abgemeldet   -   [Dōjinshi]
Erstellt: 27.09.2007
Neueste Seite: 27.09.2007
Nicht abgeschlossen
Stichwort: Alltag
Leserichtung: Westlich
Kapitel: 1
Seiten: 2
  • Seiten: 2
    Neueste Seite: 27.09.2007
    Status: Nicht abgeschlossen

"Dreams of Seiki" was just a title generated from some random name generator I found off the internet so I could tag these collection of images with a label. I don't know if it will have anything to do with the plot or lack of it.

This series will adopt the style of my previous series called "The Sketchbook." Only it will be weirder, graphic, sometimes brutal and involve more dreamy images.

I hope you enjoy them.

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