Senseless von Leya ================================================================================ Kapitel 11: ------------ Disclaimer: Not mine. ~ Senseless 11 ~ /Dark! Help me!/ Daisuke pulled at Krads hands but the demon ignored his helpless attempts to break free. It almost seemed as if he didn't even notice the boy's weak struggling. //Let me out. I'll deal with him.// /Help me!/ Daisuke couldn't think straight. He was too terrified to listen what the thief had to say, too terrified to gather enough strength to let Dark help him. //I'm sorry.// Dark stated sadly and ripped his way through the boy's mind, something he never had done before. Mercilessly he pushed Daisuke out of his way sending him reeling into the back of his consciousness and took his place. "Finally!" Krad loosened his grip on Dark's throat and backed away. "He gave in?" "I forced him to let me out." When Krad's eyes lit up by his words Dark quickly continued. "Don't raise your hopes. I won't do it again. Ever. But the poor boy was too frightened to let me help him." "He's such a pathetic little weakling. How can you stand it to be at his mercy? To be his slave?" Krad pressed his lips together in disgust when Dark only laughed at him. "You're wrong, Krad. Daisuke wanted me to help him. We're friends. And because I'm his friend when this is over I'm giving his body back. Something you should do as well." "But you're in charge now! You can't give it up that easily! It's the best opportunity to regain control over your life again!" Krad heard himself begging and he hated it but he loved Dark so much it hurt sometimes. They knew each other for so long now and there was no way they ever got together. All he wanted was to have a little chance of happiness... He felt a hand caressing his cheek and his attention snapped back. "You still don't understand, don't you? I know you for so long now and I know you're not as cold as you're pretending to be. Listen to your heart, Krad." Dark's eyes looked so sad that the demon involuntarily responded to it. "We've no rights to claim their lives. Remember the time we were young. We've had our lives and it was our own fault we became what we are now. You and I we've made so many mistakes but we've no right to destroy those innocent kids because we're too stubborn to face reality." "No. I can't believe it! It's 'you' who don't understand! You know life's a bitch and you'll have to take what you want. That's all I've ever known and believe in." Krad still tried to deny it but Dark's words found their way into his heart and slowly but constantly the wall of ice surrounding his soul melted. "I know you love me, Krad. Ask yourself why you're here." Dark grabbed Krad's shoulders and held him firmly in place while he searched for the other's gaze. "You say you love me. Then show me your love by letting Satoshi and Daisuke live their lives undisturbed. We're nothing without our tamers and when being loved by you means to destroy Daisuke then I don't want your love." Krad closed his eyes feeling suddenly tired and empty. Deep in his heart he knew the thief was right but he was too frightened to change his behaviour. Satoshi would shut him away and then he would be lonely again. Alone in the darkness of Satoshi's mind without the slightest hope to become more than a useless thought. "I can't..." "Yes, you can! Trust me, I'll never let you down and I'm sure when you're not forcing yourself on Satoshi he'll forgive what you've done to him." Dark leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Krad's trembling lips. The kiss grew more and more passionate by every second, his tongue pleading for entrance and finally sneaking in exploring the moist cavern thoroughly. Backing away panting they looked at each other breathlessly before Dark noticed the silent tear running down Krad's cheek. "Don't cry." Dark kissed the tear away and gathered the stunned Krad in his arms. "I know you're only acting so cold and inhuman to protect your heart from hurting but there's no need to do so. You have so much love to give. You'll only have to trust yourself." "Why am I forced to live again and again when there's no hope for freedom? I don't want to be punished any more for something I've never done! It wasn't my fault!" Krad whispered so quietly that Dark had to strain his ears. "When I give in I'll be alone. I'll always be alone." "No, you're not alone. I'm your friend and I promised you to be yours when you give up your attempts to destroy everyone who tries to help or love you." Dark's fingers slipped under Krad's shirt and began to stroke his back with gentle movements. The demon stared at him in utter shock. "What you're think you're doing?" "I'm showing you how much I care." Again Dark tried to kiss him but this time Krad pushed him away. "Stop it! You're making no sense at all, Dark! I know you don't love me so stop fooling me! You love Satoshi. Can't you see you're hurting me when you're acting like this? Don't make me believe you care for me because it's not true!" Dark chuckled and pushed the demon back on the bed before he joined him quickly. "I'll show you what I feel and then you can decide if it's true or not." ~ //I'm sorry, Daisuke. He needs me.// Dark was laying on the bed, cradling the sleeping demon in his arms. The boy in his mind sighed sadly. /Now I know he doesn't love me. I'm nothing to him. He would kill me without even thinking about it./ //He's not really bad, Daisuke. No-one ever showed him real love before. You don't know what happened before he became the curse of the Hikari family. He was one of the most exceptional artist the world had ever seen. But he was an orphan and no-one gave him a chance. Until the head of the Hikari family adopted him. He and his two natural sons treated him like crap. Krad gave them everything but they only used him for years. When he finally had enough and wanted to leave them...// Dark shook his head when the memories flew back in his mind. //All that Krad ever wanted was love. But after several years he finally realised his new father was only using him to enlarge his means.// /But how...?/ //Hikari senior refused to let him go. He loved the money he earned with Krad's paintings and the comfortable life he had. He decided that no-one should ever have what he had. He hired someone to help him and the two of them performed a dark and sinister ritual to destroy Krad's body and to bind his soul to the Hikaris. Condemned to live his life as a forgotten memory, a mere thought without the chance to gain his freedom.// /That's... How can someone be that cruel?/ Daisuke sounded like he was on the verge of tears. /Couldn't you do something? You were there, don't you? Why didn't you help him?/ //Because I was the man who helped Hikari to destroy Krad's life.// tbc Hosted by Animexx e.V. (