The Sound of the Sea (16+) von LadyMalice (??? x Reader Lovestory) ================================================================================ Kapitel 10: Ch 2 - 2. Unlucky Events ------------------------------------ The loud cry of a sea gull was the first thing you heard that morning. Grimacing you rubbed your eyes, feeling not quite satisfied about your sleep. It wasn't very restorative. You woke up make times due to the sea condition. Not to mention that your sleep was always a little poor.   The sun had risen in all its glory. The bright rays fell on your face, as you moved and stretched. Again a warm, sunny weather. You'd been lucky so far, because you haven't experienced any  ridiculous changes of weather. Travelling with this small sailboat was dangerous, since it wouldn't withstand great storms. Yet, 'lucky' like you were, you had already faced a brutal storm with thousands of volleys trying to freaking batter you to death. Good thing your little wooden boat had survived this shit or else you would've had to swim miles to the next island. You had no desire to do so... your swimming skills were awful.   Groaning you stood up and looked around in the hope of seeing some island. In fact, you saw a huge island on the skyline in front of you. You read the Log Pose correctly this time. Yush! Grinning you sat down, grabbed the paddles and rowed towards the island. Since the wind wasn't on your side, you had to rely on your own strength. That was the thing with this stupid boat: it would leave the route, if you didn't correct it like this. Sometimes your arms felt like they would fall off any second. Annoying... but you didn't find any chance to change the boat, let alone to travel with others.   You still had to be careful about the marine dudes - you didn't know if they kept searching for you. In general you tried to lie quiet and not to cause any scene. What was hard... you loved to battle with idiots who believed you were harmless. Their faces were priceless every time, plus you got a lot of money from them, hehe!   You sighed contently, looked up to the sky and spaced out. How long were you travelling now? One or two months had passed for sure, some things had happened. You always tried to stay hidden, but sometimes there were so many dudes who asked for a beat-up, which ended in a rather big disaster on some small islands. Not every brawl was a fun and careless one. You learned that many men, particularly male pirates desired woman's body and did everything to get it. By everything it meant even kill or force themselves on you.   It was a huge improvement that you weren't the same girl as many years ago. They didn't get killed by your second side... the monster that was hidden within you. At least, you didn't remember that it got out of hand. It wouldn't to any good if your second side went crazy. Shaking your head, you ordered yourself to concentrate and you rowed faster.   ---   It  was nearly midday when you finally reached the docks. You jumped off the boat and stretched with a content sigh. Great! Solid ground beneath your feet! Such a wonderful feeling! You didn't get seasick or anything of the kind, but it was annoying to swing with every wave from one side to another and backwards. You grabbed your bag, tied your boat to the dock and moved towards the city. Seemed like it was a rather big one. But where the hell did you land this time? You watched your Log Port, but it didn't show anything special. Annoyed you put it inside your bag. Well, it wasn't of any importance.   You moved over to the entrance of the city. A big, flashy sign hung on the gate of the city. "Holy Ground of...blabla V'run.", you read aloud, furrowing your brows at the weird name that you couldn't pronounce. You shrugged and decided to search for a café or a restaurant. Letting your view wander, you noticed that the people here walked kind of stiffly, like they were tense due some unknown reason. Even stranger was, that the looks of the people changed the further you walked into the town. Poor looking people on the border of the town, the richer looking near the centre. It resembled the system of your own home, Gularia. The citizens were also divided into quarters, the noble ones were on the inner rings of the town. The inner rings stood under better protection than the outer ones.   You hated this stupid system of ranks. The rich always claimed that their existence was more important than any other. You were so sick of their attitude. Back then in Gularia you had a lot of trouble with the male ones who believed they could have their way with you. Too bad that something stopped them. This very dangerous side of yours seemed to protect you in some way... in another, it didn't. Halting in your movement, you took out your stylish sunglasses and put them on. It would be better to refuse the view of your eyes to others. The most male reacted by only one glance of yours and you really didn't want any trouble this time.   "Hmm" There was this smell... a very strange smell hung in the air, warning all of your senses. You didn't lose the feeling of danger. The people behaved odd. They gathered in clusters, gossiping lowly about something you couldn't hear and even looked with fear at you, like they were afraid that you desired to harm them. When you directly looked at them, the gathered people turned away, loudly talking about their dresses. Oh yeah, they wore all the same kind of dresses... what a stupid fashion.   You moved over to a rather big building with a sign  'The Lucky Pan' that obviously was an inn from the view of the big building. It would look very pleasant if the walls weren't grey. Some colour would gain more attention, but... now that you thought about it... every house in this street was painted in grey. The houses arranged in a straight line, they looked alike and had almost the same height. Only some buildings like this inn were higher than standard.   You shot another glare to the people around you who stared at you like you were some kind of monster. Their attention was all over you as if there was a sign with the label 'Newcomer'. "What?", you snapped loudly, so that they flinched and disappeared into another building. They were obviously gossiping about you. Was their life this boring? "Idiots..." Annoyed you entered the inn and moved towards the bar, taking a seat and waiting for the barman.   The awaited barman came from a door that seemingly led inside the kitchen. He noticed you, but ignored you until he served some men food. Afterwards he came over and greeted you. "Welcome, lady. You're new here, huh?", he asked with a deep, rough voice. While he took a glass and cleaned it, he put a cigar in his mouth, lit it and took a deep breath.  He smiled at your confused look, since not every guy greeted you as frankly as he did. "You wear the wrong clothes, lady. If the rulers of this town see you, you'll get into big trouble", he informed you lazily, took another glass and cleaned it.   "My clothes?", you repeated irritated and looked down. What was wrong with them? You didn't look like a bitch who searched some fun, right? Thinking about the strange attitude of this people, you realised a fact. Every female you had seen wore a dress. A very strict and boring looking dress, while the male wore shirts and trousers. They didn't wore uniforms, but it was obviously some dress code that they had to follow. So that's why they looked the same. "It's a crime to wear trousers for a woman?"   The barman laughed and shook his head. "No, but it's a crime not to wear the dress that you are supposed to wear. If the rulers of this land see you..."   "Then I'll get into trouble, yes.", you finished his sentence. "I'd love to eat something nice. What's your advice for me? Or is eating forbidden?", you asked slightly amused. You wouldn't stay here for too long. Alone the fact that the citizens got suppressed by some superpower annoyed you. You had a very headstrong and negative opinion towards nobles and rich man. It wasn't like you were full of prejudices, but... yeah.   The barman laughed. "It's your problem, not mine", he answered, "But a warning for you, lady." He leant over to you, mumbling the next words: "The lords won't hesitate to hurt you. In fact... the way you look they would take you with them... in their domain." He looked around, being careful about the fact that he told you. "I could give you some clothes, so they probably would ignore you."   Irritated by his words you stares at him. What was he talking about? Why would the people even listen to some random nobles? A strange thought hit you, as he gained some distance. "Hey... barman", you started, "Are you possibly talking about Celest-" Before you finish your sentence, the man pressed his large palm on your mouth. His glare told you, that you were right and insane at the same time, to dare to speak it out aloud.   "Yes. And the families that live here aren't the kindest ones. They decide everything on this island... even the stuff we sell", he hissed, making you realize that this man was risking his life to explain you the details. Apparently he took a liking to you without knowing you at all. "Listen, lady. I can see that you have absolutely no idea in what danger you just stepped. If you need supplies, I'll give you some for little money.", he offered you, while he still held your mouth shut. "If you aren't part of the marine, you will be in great danger. Someone with this charismatic appearance is easy prey for the nobles." The last word was only a low, dark hiss. He seemed to hate the lords of this ground. Well, no wonder. You had heard a little about the Celestial Dragons by Mihawk. But he had never told you that they were this shitty towards people.   You nodded simply and took a deep breath, after he released you. After you glared annoyed at him. "I don't intend to stay here forever. This island just happened to be the next one on my route", you growled lowly, trying not to get the attention of the few customers who were looking into your direction. You lowered your sunglasses a little, so you could look directly into the eyes of the middle-aged man. "I can't stand people treated like scum. But I won't get you into trouble, I promise. So what the fuck is wrong here?", you hissed. When you noticed a shady guy leaving the inn, you got a very bad feeling. Maybe you should hurry and set sail. "Something to eat would be still great though...", you mumbled, your stomach also gave a very loud comment about your need.   The barman froze for some seconds, then he stared to laugh loudly. "You're a very charming lady", he stated amused. "My first impression was right, you aren't bad at all" He grinned and clicked his fingers. "Stan, make the lady your biggest portion of fried chicken and rice!", he ordered and poured a lemonade into a glass and put it in front of you. You took a sip, smiled happily and enjoyed a mouthful later on. The barman grinned satisfied. Then he tapped on the counter, looking to the side. "Play some music!", he ordered and a funny looking guy with a large cylinder started to play a very cheerful melody on his piano.   It didn't take long, as your dish was served. Trying a bite you sighed contently. "Awesome...", you stated, making the barman and the cook super happy. Both of them stood in front of you and chatted. They sounded very cheerful, when they asked you about your journey and why you even got here. But after some time they went silent.   The barman leant over you. Munching your food you looked up, listening to his next spoken words. "The nobles appeared some years ago and made this land their own. They made up ridiculous rules... if we don't obey, they'll simply kill us", he murmured lowly. You drank from your glass and lifted your brows astonished. "They treat everyone the same... like dirt... we are nothing to them. It doesn't matter if they kill citizens or visitors. And... women are generally in danger. Beauties like you get enslaved", he informed you with a serious expression.   You swallowed the piece of meat and crossed your arms. Horrible... his information was terrible. "Why do you endure this shit?", you asked uncomprehendingly. "You are the greater mass than the few of them, right?"   The barman stared with shock at you. "Lady, are you crazy?!", he growled lowly. "We cannot offend them... if we dare to, they will send soldiers... no even worse. They could demand a Buster Call in order to destroy the entire island. These people can call admirals in a blink of an eye." He gulped at the thought, poured a drink in his glass and took a huge mouthful. "No one offenses a noble. It's an unspoken rule... touching them is already a crime."   You continued eating. So world nobles were even worse than you imagined. It meant big trouble to meet a single one. Perhaps this man was right and you should leave the island as soon as possible. You sighed discontent. Your original plan was to find some nice guys who would let you sail with them. But after hearing this horror story you had no desire left to explore the city. There were rules that you had to follow: Don't mess with Celestial Dragons. Even Mihawk told you so. Finishing your meal, you supported your arms on the counter. "Hey, mister. How much?", you asked, but you only got a warm smile from the man.   "Nothing.", he replied. "Actually my cook prepared a forbidden meal for you. The nobles decide what's on the menu" You giggled at his comment, he was wiggling his eyebrows. "It's not poisoned, right? They have no taste" He also laughed. "Stan has prepared you a box with food and drinks. That's the only thing you need to pay"   "Thank you!" You paid for the supplies and hopped of the chair. "It was delicious! Thank you, Stan!" The cook blushed a little. He was a cute blond guy, young and maybe inexperienced with girls. But hey, he was great at cooking. "Was nice to meet you", you told them and took the large bag with your supplies. It was almost as big as you, so the cook offered you to carry it for you. But you refused. You were stronger than he believed. Grabbing the bad with one hand and throwing it over your shoulder let his mouth fall open. You giggled and tousled his hair. "Grow up into a fine man. I'll visit again", you stated, making him blush even more.   The barman stood right next to you. "Be careful. The marine soldiers who are positioned here work for them. They won't help you, if you get into trouble with nobles.", he informed you.   "No big deal", you answered grinning, "I'm not stupid and I'm not weak."   "Haha, I like you. Would be great to meet you again", he stated. Suddenly he lifted his finger, signalling you to wait. After some time he returned and hold a compass in front of your face. "It's an Eternal Port. You can always find this island with this compass", he told you smiling. "Maybe you come next time with some kind of force and make these scumbags disappear."   "Nice" You took the Eternal Port and put it inside your shoulder bag. "I will. You really helped me", you answered happily. After you bid farewell, you left the building and looked around. It was quiet. The street was as quiet as usually a graveyard was. There were a few people who rushed inside of the building or in the side alley of the main street.   Shrugging you moved towards the docks. This island was super stupid. Why were people so scared to offend guys like the Celestial Dragons? Were they really that awful? Rethinking the words of the barman, you guessed that they were. Killing everyone because of dumb reasons was a bad trait of human nature. Arrogance and power... these guys had it. But the fact of the word government ignoring cases like these was foul. You had reasons why you started to hate this so called body of justice.   "Hey, move aside, girl!", a man shouted. Confused you looked up and stared at two tall guys who pushed some people away and stood in front of you now. "Move! The mighty lord: Saint Nathan V'run is trying to enjoy his walk! Don't befoul his majesties view!", he growled angrily.   You blinked, stared further up and noticed a very cheesy guy sitting on a white horse. The horse was probably trice as big as the round guy. You would even say that the man riding the hose was a walking ball. One of his teeth hang loose on the corner of his mouth. His narrow, small eyes stared blankly at nothing in front of him. There was something like a bubble that framed his rather big head. "Girl, move aside!", the other man shouted and pushed you away, causing you to stumble and drop your bag.   "Ouch", you hissed and crashed into the wall of a small house. You'd love to punch the guy, but you ignored it, got your bad and tried to move away. But as soon, as you hold up your bag, you heard a very childish, annoying voice. Cursing lowly you saw that the man on the horse was looking at you. 'Great... I did run into trouble... I should've changed the clothes...', you thought.   "Why is this woman not wearing the dress of poverty?", he asked his bodyguards who shrugged. "Maybe a visitor", one answered, only to get kicked in his face. Nathan V'run hated if someone interrupted him. He didn't finish his statement in his point of view. "Why is this woman hiding her eyes?" He clicked his fingers and pulled his pistol, causing his guards to act immediately. Your arms got pulled to the side, every guard held one side. You were tempted to kick their asses, but you decided to stay calm. Even after one pulled down your sunglasses, you kept silent.   Your (e/c) glowing orbs were revealed to the Celestial Dragon who growled displeased. "Move her head up, I can't see her face", he demanded. One guard pushed your chin up, so that the noble could stare in your eyes. 'Shit' Was the only word that you could think of, when you noticed how the man's expression changed. Of course this stupid guy had a poor willpower. He obviously fell for your charm that made him want you. "Her... I want her.", he stated breathlessly. "This girl... that's my new slave... I want her."   You stared at the man blankly. "What?", you finally said, unintentionally increasing the desire of the noble. "Me? A slave?" You couldn't believe that this man truly could make you one, just because he wanted. But as you noticed the faces of some spectators that dared to appear, you realised that he had the power to do so. You were in deep shit now. Next time you should listen to nice guys' advises. You let your vision move from one side to another, trying to figure out, what options you had to get out of here. Your boat wasn't the fastest one... so you had to make them lose track of you.   Apart from the looks filled with pity you didn't see any other option than running. "Sir, I wouldn't make a good one", you tried with a cheeky smile, but Nathan V'run didn't care.   "Stop annoying.", he stated indifferent. "If you didn't look this good.... and didn't have this heavenly voice, I would've shoot you for your mouth" Clumsily he got of his horse. Well, he tried, until another guard ran towards him and took him down. After Nathan V'run stood on his own feet, he kicked the guard and snorted. "Go away, scum.", he growled. Then he moved in front of you. Man, this tiny man was maybe half as big as you, maybe a little taller. With another flip, the guards forced you on your knees. Being face to face with this scumbag was exactly what he wanted.   "Such a beauty", he mumbled, touching your cheek and grinned cheesy. "You will make a perfect maid. My personal maid, yes." He sighed dreamy. "Other clothes... yes. I will call a dressmaker for you. What's your name, slave?"   Wow... You had met him for some minutes and he was already pissing you off. The sensation of his touch was disgusting. You had no desire to become a slave, just because he wanted you to. "Evans.", you replied simply. "And I won't be your toy, sir." With a quick move, you freed yourself from the guards and punched their faces. Since they didn't expect you to be this strong, they flew on the ground, holding their noses and cursing loudly. You straightened up and looked down on the noble who obviously was angry.   "Kneel down in front of your master", he ordered and pointed the gun at you. "Dare to show more disrespect and I'll shoot you. Though, it'll be a shame to kill you" His voice was so annoying. You grimaced at the sound and pressed your hands on your ears. Nathan V'run stare was irritated when he watched your gesture. He gritted his teeth and stomped on the ground. "I order you to kneel down!"   "Sorry, but I won't stay here with you", you answered back, "I'm not into this kind of game" With a wink you grabbed your stuff, jumped on the roof and ran towards the docks. Unfortunately the angry cry of the noble man caused lots of soldiers to appear and hunt you. There was no way that you would surrender. But it would become a huge problem, if they chased you until dawn. Annoyed you jumped from one roof to another. A very well known noise reached your ear. You stopped your movement and felt shots flying right next to you. They would've hit you, if you didn't stop moving. "Tsk"   Before you could go on, you felt someone appearing right behind you. You couldn't even act as fast as the stranger tackled you down. He pushed your face on the roof tiles and snorted loudly. "No running away, slave. Saint Nathan V'run has chosen you. Bow before your master.", he growled. The next sentence was only a quiet whisper. "Listen girl, don't make it worse than this." There was a lot of effort needed, before you could turn your head to the side and get a glimpse of the huge man that held you down. His skin was darkly tanned, yet you could see a lot of scarves on his skin. A weird chain was around his neck, it looked like some dog collar to you. He didn't let you react in any way. He got a hold of your neck, dragged you along and threw you in front of the feet of the noble man.   "Get her a collar. I don't want my beautiful slave to run away again.", he told the man, who nodded, but held you down. He glared at the guards who nodded and ran off. You growled and tried to get up, but the force of the tall guy was too strong. "What is your first name, slave? Tell me and I won't be too harsh on you", Nathan V'run asked you, but you refused to tell. You had no intention of giving up. You simply needed time to figure out a plan, before they could do something weird.   "I won't tell, if this asshole pushes my face on the ground", you growled and relaxed a little, after you got pulled up. Now you were sitting on your knees, you really were annoyed by these idiots. How could you make them lose their interest? You tried to look at the huge man who seemingly was a slave - he had a collar after all and tried to get his attention. But the guy ignored your glances, turned your head towards the noble and kept silent.   "Tell me... your full name", the noble demanded. His fingers travelled over the edge of your chin, running down your throat and eventually behind your ear. You shivered at the touch in disgust, while Nathan V'run looked pleased. "I see. You won't obey", he mumbled. Clicking his fingers the slave behind you dragged your arms on your back, pulled you up in order to make you sit on the ground. Once again he pulled his pistol and held it in your direction. Barely a second passed when he fired a shot that heavily streaked your left arm and made you cry out. The wound bled straight away, a low smell of burnt flesh hung in the air.  Your body shivered at the sudden pain.   "Bastard..." You cursed annoyed at his action, shooting glares at the noble. He was provoking you to kick his ass, right? No one wouldn't mind if you did. Gr.   "People of this holy land! Watch my divine punishment for this girl who doesn't obey me!", he shouted. A small crowd of people came closer, watching the scene in front of their eyes.   Scared. They were scared but had to watch it. You could read their mind on their faces. What did this shitty bastard intend to do? Trying to free yourself you noticed how the noble touched your sides and moved his hands up to your breast. A perverted grin spread across his ugly face. He resembled a pig even more than before. You struggled from his touch, but you couldn't do much. The slave behind you was stronger than it would be good for you. His grip was though and hurt a little.   Nathan V'run laughed amused and enjoyed the feeling under his fingers. "I know exactly where your mark will be", he whispered excited. "On your beautiful chest... and I will engrave my name on your skin... such a soft skin..."   You growled when you felt his hands that moved under your top that he pulled up slowly. That bastard couldn't intend on harassing you in front of others, right? He would drag you to his cursed house, right? You were praying that this bastard would give you at least some chance to kick his ass. But he remained touching your skin and whispered things that you didn't want to hear. At the time he touched your belt and tried to open it, you narrowed your eyes and hissed angrily.   "Don't touch me, you jerk!", you growled, but had to realise in disgust that he was sort of pleased by your reaction. You struggled furiously when he opened the zipper of your trousers. "Hey!"   "Shut up!" Nathan V'run growled, slapped you and pushed the pistol against your throat. "You are not allowed to speak!" He grimaced annoyed at your frown. After hearing the low sound of the gun's clip, you went silent and gritted your teeth. This was a real problem. You couldn't move recklessly or else he would shoot. The noble observed your reaction a little longer, then he grinned satisfied. "That's better."   Again the noble came closer, you could feel his breath on your skin. "Your new name is Candy. You'll be my love slave", he purred. You were really sick by his ideas. The image in your head caused a nauseous feeling in your stomach. You'd love to vomit right in his face. "Call me master", he breathed against your neck. As he tried to touch your breast, you growled angrily.  In this very moment your (e/c) orbs shone brightly, while your voice changed. A very simple, but major order left your lips.    "Don't touch me"            The Celestial Dragon froze. He stopped touching you and drew his hands back. Fascinated he stared at you with glowing eyes. "No one gives me orders", he mumbled moony and watched your face. His grin disappeared. No, he rather looked absolutely bewitched. "You're my toy... get the collar, you scum...", he mumbled first to you, then you his guards. He didn't turn his attention away from you. Even the arrival of his guard who had the collar wasn't of any importance.   "Let me free." Your own voice was strange to you. But as the anger inside of you kept increasing, the fewer it mattered for you. You wouldn't allow a shabby guy like him humiliate you in front of others... rather said: in general. No fucking guy - noble or not - was allowed to do that! You gave a shit about his rank. "I said... let me go"   The guards and the slave stared confused at their lord who nodded vacantly and clicked his fingers. "Let her free", he mumbled. As soon as he had spoken the words, the man behind you let you free.  Using a quick move you unsheathed your daggers and kicked the slave into the house behind him. "Asshole!", you growled. It might be that he was under the control of this man... but he could've let you go, right? You grimaced angrily.   Suddenly your eyes widened at the image inside your head. You got shot in your back twice... the collar was put around your neck and made weird sounds, before it exploded. You held your breath and dashed to the side, so you didn't get shot. You stared blankly at the noble who was shooting at you. This man dared an attempt on killing you. "Bastard", you hissed and dashed towards him. Your mimic was as cold as ice. Your frown caused Nathan V'run to freeze and root to the place. He wasn't able to move a single muscle. He was scared to death... your frown curdled his blood.   A piercing cry left the mouth of the noble, when you struck him and cut his bubble and left a 'X' mark on his chest. But that wasn't all. You were that furious that you cut every single of his fingers from his hands with quick slashes. This guy deserved even more of a punishment than just losing his fingers... but you had no time to demonstrate how poor his existence was. Blood spread on the ground, he followed soon after and lost consciousness due to his shock. You glared at the guards who ran towards their lord. The crowd around you stared at you in disbelief, they couldn't understand how you could dare to hurt a noble, especially a Celestial Dragon. Ignoring the gawking crowd you tried to get away, but hey... there was some more trouble.   As much luck as you had this time another idiot on a white horse appeared, apparently another Celestial Dragon. This time however it was a girl. "Brother!", she shrieked, her gaze fell on you. "You... how dare you...!? Get her!" You rolled your eyes, jumped on the roof and dashed into another direction as before. Loud hooters echoed through the alleys of the city. You could hear navy soldiers from afar. Damn it! You had no luck today. Jumping down into a random alley, you decided to search the inn that you were visiting before. Good thing, that you memorized the location and the name 'The Lucky Pan'. It didn't take long to reach the inn and slip in.   "Mister, I need your help", you yelled, ignoring the shocked looks of the barman and the cook. Blood was all over you. Your left arm was drenched in red due to the shot that had hit you. "Don't worry! Please, I need to hide here!"   The barman blinked and heard the loud shouts of the soldiers. He gestured you to follow him. He lead you into the kitchen and made you hide in the hidden store room under the kitchen. There was this very well hidden trapdoor next to the fridge where usually a barrel stood. "Hide there... we will call you, if the crowd calms down", he mumbled. With a low thanks you slid into the room and lit a candle. After the man shut the door, you heard like he pushed the barrel right on its place.   Only some minutes passed when you heard many angry voices. They obviously asked if you were hiding somewhere in here. From the steps you could guess that they searched you, even if the barman wasn't too happy about their brash attitude. From the sounds you heard you could tell that they pushed around barrels and destroyed some furniture.   During their search you tried to calm down. Your heart was beating fast and your breath was hectic. That dirty brat scared you for a moment... touching you in front of his idiotic spectators was the poorest thing you had ever seen. Cursing you pressed your hand on your wound. That dirty bastard... You pulled a small neckpiece out of your shoulder back and tied your wound with it. At least it wouldn't bleed that strong anymore. You could hear your own breath, when you tried to clean the blood. Damn, the wound really hurt!   This incident meant trouble. You didn't only hurt a noble, you had again used this strange power additionally. You were lucky that it had worked this time. You had no knowledge about doing it at will. Guys... guys like him who desired you this badly reacted to your voice... you could give them orders. If you flirted a little with them, they fell for a certain tone of your voice and acted like you wanted them to. Yet, it didn't work every time. You really had no idea what the fuck this ability was about. Sometimes it worked, another time not, causing weird looks from others at you.   You knew that you had to learn it... to control this weird ability. From what you could guess you had to use it in order to leave this island. Cursing you looked up and tried to figure out how to leave this island. Steps echoed through the storage room, causing you to flinch. Hopefully they wouldn't find you... you really had no desire to see what kind of punishment awaited you for cutting his fingers off. "...." Again you heard voices. The cook and the barman were having a fight with some soldiers. Suddenly another voice - a female one - sounded.   "Where is she?", the shrill voice on the female who you saw some minutes ago violated the ears of everyone.   "Princess Tulip V'run, what an honour to see you", the barman greeted her. You could barely understand their words, but you tried to. You had to keep silent anyway. "Who are you searching?", he asked with respect, you could hear that he knelt down.   "Where is the girl who dared to hurt my baby brother?!", she shrieked. "A bag with your initials was found! She was here! Do not dare to hide her!"   "Oh... that's where the bag disappeared to. I had noticed that something was missing... but now I get what it is.", he mumbled and bowed. "I am sorry, Princess Tulip. If I had known that there is a dangerous thief around here, I would've called the soldiers immediately."   "You piece of trash" The princess growled and spitted on the ground. "If I hear that you hid her, you will not only lose your shabby inn.... I will make sure that you will lose your head!" With his you heard stampers that disappeared.   Then silence filled the air.   ---   After a long while of silence you looked up. Some rays of light fell in the room, as the trapdoor was opened by the barman. A worried expression lay on his features. "Hey, Evans-chan. The coast is clear.", he murmured, held his hand out to you, so you could grab it. He pulled you out of the little storage room and got you out of there. "Are you okay?", he asked. Next to him Stan, the cook, appeared with a small trunk, seemingly a first aid kit.   "Yeah... just the fucking wound hurts a little", you answered and breathed deeply. "You were right, my friend. I should've listened to you."   The barman smirked at your comment and crossed his arms. "Yeah, but I sensed that you are quite the rebel. However... you had bad luck that you ran into that jerk. He is one of the worst guys of the noble families.", he told you, while you sat down cross-legged. Stan knelt down and looked shyly at you. After you nodded, he took care of your wound. A hiss left your lips, but you endured the burning sensation on your skin. "Did you really cut of Nathan's fingers?", Stan lowly asked you. He couldn't believe that you were able to do something like that.   Your laugh answered his question. "Yeah, but if I had enough time, I would've cut of his dick right after", you answered him cheeky, making him blush at your choice of words. This guy was very cute. "I was simply afraid that he might shoot me again."   "You were lucky, Evans. Usually they kill people at once, if they are angered.", the barman sighed, lit another cigar and smoked a little. The heavy scent of the smoke was something you disliked much. But you wouldn't complain, they had saved you after all. "I must confess that I am astonished that you managed to escape. Yet, the danger is not over. They won't allow you to leave the island."   He was right. How could you leave the island without being noticed? They surely took care of your little sail boat. You supported your back on the wall, bit your lip and tried to make up a plan. In the meanwhile Stan finished the aid and seemed to relax at the sight. "I heard that a navy ship will arrive in the evening. They will guard every entrance of the harbour.", he mumbled. He wanted to help you, but he didn't know how.   Blinking you stared at him. That was perfect. If a navy ship arrived here, you could sneak into it and sail with them. "That's perfect", you whispered and grinned at him. "Would you do me a favour, Stan?", you asked cutely. His furious blush and his nodding were a obvious 'yes'. You looked at the barman. "Could I one of these stupid dresses? I have an escape plan~", you hummed. Then you pinched softly Stan's cheek. "Would you be my escort for a little while?", you asked him.   Stan gulped and nodded. "S-s-sure. I would be glad to be helpful, Evans-chan!", he stuttered, smiled brightly and stood up. "I.. I will make you some food, so you can retrieve your energy!" With this he ran off. The barman watched him and laughed. "I'll give you one. But do me a favour: don't make this boy fall for you. A lovesick cook would harm my business."   You giggled at his statement. "Don't worry. He's way too young"   ---   Soldiers were running down the street. Everyone searched for a woman with a very simply description. The nobles believed that no one would give the girl other clothes. In addition the searched girl was wounded. The marine couldn't be as dump not to noticed such a girl. Many posters were attached to walls. Some of the citizens had seen you, but no one could describe the soldiers where you disappeared to.   A very ordinary couple walked down the street, ignored by the marine. The lady wore a typical light blue dress, with very long sleeves with frills at the hem. A very neat with flowers decorated hat covered the most of her face. The gentleman right next to her carried a rather big suitcase. When some soldiers passed them, both nodded in respect. A smile decorated the shiny lips of the female, while they targeted the harbour. "What a ruckus, honey.", she told the male, as one of the solders stopped in front of them. The male laughed. "Yeah, they say a very dangerous thief is around here."   "Hey, you both!", a solder interrupted them. "Why are you here?! Don't you understand that you are in danger?!" The angry voice caused the male to step in front of his girlfriend. "Don't shout at her, you incompetent bastard! She is pregnant!", he growled at the soldier, who froze at once. "I need a doctor to check her! But every single one is at the palace of the Lords V'run." The man sounded desperate. "Soldier, is there a doctor at your ship?"   The soldier stared at the woman, who actually had a round stomach. He didn't put any attention to it, he noticed it only yet. "Oh, I see. Forgive me, I didn't want to scare her. But it's dangerous!" He looked around signalled with a simple gesture to follow him. "Have you seen this girl by any chance? She's the reason why every doctor is at the palace at the moment.", the soldier asked, holding up a rather old posture of you. It seemed like they hadn't an current picture of you.   The gentleman shook his head. "No. We were in our house, until my wife told me that she doesn't feel well.", he explained, "But Dr. Munich wasn't at his office. Please, sir. We need a doctor" The pleading look on his face made the soldier sigh. He gave in and lead you to the docks where the gigantic navy ship was. You had seen such a ship long time ago. Back then, when you left Gularia in order to train with Mihawk at Kuraigana.   When you reached the bridge that connected the ship with the dock, the soldier checked both of you. "I would be happy, if you didn't touch her this much", the man told him, slightly annoyed by the touch of the soldier. He first checked the male, then he went over to the beautiful lady. "Uh, yes. Sorry, lady, but I have to...", he mumbled. He touched the sides, but stopped as he felt the warm from her stomach. "Alright, follow me.", he told you, but the gentleman hesitated. "Is it okay for me to wait here? I get seasick as soon as I stand on a boat..."   The soldier snorted annoyed. "Fine... lady, follow me please." He took the suitcase for you and moved it on the deck of ship. Without a word he lead you into the office of the ship's doctor. "I am sorry, doc, but this lady is pregnant and needs treatment! The nobles gathered all of the medical staff in their palace.", he explained. The old doctor gestured the lady to take a seat. He was writing down some notes, before he turned towards his patient. "You can leave, I'll take care of her.", he murmured, rubbed his chin and leant forwards.   Your smile appeared right after the soldier left the room. Perfect. Your plan was successful. You got into the navy ship and no on recognized you. With a smooth motion you removed your hat and looked into the eyes of the doc whose facial features derailed. He fell directly under the mysterious spell, yet he showed resistance. "You are a rather young for being pregnant...", he whispered fascinated. "Let me guess... you aren't." You answered with an amused nod.   "I need your help, doctor", you whispered seductively. "There are evil men who want to hurt me... I know I can only have faith in the strength and loyalty of the navy...", your mumbled with shining eyes. The doctor's eyes also shone in a weird light captivated by your glance. "Hide me here, please. I must leave this island, before the bad guys capture me..."   The marine doctor swallowed hard. He fought back and tried not to get captured by your charm. It got harder, the more skin you showed. You decided to get rid of the stupid dress. Not hesitating you opened it and pulled it down. Underneath the dress you wore your usual clothes, only your belt with your daggers and the waistcoat were stored in the suitcase. Your round stomach disappeared with the small pillow that fell on the floor. "I can't....", he tried, but you put your hand on his chin.   "Hide me here."   "My... room. My room number is 102", he whispered, turned to his desk and got a key out of the drawer. He put it into your palm. "Make yourself comfortable. We can discuss about your problem later" Vacantly he continued taking notes, ignoring your presence from then on. You stood up, winked at him and went out of the chamber. Looking around you noticed that there were only a few guards checking the corridors. It wouldn't be that hard to get into the doc's room. You smiled and dragged your suitcase along with you.   Time to demonstrate your deadly skills.   ---   It was night, when you decided to leave the room. The marine doctor hadn't return yet and didn't seem to show the desire to do so. From the rocking motion beneath your feet you guessed that the ship was moving. Perfect. Now you had to find out who was the boss here and 'kindly' explain him what you wanted. You knew that they wouldn't help your voluntary. You dared to hurt a noble man who probably sent out an order to capture and kill you.   Granted, your plans to be as inconspicuous as possible failed. Being noticed as a wanted criminal was the worst case scenario, it made things difficult. And after cutting of the fingers of that Celestial Dragon you were as good as dead. You had underestimated the graveness behind being careful around nobles like him. The only positive fact was actually that they owned no image of your current appearance. That meant also that you had to make sure that no one saw your face. Even if it meant to kill them.   A long time ago you were shocked about the information that your second side killed people. Kuzan had explained it to you, didn't he? He also had written letters about it. He intended on clearing things about that power... that monster inside of you, but he didn't know much about it. One thing was an unshakeable fact: there were a lot of males who died to it. But you had never received any punishment, Kuzan got you out of the trouble... every single time.   Training with Mihawk and the short journey with Shanks had taught you also some things. First, killing was bad. It left scars on your soul, on your body. The linked burden - considering moral - could destroy you sooner or later.   Second, killing was inevitable. If you wanted to be the victor in this deadly game, you had to kill your opponents. Death was part of life. Only the strongest survived. That was Mihawk's first lesson.   After facing various kinds of man you made a decision for your own. It was a harsh decision... maybe it was the wrong one. But after seeing so much death in your childhood you  were willing to kill for your own sake. No matter how many... no matter why, you had to survive in this world if you wanted to reach your goal. Every battle could mean your end. Mihawk's training wouldn't be in vain, you swore it. Besides, you made an opening already. The navy would know that you returned and were more dangerous than before. So why not demonstrate your power? It would make things interesting in the end, right? They would hunt for your head, even if you decided not to make a ruckus.   Finally you moved through the corridors. You wondered if they hid something interesting in this huge ship. They didn't come all the way just for you... or maybe they did. But they couldn't know where your current position was since they lost track of you many years ago. But what if you were wrong? You stopped, pinched your own cheek and shook yourself.   After pulling yourself together, you silently ran down the floor, trying to avoid as many soldiers as possible. The guards were mostly distracted with talking. So it was not problem to sneak your way past them. You reached a crotch and halted. Curiously you looked around and tried to get some impressions of the location. It was kind of boring. You could hear snores coming out of two directions. You choose the opposite direction of them, turning to your left and followed the floor until you reached stairs.   Before you could pass them, you had to knock out the two guards who were - also - chatting. You hid in the shadows of the walls. The lights were very weak. One could hardly see something, identifying someone in this dark was impossible. You would use this in favour. Pushing your back on the wall, you started to hum. Both soldiers reacted directly at the sound. "Who is it?", one of them asked, clearly confused about the melodic sound. The other pulled out his gun. "A female...? But we have no females on board", he whispered looking around.   You narrowed your eyes and hummed a little louder. One of the soldiers moved in your direction, clearly captured by your voice. Before he could react, you pulled out one of your daggers and knock him out with the hilt of it. A dumb sound broke your magic spell, as the other one reacted and dashed with a cry towards you. Well, his mistake. You sliced his side and also knocked him out by hitting the hilt of your dagger on his neck. With a quick move you checked their bodies and found some keys. After you dragged their bodies to the side, hoping that the weak light wouldn't reveal the blood on the floor.   Slowly you sidled up the stairs. Every little noise made you turn. This haunted feeling would never leave you. Every time you were alone in the dark you felt watched.... chased... and irritated. You weren't the small, weak girl from before. But being alone caused so many bad  memories... angrily you clenched your fists.  Would this horrible image of that man never leave you? Would he haunt you until you killed him?   "Hey, who's there?", a voice shouted from the end of the corridor. You looked up and recognized a very slim shadow in the back. It was probably one of the younger soldiers that had only started their apprenticeship. Too bad that it would end for him there. With light steps you rushed towards the guy, tackled him down and pushed the blade on his throat. A weak, scared sound left his lips, as he stared at you. It was too dark, to see anything. Neither him nor you could see the face of the other. "Who's on this ship?", you growled lowly. "Who's your boss?"   The soldier gulped, he was too scared to move. He didn't expect an assassin to be on board of this ship. He had never seen someone move as fast as you. "Fl-fleet-admiral Breiter and his crew...", he stuttered, "W-w-who are you?" As soon as you increased the pressure on his throat he went silent.   "What is your mission?" You asked him sharply, you didn't allow him to move a single muscle. The fewer attention you rose, the better you could get rid of the rest of the team. You simply had to overcome the night... and find a trading ship. These usually took the routes to bigger islands. There you could figure out a new route for your journey. "Why were you on that island?"   "W-w-we got an emergency call from a noble family.", he stuttered, his body was trembling under your touch. "So?", you hissed, making the soldier gasp by the feeling of his own blood. You cut him slightly, you wanted to know every detail.   "I.. I don't know much", he tried to say, coughed and gulped. "Fleet-admiral Breiter told us that a wanted person appeared on this island who threatened a noble family." He stopped for a second. "O-our mission was to find that person, but she disappeared. W-w-we have an prior mission... we have to deliver important documents to Vice-Admiral Paolo. That's why another ship was sent to the island... t-that's why we set sail."   "What kind of documents?" The soldier struggled. But after he realised that he cut himself by pushing against your blade he stopped. "Details about... wanted pirates. Details about the Underground...  I don't know! That's all I've heard about it... no-no one is allowed to know"   You blinked and thought about it a little. "What about the wanted person? Is she an official criminal?", you questioned him further, but the soldiers didn't answer for a long time. He had realised that you were the wanted person everyone kept talking about. He feared that you might to worse thing than questioning him. "Dude, if you want to live, you should tell me", you growled.   "I don't know", he answered. "Y-you are the person... who hurt the noble..."   "Yes and now be a good boy and tell me what you know about me", you whispered dangerously in his ear. He shivered at your breath and struggled once again. But his willpower was weak, he gave in after some breaths.   "We... we haven't got much information about... you..." His voice was shaking so much that you barely could understand him. Annoyed you clicked your tongue. He continued to speak, after he got his voice back. "We... we heard that you are dangerous. That's all", he explained nervously. His body trembled in fear. "It's... not official yet, but they talked about setting a bounty on your head. Only then... more information will be given."   The soldier moved his hand slowly towards his trousers' pocket. He wanted to reach a certain item but he couldn't reach it. You rammed your second dagger next to his hand and grinned darkly. He winced. "What else?", you growled, making him gold his breath. "From... from what I have heard... the higher-ups want to you for some other reason. Rumours tell... that you are a cruel woman who kills males only."   "How would they know such things, if I didn't show up for some years?", you asked him, lifting an eyebrow.   "Pirates... know you. We've captured some who talked... about your charismatic looks... you kill with glances..."   "Did you hear this shit in some bars?" As the soldier nodded, you sighed contently. To sum it up, they had no clue about you. The only thing they had was an old picture of you and they remembered the fact, that prior males died. Kuzan did good to hide the main reasons. They didn't know what it was and how they could reach you. "Listen boy, I'll let you life... but therefore you have to tell them something.", you whispered. You gained some distance to look in the eyes of the frightened soldier. "I am not a pirate.", you told him. "But I am your enemy." Your frown caused him to gasp in fear. "Tell these bastards that I know what they're hiding and that they will pay for it!"   Before the soldier could react you struck his head, so that he would lose consciousness. The navy was sick. So many years went by and they still were crazy about that power of yours. Well, the positive fact was that you could go into hiding, after finishing your business here. The only thing left to do was leaving no trace behind. You stood up and adjusted your clothes. "..." Leaving no trace behind huh? Like they allowed Joker to eradicate your homeland. You gritted your teeth and cursed lowly.   Having the power to finish all of them off caused very evil thoughts pop up in your head. You desired revenge but you didn't want to fall on the same level as them. But... why were you the evil one? Why were you chased by the navy while Joker wasn't punished for what he had done? Afterward a deep breath you moved on and searched for the treasury. Somewhere was this room with the documents. You were convinced it was somewhere in the centre of this ship.   You grinned as you noticed a door where about six men were placed. They didn't talk, they only kept a certain stance and guarded the room. Carefully you approached the males. There were two corridors. The one, you came from and the other, where the males stood. You had to distract them, so that they would come closer. After remaining silent for some breaths you hummed softly until you started to sing lowly. It was a simple strategy that worked every time.   The six males didn't seem to notice. At the time they heard your voice, they exchanged confused looks. First, they were irritated. Some moments later they listened to your voice and moved quietly in your direction. "What is this?", one asked relaxed. "This voice is beautiful..." Another pushed him aside to move faster towards you. "It must be the goddess of the sea... be quiet!" "But what if it's not her?" "The goddess of the sea blesses you with her chant, it's her!"   The soldiers started to quarrel about the reason why their heard your voice. Distracted they didn't notice that you stopped humming. You dashed through the guys and sliced them up. Unfortunately you couldn't stop some of the screams. Quickly you made sure that no one would stand up, you used the keys you had and opened the door. Shutting the door behind you, you moved to the desk and rummaged around in the drawers for the documents you heard about.   It took a little while until you collected some interesting sounding papers. You read some titles and searched for a box. If you had to leave this ship by jumping into the water, these papers would be destroyed... a watertight box would really be useful. You turned towards the closet behind you and noticed a pipe. You grabbed it and noticed that it was open. Well, this would do. You put the papers inside and closed the cover by using the special locks. With a nod you pushed the box in your shoulder bag that you had taken with you.   Grinning you turned to the door and froze. You were so busy with searching a nice package for the documents that you ignored the environment. A tall tanned male stood there and seemed furious. Some of his veins popped up on his head. "So you little bitch are here.", he said coldly. "I have been already wondering why no one found you on that island." He entered the room and crossed his arm. He showed no intention of letting you go. "What have you done to my ship's doctor? He doesn't react to anything but keeps babbling about a goddess who has visited him. Even my crew talks shit about this goddess..." He came closer and closed the door behind him, locking it with a loud 'click'. "I checked my man and saw some of them are dead... explain."   You blinked confused at his statement. "Maybe he has seen one.", you answered cheeky. "The goddess must be furious with some, haha." You had really no luck today. First you ran into the arms of a noble and now in the arms of the Fleet-Admiral. He looked strong, but you sensed no danger at all. You were on another level than him. Realising that a self-confident smile appeared on your lips that angered the man in front of you even more.   "[name] Evans, am I correct?", he asked you, ignoring your provoking attitude. He pulled out one big gun and aimed at you. You held up your hands, but you didn't let go of your daggers. Your smile didn't leave your lips.   "Maybe", you answered playfully. "And you are Fleet-Admiral Breiter, am I correct?" He growled annoyed. "So, if you let me leave, I won't harm any other of your little babies", you told him. You saw how he unlocked the clip of his weapon. He lifted the gun a little, aimed more precisely at you and grimaced angrily.   "Don't play games, Evans. In the name of the navy I will arrest you.", he shouted at you. Curiously you watched him coming closer. In the meanwhile you checked his stance and his aura. He was obviously alone here and he didn't radiate any danger. From what you could see you guessed that he was reckless and didn't care about getting hurt. Heh, he was a brave one. Brave and stupid. Hopefully he didn't notified other ships about your visit. "Put down the daggers or I'll shoot you"   "But I am already hurt, Breiter-san", you told him, holding up your weapons in defeat. You smiled at him that made him hesitate for a second. You were alone on this ship and lots of soldiers and commandants were placed here. You couldn't possibly defeat every single of them all at once. The fleet admiral was clearly irritated by your confident acting. In addition you could see a certain desire in his eyes. It was a shame that a man with this high rank had a weak mind as him... at least his desire for something forbidden weakened him. You were in control of the game. "Don't shoot me, please" you whispered sweetly.   "Cut the crap! Put down your weapons, Evans!", he ordered loudly as if he was trying to convince himself that he was doing the right thing. He stood in front of you by now. He pushed the weapon against your chest, while he glared at you. "Don't play foul tricks, lady. You won't get away just because you are female."   Chuckling you put down your daggers and lifted your hands up. Your eyes captured his, locking them into an unbreakable link. Barely some seconds went by as this certain glow in his orbs showed up, signalling you that he was attracted. "Arrest me, admiral. I am a very bad girl", you whispered. The aura around you changed and got darker. Unconsciously you summoned more than just the simple power of seducing man. There was something inside of your shadow that hissed furiously. You kept looking at the male who lowered his gun.   "It's a shame that such a beauty is working against us", he murmured staring at you. It was almost too easy. The most male reacted the same every time you flirted with them. You didn't need any special powers to distract them. Some nice words... some gestures... they fell for it. The charismatic aura around you did the rest. This male wouldn't harm you anymore. The expression on his face told you. He wanted something else than simply arrest you. His gaze fell on your chest. "If you behaved and acted like a good girl, I might give you the chance of leaving", he mumbled.   "Well... depends on the deal", you answered coolly. A sudden motion let you gasp. The fleet admiral pushed you against a closet of drawers. Some of the grips stung painfully against your back. His eyes travelled over your body. It was rather disgusting, the male was old and frankly displayed his desire for young flesh. By his action you could read that he hadn't had release in a long while. Men were simple. Their desire for young flesh was stronger than any sane reason to fulfil their duty. Many times you had seen it... many times you rescued your fellow friends from the bar from the grasp of these lecherous men.   This world was disgusting. Good thing that you knew that there were also some good sides. Or else you would have gone insane already. "Breiter-san, you shouldn't act like this", you whispered, hearing his needy breath.   "I've heard that you are a seductive, dangerous beast... but I haven't expected you to be this young", he mumbled against your ear. He grabbed your throat and pressed you against the closet. Your intentional weak struggle against his grip let him loosen it up a little. "So young..." You hid the upcoming disgusted feeling and refused to look away. Yet, the grip was uncomfortable. You put your hands on his wrist, trying to pull him away. "You're a bad girl? Let me check that... I promise, I'll be gentle, if you obey me...", he breathed.   Sick. It was sick that every male was the same. This one didn't even try to refuse you. In fact, you believed that he had waited for an opportunity like this one. His lustful, sick smile nauseated you. Every time it was the same game, when one male followed you. The navy should be ashamed of having such weak beings as commanders of a fleet. You could feel his breath on your neck. He took a smell of your hair, grinning even more perverted against your skin. "Beautiful... you're so beautiful...", he whispered, unclothing your waistcoat. "Your smell is alluring... the rumours are true... but.." He looked into your eyes. "What is the danger behind you? Everything involving you is top secret..."   "I don't know, Breiter-san. Explain me, why I am wanted", you answered lowly, not refusing to lock eye contact with him. For a second you believed that he would stop and press the gun at your head. But he didn't. He watched your carefully, his thought drifting away as he followed the line of your body shape. "Why is the navy searching me?"   "You're from the cursed island", he answered, his finger stroked almost ridiculously gentle your strands of hair away from your face. His interest in you didn't waver. As he noticed that you weren't resisting, he grinned darkly. "You're supposed to be dangerous... yet... you're just a weak little girl... one or two assassin tricks won't help you to survive in this awful world", he laughed darkly.   You didn't do anything. You were waiting. He wouldn't survive if he kept going like this. Your frown was as cold as ice, while the man tried to undress you even more.  His touch angered you. He showed no hesitation to sleep with an outlaw. No wonder that they didn't punish Joker. If they were filled with assholes like this one, there wouldn't be ever any justice. You had seen enough, when he knelt down, touching your legs. You lowered your view and sighed deeply.   "I despise man."   The vibrating sound of your voice confused the man. He looked up, checked your face and froze. Fear spread all over his face.   "W-w-what the hell...!?"   ---   The dawn had begun as the heavy fog ceased slowly with the rising sun. A small trading ship floating on the soft waves of the sea. Some of the sailors were cleaning the deck, when the scout shouted something at them. The most sailors ignored the calls. It was too early in the morning. About a half was half-asleep because they had guarded the ship at night. Only when the scout went crazy and came down from the look-out, two of the cleaning sailors reacted. "Man, what's wrong with you? The captain will be mad if you keep screaming!", one shouted, but the scout gestured scared at a point.   "G-guys we need to change the course!", he snapped nervously. "Something huge is approaching us! I fear it could be pirates!"   "No way, mate. This route is safe. The navy controls it every day", another told him, supporting his weight on the mop brush. "No pirate is as crazy as to sail this way."   "Guys, listen! It looked dangerous!", he shouted. "Please, let's wake up the captain! Or... at least change the course!"   The two sailors looked at each other and laughed. "You had a bad dream. We don't see anything large... we should be able to see it from here, right?"   The scout snorted angrily. He opened his mouth to complain about his mates attitude as a beautiful voice echoed in the air. Everyone of the sailors looked up, confused about the chant. When it got louder, they saw a huge navy ship in the mist. It looked spooky and haunted... not a single living was to be seen. The ship didn't look old nor destroyed... still, the impression of a haunted ship didn't change. "I told you, bastards!", he growled at his mates. "Look, it's the navy... relax", another sighed. They looked up to check the flag. But there was none. Only on the ship's side was the symbol of the navy. For some moments the sailors felt frightened. It wasn't usual for a battle ship to appear right next to a trading ship. Usually they followed it until their reached the harbour.   The beautiful voice got louder with the advancing shadow that formed in the mist. It halted, as it reached the railing. Anxiously the sailors stared up. They didn't dare to move, scared of what might happen next. The shadow came closer, until it looked like it feel down. Out of a sudden they heard a thud and realised that the thing fell on their ship. Scared they gathered into a cluster. They stared at the thing that straightened up. With the first real rays of the sun they recognized a girl. A very beautiful girl with blood on its face.   The sailors gasped at the image and heard a loud explosion. The navy ship lit up in flames, exploded and slowly broke apart. Alarmed the scout ran inside the ship, warning the captain about the attacked navy ship and made him change the course. He had to take action before the sinking ship dragged them with it into the deep dark of the sea.   The rest of the sailors stood there and stared at you. Blood was dripping from the corners of your mouth. Your arms were also drenched in blood. The only clean spots were -surprisingly - your clothes. Well, they were dark. Blood on your boots were no problem. But if they were on your top, it would get annoying. Cleaning it was such a pain in the ass. You looked down on your hands, before you licked your lips and saw the guys flinch. Angst was displayed in their eyes.   "W-...who are you?", one asked bravely, holding of his mop brush in front of him like a weapon. "D-d-don't dare to attack us! We are connected to very important people who would hunt you down!"   A blank stare shut his mouth. You made a step towards the cluster, smiling at their scared reaction. Blood scared them, but a nude body made them weak, huh? You wiped the blood away from your mouth. At least, you tried. Actually you smeared if over your lower half of the face. "I don't know", you answered lowly. "I am someone who needs help... I got attacked... something... something is inside of that ship... it killed everyone...", you told them with an desperate voice. "This... this is my blood... it tried to kill me... help me"   The sailors gulped an stumbled back. They didn't believe you. The most of them didn't but a few unconsciously moved towards you. "We will help" One answered. You nodded thankfully and noticed how the ship sailed away from the navy ship. The captain had changed the course. The wind blew strongly against the canvas, driving the ship away in a fast pace. Realising that you were fine now, you sat down and sighed. Two man approached you and knelt down. "W-what did happen? W-what kind of monster was on that ship?", they asked worried. They didn't believe that a young girl like you would be the cause why the ship was going under. The second sailor gave you a wet towel, he didn't dare to touch you. You thanked him quietly and started to clean your arms like it wasn't blood.   This reaction made them back off, they felt that something was odd about you. You rubbed away the blood from your face, not saying a word. It wouldn't be good if they tried to get rid of you. They could even call another ship and that could be a real problem. You were tired from all the fighting. It had taken the whole night to defeat every single one of them. Quietly you cleaned the rest of the blood. Only then you looked at the others who kept staring at you. "A pirate.", you whispered husky. "The navy wanted to escort me to the next save island.. but then this pirate appeared and killed everyone... he's a monster"   The sailors gulped at your description of the pirate. You made up some guy, but it seemed like they had an idea about whom you were talking. No one of them dared to assume that you were the evil one. No one until the captain of the ship made an entrance and stood in front of you. The captain was an experienced, old man with sharp eyes and a lots of scars on his bald head. "Why is there a girl on my ship?", he asked annoyed. He gazed in the direction of the breaking, sinking navy ship that was exploding in some distance now. "Who are you and what do you want?", he growled, unsheathed his sword and held it under your chin.   "I don't remember", you mumbled shyly, refused to look in his eyes and hugged yourself. You feared that he might see you through. You had to act shy and scared, if you wanted to reach another island without being forced to swim there. "I... I want to reach the next island... my family is waiting there... but.. there was this pirate... he... he killed everyone", you stuttered and showed some fake tears. You were so freaking exhausted. You wanted to sleep for fucks sake! But if you didn't convince this idiot, you wouldn't get any!   "Hmpf. Fine. But you will be locked into a room, where you can't harm anyone. Got it?", he ranted annoyed. He wasn't the kind of man who would throw a scared girl overboard.  Yet he was confused by your looks. He didn't trust you. You didn't look weak nor truly scared. It was weird. You could sense that he tried to see you through. Turning away from him, you heard his crew complain about his attitude. Good... they tried to come to your defence. After a long quarrel the captain seemed to give in.   "Stand up, follow me", he ordered you. But then something stopped your motion. The cry of the scout let you freeze. "Captain!", he shouted, "Navy ships... it's a whole fleet!" Shocked the crew moved to the side, their captain followed right after. The mist disappeared into nowhere and revealed a lot of huge battle ships. You gulped and shared the same shocked expression as everyone else. You had never seen such a great fleet before. And now you got the bad feeling that it was because of you. Someone of these scumbags called them.   "Fuck!", you hissed and jumped on your feet. Luckily the others ignored you, so you could ran to the other side and search for life rafts. You had to get out of there before they reached you. But... there were no rafts. Not a single one. Worried you turned towards the mighty fleet. Your feet rooted to the ground as you could foresee what they would do now. These bastards wouldn't search for you... they wouldn't even discuss with you.   They would...   "Captain! They are shooting at us!" the scout screamed in shock, as the first huge bowl sank right next to the ship, causing it to waver heavily and dance an anxious rhythm. Every time they attacked they almost hit the ship. "Hey, are you crazy!", the captain shouted. He ran towards the mast, opened a box and fired a star shell in the air. He tried to signal that they tried to sink the wrong guys. But the loud shouts of the marine officers revealed that they wouldn't stop until the ship was gone.   You grimaced strained and ran towards the sailors, checking again for life rafts. Were these guys nuts? They hadn't one! Angrily you tried to think of a plan, but the fearful screams and the whining of the sailors distracted you. In addition you were really... really exhausted. It was a wonder that you could stand upright in the first place. "Fuck...", you hissed again and noticed that the captain frowned. "You... it's because of you..."   "See ya." You dashed towards the other side of the ship and jumped on the railing, only in order to jumped off and dive into the cold water of the sea. With a loud gasp you swam up, reached the surface and desperately tried not to go under. Your bag was swimming on the surface, it was a very useful material that it was made of. Usually it kept the water from entering the inside... but that wasn't your main problem now. You saw how the first huge bowl hit the shit and caused a wave that splashed over you. A very hard stream pulled you down, away from the surface of the water.   Your movements got hectic and scared. You tried to swam up, but you couldn't. The mass of the sinking bowls that hit the water created a bunch of underwater streams that pulled you away. They spun you around, making you lose the last bits of air you had left. Bubbles of air left your mouth, while you got dragged deeper into the sea. The current of water pulled you deeper and squeezed the last bits of air out of your mouth. Your vision blurred and you felt weak. 'Help...' was the last thing you thought, when you felt your consciousness fading.   The forceful stream dragged your body further into the darkness until it entirely consumed you.   Was this the end? Hosted by Animexx e.V. (