Senseless von Leya ================================================================================ Kapitel 19: ------------ Disclaimer: Not mine. Only one or two more chapters and I'm done *smiles* Hope you like it so far^^ -*-*- Senseless 19 -*-*- 'What have I done?' Screaming. Harsh words and the sickening sound of a fist connecting with bare skin. 'Why?' The blade of the old knife moved in irregular patterns over the white chest of his victim. 'How could I?' Blood splatters and when he steps back he leaves red marks on the floor. 'That's not me! I would never do something cruel like that!' He throws the knife away and stars at the bloodied mess in front of him what once was a beautiful blond demon... -NO!- Satoshi woke with a startled scream. He clutched his hands to his chest and when his breathing finally slowed down, he told himself that it had been a dream. -Only a dream. Nothing more.- A single white feather passed his eyes and suddenly he knew it hadn't been a dream. It had been real. Cruel, harsh reality. Satoshi's mind desperately struggled for it's sanity while he fought against his memories of what he had done and failed miserably. Shivering he curled himself into a tight little ball. And when he cried out in horror and pain his voice nearly choked with tears. -What have I done?- -*-*- /How is he?/ Dark sighed and looked at the still unconscious form laying motionless on the bed. //I don't know. We have to wait until he wakes up. Then we'll see if he'll be able to live with what he has done...or not.// For a long time Daisuke said nothing. Then he asked in a low voice. /This amulet... where does it come from? Tell me about it./ The thief shrugged helplessly and leaned back. When his back rested against the bed he crossed his legs and tried to figure out what to say. //As I told you before it was created by Krad's stepfather. The first Hikari... you know what happened. What kind of man he was. What he did to Krad.// Dark closed his eyes and tried to banish the memories but it was to no avail. //Sometimes I think this amulet only was another torture. I have never seen someone so... I don't know... He 'hated' Krad. But I don't know why.// The red-haired boy thought about this for several moments then he turned his attention back to Satoshi who suddenly was restlessly moving in his sleep. /What happened?/ //He's dreaming. There are many things he has to work out with Krad and no-one can help him. It's something he has to get over with on his own. All we can do is wait. Only when he awakes, we will know as it stands about him and Krad.// Dark caressed softly with the fingertips through the soft blue hair of the boy and sighed again when Satoshi winced in pain. /What can we do, if Satoshi.../ Daisuke hesitated. /...when he no longer.../ This time the thief didn't answer but Daisuke nevertheless sensed so how desperately he was. They looked at the boy and hoped they weren't about to lose him. -*-*- Krad blinked helplessly into the soft white light surrounding him and tried to figure out where he actually was. All he remembered was pain. A pain so intense, so utterly destroying he had never felt before. He turned around his head but he seemed to be completely alone. Where...? He tried to sit up and nearly screamed when a sharp flash of pain in his wings reminded him that this had been a bad idea. Krad fell back and lay there, panting heavily until the pain finally dimmed to a throbbing feeling slowly subsiding in his tortured body. When he caught his breath he made a new attempt to move. Slowly and much more carefully this time he sat up and reached around himself for one of his wings. He shuddered when he felt a warm substance staining his fingers which he recognised as blood. The places where his feather's had been hurt more than he ever experienced before. Gently he let his fingertips trail over the bold places and again he shuddered. He had lost so many of his feather's that he wondered why he still was alive. Disgusted he wiped the blood off on his clothes and locked around for his other half. He didn't know where he actually was but Satoshi 'had' to be here. It surely wasn't Satoshi's apartment. Krad just stared at the whiteness surrounding him and at least his memory came back. He went back into the boy's mind and then... Sighing he looked around. He needed to talk to his host. =Satoshi?= He was completely alone. Again he whispered the name of his host but still there was no response. Krad felt rather lonely and depressed. Although the boy had hurt him badly and nearly killed him, he still cared for him. He hadn't lied when he said that the boy was his everything even if everything else had been a lie. And now he was all alone and... blinking he stared at the small blue light in an absent corner of their shared mind. Worried he approached the light and reached out with his hand to touch it. With a startling suddenness the light transformed into Satoshi's body. -Leave me alone!- Strong hands pushed him away and Krad stumbled backwards, too stunned to resist. =Satoshi...= -I said, leave me alone!- Finally Satoshi looked up and revealed his pain to the demon. Gasping in surprise Krad took in the worn out features of his other half and pity wrenched his heart. =Please... talk to me...= -Why can't you leave me alone? After all what we've done to each other!- =It wasn't your fault.= No reaction. Krad sighed and grabbed Satoshi's shoulders. Still the boy didn't react but the demon won't wait any longer. =Let me show a something...= -No.- =Please... come with me...= He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead, before he closed his eyes and opened his mind to Satoshi and made him see. =There's something I want to show to you.= ~ Flashback ~ "This amulet will help us to hold him under control." Hikari put the silver nugget in the flask and placed it on the fire. "And now give me the formula." His son hesitated only for a few moments, then he passed the heavy, dark leather book to his father and took a step back. "What happens when you were wrong?" "I won't be wrong." Hikari scattered a little salt over the silver and poured water into the flask. "And now shut your mouth. I must concentrate." The flames heated the water until it began to bubble. Into this moment, Hikari closed his eyes. "Kor'th al'rha tor. Ishe ter'to tal. Ma to ftha shel ak." When the last syllable had died away, the flame grew higher and the silver in the flask began to alter its form. With a terrified look on his face his son stepped back once more but Hikari only smiled contentedly. It was done. He placed the amulet around his neck and summoned Krad. ~ End Flashback ~ -Why did you show me something like that?- =Because I want you to understand. = Krad answered sadly. =And because I want to show you a way out of our problem.= -A way out?- Sceptically Satoshi raised one eyebrow. His Alter Ego silenced him with a finger he put on the boy's lips and let the vision continue... ~ Flashback ~ "I want you to help him." Hikari told his former stepson and gestured towards the picture, his son was drawing. It was an undefined mess of red and yellow stripes and Krad only stared at it in shock. 'There's nothing I can do. He's a fool.' "Krad..." Hikari grabbed the hand of the demon and drew him nearer. "Do I have to repeat the lesson?" Fear showed in the eyes of the blond-haired young man. 'No! Please, no! Not again.' "I see you're able to learn, my beautiful angel." Hikari smiled cruelly and caressed the soft skin on the demons face, before he took out the amulet and pressed it against the chest of the demon. "But you questioned my orders. I can't let you get away with something like that." A bright light broke out of the amulet and Krad vanished with a terrified scream. ~ End Flashback ~ A vision? No. It seemed to be more. A memory. Satoshi looked at the demon in front of him, not sure what to do or say. Krad watched him for several seconds with an unreadable expression in his golden eyes. He seemed to wait for something. When Satoshi said nothing he stepped back and sighed. =I know you don't believe me but I love you.= Krad saw the confusion in the boys eyes and smiled. =If that's what you want I'll go, Satoshi.= -Go? Where too?- =You can seal me inside it and I'll never bother you again.= Krad backed away and pointed to the amulet. =Seal me inside it and then you'll be free.= Satoshi blinked in surprise and looked at his demon for more than a minute in stunned silence. -Seal you?- =That's what happened before. Hikari sealed me inside it when I won't behave the way he wanted me to. I'm not able to leave as long as you're not allowing me to.= -What? Why do you tell me something like this?- Satoshi asked with growing confusion. -You give me the weapon to destroy you?- Krad's voice faded. =Not destroy. You only render me harmless.= The boy was lost in his thoughts and when he finally looked up, the demon was gone. tbc Hosted by Animexx e.V. (