Behind the sand dunes...Billy Martin/Joel Madden /mest /Gooc Charlotte von abgemeldet (my little secret) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- Behind the Sand dunes... Joels P.O.V. "Fuck! It's so hot! Come on get your stuff and let us drive to the beach!" Benji suggest. "I don't want to go to the beach. There too many people. And sun. I like myself better when I'm pale. You can clear out the freezer and get into it. That could help more." Billy says. He hates summer. But Benji don't give up. "We go to a private beach. Tony and the others came with us. And if you like yourself pale, just use sun blocker." He replies. I had to admit that it was really fucking hot and I wanted to go to the beach too. But I don't want to leave Billy all alone at home. "Come on, Baby. It will be fun to hang out with Tony and the rest. Please. For me!" I beg him, I wrap my arms around his hips and look him deep into his eyes. I know he can't resist that. "Ok, before you tie me up and darn me into the boot. But I don't swim, I don't play Beach Volleyball or anything like that! I just sit there and do absolutely nothing!" He agrees. I nod. I know he just jokes. He will enjoy our little trip, for sure. "Thank you!" I kiss him softly and pull him closer. I could hear Benji groan. "Can you do that please when we're on the beach? I melting away and you got nothing to do than that!" He complains. Sometimes he's like a little child. I pull away. "Calm down. We hurry up." I say and went into my room. To get my black bathing-trunks. I put them on under my casual clothes and went out. Benji already sits in his car and wait for us. I sit down on the front-passenger seat. He takes his Cell-phone and calls Tony. "He Darling!...Yeah, we're on the way...We just wait for Billy...Yeah we could convince him to came with us...yeah reluctantly...I know, he can wear some sun blocker...ok...Yeah I love you too, boo. See you soon." He hangs up and turns on the radio. They played a song from Rancid and Benji drums with his fingers on the handlebar, nod his head in the rhythm. After years it seems Billy came out and takes place behind me. He looks kinda pissed off, but he says nothing. Benji starts the entire and drive off. We don't have to drive long time. After ten minutes we arrive. Tony, Matt, Nick and Jeremiah were already there. They lie on their beach towels. "We're there!" Benji yells and drop down, next to Tony. They kiss passionately. I take Billy's hand and pull him to the guys. "Hello!" I greet them. "Hi Joely!" Jeremiah says pleased. He lays half on Matt who seems to sleep. "Aren't Paul and Chris there yet?" I ask them. Benji had told me on the ride that Paul and Chris would join us too. "Not yet." Nick answers instead of Jere. I check him out precise to find out that he just wearing a thong. Believe me, that's no lovely sight! I look disgusted up to Billy, who hasn't moved any inch. Billy's P.O.V. I admit. I hate summer. It's hot and you had to wear short clothes. Well, ok, that's no problem. My problem is the fact that everyone goes to the beach. Swimming. Well I can't swim. But that's my little embarrassing secret. Not even Joel knew it. And we're together since years now. But I can't resist if he looks at my like a puppy with his beautiful brown eyes. I think not even Benji can resist this look. So now I'm here, on the beach. Yeah, that surely looks ridiculous. Billy Martin on a beach. That's like a penguin in the desert. "Billy, come on, let's go to the changing cubicle." Joel interrupts my thoughts. "I change my clothes later." I tell him and sit down on a towel, lying next to me. "Come on, you're wearing a black hoodie!" Well, I had to admit I was already sweaty. I stood up and fallow him to the changing cubicles. I enter one and start to dress out. So, here is Billy Martin. In white bathing-trunks...with pink hamsters. It was a present from Joel. He found that thing pretty, I think it's weird. But that's the only trunks I got, so, what should I wear instead? I reluctantly left the changing cubicles. "DUDE! Billy, what are you wearing??" Tony yells when I came over to them. I could feel my cheeks blush, but I don't answer. I sit down beside Jeremiah. He smiles at me. One look and his smile brush aside. Joel came out too and sits down next to me. Tony stills laughs and Benji try to hide a grin. "What's the heck? Why are you laughing??" Joel want's to know. "Bout Billy's cute trunkers! Where did you buy that, Bill??" Tony chuckles. "I give it him to Christmas. Don't you like it?" Joel asks naive. The boys scream laughing. Joel looked confused. He shook his head and takes my hand. "Let's go to water. I melt away." He pulls me up. I walk down to the water with Joel. I just would go in the water until my waist. No one would notice if I only stand in the water. I can feel the sand under my feet. I may hate summer, but I like the feeling of wet sand under my feet. I can feel the wave's splash on my ankles and step into the water. It was worm from sun and I step deeper into the water until it reaches my hips. I didn't pay any attention to the others till I see Tony and Jeremiah run down to the water. Benji fallows them slowly. Matt wasn't anywhere, maybe he's looking for Chris and Paul. "Come on! What about a swim competition?" Tony yells. "Gee! Count on me!" Jere squeals. "Yeah! Let's go! Hurry up Billy!" Joel says and pulls me deeper into the water. I don't want to go to the water. I can't swim Joely! Well, why it's so hard to tell him that? Because I'm 23 and I should be able to swim. Maybe it's easy. It can't be that hard, I watched Baywatch and it seems pretty easy. I also don't want to make a fool of myself in front of the others. So I fallow them, even though that I was afraid. I still can feel the ground underneath my feet. I tell myself that nothing will happen. Suddenly a big wave pushes me under water and I loose the ground. All around is water. I try to come back to the surface, but I can't. I don't wanna drown! I feel that I drifting away. Someone locks his arms around my torso and pulls me up and jerks me to the beach. I gasp for breath. I blink a few times. Joel was over me and he looks scared. I cough and try to sit up, but Joel pushes me down again. I run my fingers over my face. Benji and Tony kneel beside me. Jere stands behind Joel. They all look concerned. "I'm ok! "I mumble and sit up. Benji gives Tony and Jere an unbelieving look. Joels P.O.V. There he sits. Tremble, fragile and coughing. He evades my sight, wrap his arms around his knees. What the hell is going on with him? I knelt down and put a finger under his chin, make him look into my eyes. He looks ashamed and tries to look away again. But I cup his face into my hands. "What's happened?" I want to know. I was worried. "I had a cramp..." He replies. He still stares at the ground. I know he lies. Something is wrong. "What's the matter?" I ask him. "Nothing, everything is right. I just had a cramp" He says reluctantly and push away my hands. Nothing is right. He almost get drown. What he tries to hide from me? "Tell me what's wrong!" I say slightly annoyed. Jere puts his hand sedative on my shoulder and Benji glances confused at me. "Nothing is wrong. I'm fine. Please leave me alone, would you be so kind?" I can't help but I rudely grab his arm and pull him behind a sand dune. Not paying attention at Benji or anyone else, but Billy. I push him down, my hands on his upper arms. He looks frighten and tries to push me away. "Tell me what's wrong. You know you can tell me everything. I don't tell anyone. So come on!" I say. "Joel! Please, leave me alone, I don't wanna talk to you!" He says angry. That annoys me much more. I shake him. "William Dean Martin! Tell me what's wrong! NOW!" He pushes me hardly away and look into my face. "I CAN'T SWIM! I'M FUCKING UNABLE TO SWIM!" He screams. "Are you crazy? Why you don't tell me that earlier? You could have died! You almost get drown. Why do you do that? YOU PLAYED WITH YOUR LIVE!" I was more shocked than angry. I should have known that. He almost rides his self into death. "I don't wanted to make a fool of myself in front of the others!" His eyes filled with tears and I immediately regret being so rough to him. I pull him closer and wrap my arms around him. Run my hand down his back. "Shhhh. I'm sorry, I don't wanted to be so rude to you." I whisper in his ear. He sobs and sniffs. I can feel his tears on my shoulder. His body trembles. Then he pulls away and finally faces me. "Why don't you told me?" I ask him. "I was ashamed. I'm 23 and I can't swim. That's so embarrassing." "No, it's ok. I don't tell anyone. I swear." I promise him. But he shakes his head, "Maybe it's better if the other knows it. I don't want that a thing like while ago happens again. It was horrible. I think I should go and tell them." He says. "Are you sure?" I ask him. He desperately shakes his head. I crawl behind him and pull his back against my chest. He rests his head on my shoulder. "I don't think you had to worry bout that the others will laugh at you. You know, they not that kind. They will understand it. Maybe you should take lessons, don't you think?" I ask, massaging his scalp. He quietly moans and nods his head. "You're right. But I think I need a little motivation." He mumbles. I grin and lean in to kiss him. "Well...I think I now exactly the right motivation." I agree. One hand slides under his bathing-trunkers. He was already excited... (a/n: well I'm not going to write a slash-ff. I haven't got a dirty fantasy... well...I lie...I got...but I don't share it with you...: P ...take your own fantasy...) Benjis P.O.V. I lay next to Tony, my head rests on his chest and his fingers run thru my hair. But I can't relax. My mind always drifts back to Billy. Tony seems to feel that I'm somewhere else with my thoughts and lean in to kiss me. "Still worried bout Joelsy and little Billy?" He asks. I nod. "It has been a long time since they left us." I mutter. "Well...maybe they do other things..." Tony's hand slides down to my stomach. I grin. I know what he means. He briefly kiss me. "May we should to?" He mumbles against my lips. He can't help but I grin. "I like the way you think. But where?" I ask and check my surround. "Well...Joels and Billys idea isn't bad. We got enough dunes..." he admits. He smirks and want's to stand up exactly when I see Joel and Billy came out from the dune. He grins and winks me. "Well...I really like to know what's happened." Tony chuckles. I could Joel grinning and Billy looks much better. Still pale, but better. "Well, what about the sun blocker? Aren't you afraid to get a tan?" I tease him. I notice that he really looks a bit frighten. "Well. Billy wants to tell you something..." Joel gave Billy a softly shove towards us. Billy suddenly seems to be very uncomfortable. "Err...I...I..." he stutters. Joel gave him an encouraging look and Billy nods nearly recognizable. "I haven't got a cramp while ago." He confesses. "What's happened instead?" Tony asks. Billy lightly bites his lower lip and glances at Joel. "I...well I can't swim." He admits. Joel rests his hand on his shoulder and Billy stares on the ground. Well, that wasn't what I had expected. "You can't swim?" Tony's jaw drops. I could see anger in his eyes. "Are you stupid? Why you haven't told us? You almost drown!" "Tony, please, Joel has already shouted at me because of this. And I haven't told you because I was afraid and ashamed." Billy replies. "Don't be ashamed. We never would tease you, just because you can't swim. That's nothing unusual." I calm him. "Tell me anyone beyond twenty who can't swim, aside from me." He mutters contemptuous. "Will Smith." I simply replied."You're kidding!" (a/n: well, that's really not kidding! It's real. But I think he already learn it now...well I never expectet that Will can't swim, but I heard it on news. But he now he can swim, I think he takes lessons.) He didn't believe me. "I'm serious, I'm not kidding. And he's older than you!" I can see that he smiles. "Are you feeling better now?" Tony asks. Joel sits down beside Tony and pulls Billy on his lap, wrap his arms around his waist. Joel grins. "I though you don't want to swim. But you did. What about beach volleyball now?" Billy groans. "You have to play without us...We going to adopt your idea..." Tony smirks. "Which idea?" Billy looks surprised. "Don't think we didn't know what you done behind the surely did more than talking." Tony giggles. "How do you hit upon that?" Joel raises an eyebrow, but he blushes lightly. "I know the pleasured grin of the Madden-twins, Joelsy." Tony pats Joels shoulder. "By the way? Has anyone see Jere and Matt the last time?" I ask. "No, not that I...Wait, be quiet a moment!" Joel whispers. We eavesdrop and suddenly I heard a dull moan. It sounds like Jeremiah. "'re not the only one who got the dune-idea..." Tony says dryly. Suddenly we all laugh out loud. "Benj, come on, let us join the dune-fuckers club too. " He took my hand and pulls me behind a distant dune. I could see Joel chuckle and wink me. Billy has lean against his chest and sticks his face into the sun. Seems like he mind get tan. Tony interrupts my thoughts when he pushed me into the sand, rolling over me. "So...that's time something new..." he mumbles before he kisses me hard. My hands run down his waist, shove down his bathing-trunkers. He did the same to me... (a/n: still not getting scenes...*gg* (well insider knows that this is a hit on the simple plan album)) Billys P.O.V. It wasn't hard as it seems. I really thought that at least Tony would laugh. Well I'm not finished at all. I also got to tell it Nick, Matt, Jere, Paul and Chris... I wonder where they are. Yeah, Matt and Jere behind the dunes. Crazy that we all got the same idea...But it isn't a bad idea. Even Tony and Benji like it. But where the hell is Nick? Surely he looks for Paul and Chris. "Do you think Paul and Chris would arrive before we got Christmas?" I ask Joel, who rest his head on my shoulder. "Maybe they got some dune-sex too. With Nick and his sexy thong." Joel giggles. I chuckle. Surely not. Paul, Nick and Chris are straight. Paul got a girlfriend. I lean in to kiss Joel, enjoying the silence. "Well. Jere and Matt are very tireless. Don't cha think?" I ask, after pull away. "May they still lay snuggle up to each other and enjoy being with each other!" "Yeah, maybe you're not the only desperate romantic guy..." I tease him. He pouts. "Add it! You love to cuddle with me, especially after sex." "No, I only admit that I love cuddle with you always." "You are a slimmer." Joel laughs. "Who's a slimmer?" I heard Paul saying. I turn around. He and Chris have finally arrived. "Are you all alone? Where have Jere, Matt, Tony and Benji gone?" Nick asks. I Grin at Joel. "Well, that's a long story. You better sit down, until I tell you." Maybe it's not as hard as it seams to confess that I can't swim, despite I'm 23. Epilogue I think I worried for nothing. Everyone take it easy. I should have trust them earlier. But sometimes we're all ashamed of things we shouldn't afraid of. We all got our mistakes and we all had to face them. I take lessons now. They whole Mest and Good Charlotte Members support me and it's really fun. I think I wasn't wrong at all when I thought it could be easy. Not easy as in the Baywatch episodes, but easy enough to learn it quickly. Well I got to go now. I don't want to leave Will alone with a grumble swim teacher and a crowd of 9 years old kids. And don't forget. Face your problems. This story is dedicated to my little sister Franziska (a.k.a. LilBilly). Hosted by Animexx e.V. (