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SCREW (Band)
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Fehlendes Bild
鋲 - Byou (Vocal)
Fehlendes Bild
和己 - Kazuki (Guitar)
Fehlendes Bild
マナブ - Manabu (Guitar)
Fehlendes Bild
ゆうと - Yuuto (Bass)
Fehlendes Bild
ジン - Jin (Drums)


About the band

ScReW is a Visual Kei band, which was founded in March 2006. They are known for their hard music and their interesting, aggressive stage shows, but the songs include also beautiful melodies. They try to bring on the best way this interplay on the stage. What has been well managed.

All member had experience to be in a band. Singer Byou was with bassist Yuuto together a member of Joker, Yuuto was also previously briefly activ with gossip. Guitarist Kazuki acted as a member of the band Clover and drummer Jin participated in with Living Dead.

Their first mini-album Nanairo no Reienka get out in July 2006 and was limited to 2,000 copies. Initially they played Secret Lives. Their first Oneman they gave on April 23 in the Takadanobaba AREA. Several concerts were held and three maxi-singles were in the course of the year.

2007 was beginning with further concerts and in March they released their first proper album with the title Fusion of the core including core promo tour. Shortly thereafter ScReW signed the label PSC in the Indie division. With the change was Manabu, who initially support guitarist in Screw, become an official band member.

In December 2007 ScReW played the first time outside of japan under the J-Rock Invasion, alongside alice nine., kagrra,, KRA and SuG in Germany (Cologne).


Vocal: Byou
blood type: B
day of birth: February 9
constellation: Aquarius

Guitar: Kazuki
blood type: 0
day of birth: August 5
constellation: leo

Guitar: Manabu
blood type: A
day of birth: June 23
constellation: Cancer

Bass: Yuuto
blood type: B
day of birth: June 19
constellation: Gemini

Drums: Jin
blood type: A
day of birth: July 22
astro: Cancer



  • 03.10.2007 VIRUS
  • 12.09.2007 VENOM
  • 14.03.2007 Fusion of the core (Limited+Regular Edition)
  • 12.07.2006 Nanairo no reienka


  • 19.11.2008 UNTITLED
  • 13.08.2008 Wailing Wall
  • 27.02.2008 RAGING BLOOD (TYPE S+R+W)
  • 20.12.2006 FINALE OF SCREW
  • 22.11.2006 HEARTLESS SCREEN
  • 25.10.2006 Sakuran SCREAM
  • 24.05.2006 Nejireta shiso
    • 21.06.2006 Nejireta shiso (2nd Press)


  • 10.10.2006 Shock Edge 2006
  • 08.09.2006 SHOCK WAVE CD Edition 6


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