Dragon Ball R von Lans13 (The saiyans are back!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: Chapter 2 -------------------- SonGoku never expected to have so much fun at Bulma’s house. He always knew that the food was good and Vegeta had a high-tech gravitation room with full of other equipment to train and the garden was huge with a big pool, but he wasn’t exactly sure how living with Vegeta will be. He knew that he changed a lot but he never expected him to try so hard. Bra definitely had her part in it and since Pan was there with them (Gohan and Videl went to the sea to relax a bit) Vegeta first ended up playing hide-and-seek with them, then playing some board games and now they were building a Lego house. It was still mainly Goku who played with the girls and Bra really liked that he lived with them. Goku remembered that after Buu was defeated, he spent much time playing with Trunks and Goten as well. But then, even if Vegeta was there as well (on rare occasions Bulma and Chichi left them together with the boys while they went shopping) he never joined them and Goku had the feeling Trunks wouldn’t even dare to ask him. Now years after it, the prince was putting together the Lego blocks even though he clearly didn’t enjoy it. „Sometimes I really wish that you would grow up” Vegeta said looking at Bra, after he put an another Lego block on top of the others „so you wouldn’t nag me to play with you.” „But it’s so much fun!” Bra said not really understanding how could anybody possibly not feel the same way. „Your mother said that I should be happy as long as you are more interested playing with toys then in boys but there are days when I really have my doubts.” Hearing this Goku couldn’t help but laugh, which caused Vegeta to look surprised at him with an eye-brown raised. „You know, she is right” he explained still unable to stop laughing. „How so?” „Bra, Pan it’s really late you should be already in bed!” came in Bulma so Goku couldn’t elaborate on the topic. There were Lego parts all over the floor so Bulma asked the two saiyans to clean up before they come to have dinner. Seeing that they were about to protest, she added: „That’s if you want to have dinner!” Vegeta and SonGoku exchanged a look, then Vegeta pulled out the toy box and they begin to gather the Lego pieces. „It’s good to see you try to be a good father” Goku said but he sort of regretted it when he seen the murderous look on Vegeta’s face. They continued to clean up in silence, which was unexpectedly broken by Vegeta: „I will never play so carefree with Bra as you played with your kids. Hell, I wasn’t even playing with Trunks when he was little.” „But at least you were there for him” Goku said, then explained „I only got to know Goten when he was 7 years old. I wasn’t even aware that he was born! Regardless how much fun we have after Buu, I wasn’t there for him or Chichi when he was a baby. And sure, I was there when Gohan was born until he was 4 but then I got killed and I left them. Gohan wasn’t even seeing her mother for a whole year. Sure, he needed to be trained, but still. After Namek I was away again, leaving them and I died in the fight against Cell. Sure, you missed most of Bulma’s pregnancy and the first few month of Trunks life, but since then you were always with them. You are a much better father and husband then I ever was.” Vegeta was shocked hearing Goku’s explanation. It sounded so logical, but still, he never ever thought about it this way. He knew Goku was a better fighter then he and he always assumed he is a better father, but it was true that he was leaving his family alone many times. He was still occupied with these thoughts when he went to sleep. Bulma and Chichi didn’t have any issue with living together, the only problem was that they had the whole day talking, so obviously the topic which they already discussed so many times arouse again; neither of their husbands had any work or helped out with any of the chores. Sure, they needed to train, but still it shouldn’t have been an issue to help out once or twice. Although both of them loved their husbands, sometimes it was quite stressful. And that’s how they came up with the idea; they will leave them all alone for 2 weeks. ”I will hide all of the robots which can do any kind of chores and I will send the cooks on holiday!” Bulma explained. ”That’s a great idea! They deserve to know how it is for us for a change!” Chichi smiled. „Just let’s wait for a couple of days until we prepare everything and then we tell them the news.” They both exchanged a smile and they began the preparations. In the meanwhile Trunks had a bit easier in school as Akiko was so angry with him that she left him alone. ”You never told me; what exactly happened at the library?” Goten asked. Trunks knew his friend too much to hope that he would give up asking and hell, he would even ask Akiko if must, so he decided to tell the truth. As predicted, Goten was laughing once he finished. But just as he „got rid” of Akiko, he meet Atin. He was on his way home and it was already dark. He stayed in the library to finish up his home assignment (Goten didn’t join him as he had a date) and he only noticed how late it was, when the librarian asked him to leave as we wanted to close the room. He was still thinking about the task when he ended up in a dark alley and he heard a voice: ”What is a beautiful young girl doing at a place like this?” Trunks wasn’t sure what to do, as he tried to avoid any conflicts with humans which might lead to fight, but on the other hand the girl might need help. He followed the sound and soon he saw a girl, about his age facing 3 guys. The girl wore a black short, dark gym shoes and a blue top. Her hair was black and long, her eyes blue. Even Trunks had to admit that she was quite attractive even though she wasn’t even wearing skirt or heals. ”Leave me alone if you don’t want to wake up in a hospital!” she said, but one of the guys begin to laugh while an another one grabbed her hand. ”You made a huge mistake” she whispered, then she hit his attacker in his stomach who fell back crying out in pain. This triggered something by the others and they attacked the girl at the same time, but she deflected their hits, kicked them and they both screamed and fell. ”Do you want to be the next?” the girl asked looking at Trunks. ”No! I just stopped to see whether you need help” Trunks explained and as he stepped a bit closer so the girl recognised him. ”Oh, you are Trunks.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. ”Do we know each other?” ”Well, everybody knows you!” she explained. „You are in class A. I’m Atin, I’m in class B.” ”So we do go to the same school then” Trunks stated, although he couldn’t remember ever seeing her. Which wasn’t so surprising since he wasn’t really looking at girls. At all. Unless he had too. ”Well, thanks but as you can see I’m perfectly capable of defending myself” Atin smiled as she stepped over one of the guys and they left the alley. ”Where did you learn to fight?” Trunks asked. „From my father. You see he always wanted to have a boy and even though he got a daughter he raised me as if I was his son. He was a real maniac, we travelled all over the world just to learn new fighting techniques and styles.” „Sounds a bit like my father.” „Does he? Does it mean that you know something about fighting as well?” „Sort of” Trunks said, finding this question very interesting and he couldn’t repress a smile. „What so funny?” Atin asked. „It’s a long story, but everybody who knows my family would find this question funny.” „Why? Does your father own a dojo?” „Hell now! He is not the type who would train somebody. Except for me and for my sister. He mainly trained Bra when she decided to be a fighter as well, when she was around 6 but she changed her mind a year after so it’s mainly me.” As Trunks was explaining this, his memories surfaced. Strangely Vegeta never thought about training Bra. Even after SonGoku began the training with Pan (when she was 2 years old) he was quite taken by surprise when Bra stated that she wanted to be a fighter as well. So they trained together for almost a year and just like Trunks, Bra had a huge potential. But as she turned 7 she lost some of her motivation and although she still wanted to train from time to time, she wasn’t willing to spend all her time training. And Vegeta let her do that. Trunks never escaped any of those training lessons, although in most of the cases he wanted to be there. Just on some rare occasion he would have preferred playing with Goten or reading in his room but he wasn’t allowed to skip the sessions. „Now that I look at you I can see that you must be strong. You have quite a body under those clothes” she said, studying him. Trunks suddenly felt that his whole head must be red, it was like his face was on fire. Just then he realized that he was talking with a girl who was most probably hitting on him. They both stopped and Atin looked at him very confused not really getting why he blushed. „Just to avoid any misunderstanding, I wasn’t flirting with you” she told Trunks and she was a bit surprised to see that he relaxed after hearing this. They walked together for a while, without saying a word, when Atin needed to turn right, while Trunks went left. „It was nice talking with you” Atin said and she added. „In case you don’t mind I would like to spar with you in the near future. Just out of curiosity.” „Ok” Trunks agreed, still not able to say no. He hoped that it will remain an empty promise but just after a week or so he met Atin again. She was in the track-and-fields team and she was the one that day, who needed to put away the equipment, so even though it was late, she was still in the building. „Hi!” she greeted Trunks who was just walking away next to her, deep in his thoughts. „Oh hi” called Trunks and he stopped. „I never thought we will have an opportunity so soon, but we can fight now.” „Well, I’m not sure if it’s such a great idea” Trunks protested and he was desperately trying to find some excuse to leave. „Don’t be afraid, I will go easy on you” Atin smiled with confidence. „I’m still in my normal clothes” Trunks managed to say but Atin promised to wait for him so he went to change. He felt ridiculous in his school uniform which they had to wear during gym. It was nothing special, just a white T-shirt and a blue and black training pants, but he never fought in the school (at least in this school) wearing those. And this was the first time he fought with someone who was a fighter but wasn’t a saiyan or any of Goku’s friends like Piccolo. He focused to go easy on the girl but it took him by surprise how good Atin was. She was much quicker and stronger than he assumed and she had good techniques as well. Just as he was concentrating he felt her Ki, which was much stronger that before. He began to wonder whether she had the ability to repress it, just like he did. It wasn’t hard for him to keep the pace and deflect the hits and kicks, but he couldn’t let his thoughts wonder off, he needed to concentrate. „Don’t just defend!” Atin demanded as she tried to hit him. Trunks concentrated and he began to attack as well. As Atin was capable of deflecting his blows he decided to attack with more power. Then, one of his hits reached its goal and Atin was flying away, hitting a wall and pralling off from it. „Are you ok?” Trunks asked worrying that he might have hit a bit too hard. „Wow, you are strong!” she smiled surprised. „I had no idea as you were repressing your Ki.” ’You did the same.” „Yeah, but I’m not used to people who have the same ability. So I never assumed you are so good. Of course I wasn’t throwing energy balls at you or any such things but I’m quite sure it wouldn’t make much of a difference.” „Well...” „Hey, don’t play nice with me! I know that you are much stronger, you can admit it.” „Ok, you are right.” „What I don’t get is how are you not a member of any sports team. Morever I have seen you play basketball and you weren’t even the best player.” „It’s easy; I’m way too strong to show it to the „normal” people. Goten’s and my mother agreed that we should pretend to be normal in school. I wasn’t happy about the idea when I was young but now I get it.” „Do you mean that Goten is also as strong as you?” „More or less.” „I really would like to see you two training once. Now I’m curious! Also I know that I’m no match for you, but I still want a re-match somewhere in a desert where nobody can see us or we don’t have any chance destroying a building or so.” That’s how Trunks become friends with the first girl ever. When Goten had seen them together he asked: „Were you just talking with a girl?” „Yes. But she is not like a girl” Trunks tried to explain. „I’m not sure where you wear your eyes, ’cause she seems pretty girly to me with that body! There might be still hope for you!” „It’s not like that! I guess that’s why I’m able to have a normal conversation with her.” Indeed it did the trick and every time they met, Trunks had a pleasant time. One day when they were walking together home (they lived in the same direction) Atin asked: „Aren’t you normally flying home?” „It depends. Sometimes. But I try to act as human as possible. I mean normal, not human!” „The same here. Still... what about we fly a bit? It’s rare to have a company up in the sky.” Before Trunks could say no, Atin jumped up high and flew away. Trunks quickly looked around, then followed her. They flew over the whole city, then took a direction towards the forest which was east from them. When Atin was finally tired they sit down on the roof of the highest building in the city. It was tall enough so nobody could see them, but they could see everything. „You know that everybody thinks that you are a playboy?” Atin asked suddenly, causing Trunks to blush. „What?!” „You really don’t know? Hey, you are always hanging with Goten and he is definitely one!” „That’s true. But of course that’s not why we are friends. We know each other since we were children.” „So your families are friends?” „Well” Trunks began, thinking about Goku and his father. He already knew the true story and was aware that his father come to the planet to blow it up and that he was obsessed to kill Goku for years. On the other hand they behaved pretty civilised now and although they lived together since 4 weeks now, neither of them blow up the house. As for her mother, she was childhood friends with SonGoku and also with Chichi. „Yes, you can say that” he finished finally. „I never expected to hang out with you. I sort of never expected to hang out with any boys for that matter as they are always hitting on me. So I guess those rumours aren’t true about you” she smiled. „What rumours?” he asked, but then just as Atin was about to reply he interrupted: „You know what? I don’t even want to know!” Atin just had to laugh on this reaction and soon Trunks joined her. They had a good time together. „Well the hell is everybody?” Vegeta asked one morning as he walked into the kitchen. „The boys are in school just like Bra, Pan is back at home as Gohan and Videl just got back and Goku is there with Chichi visiting them” Bulma explained, while she prepared her coffee. „Since the house is just so full of people it’s quite strange.” „You are right, we are finally alone” Bulma smiled, then stepped to Vegeta and kissed him. He kissed her back instantly and they ended up back in their bedroom. When Bulma dressed up (again) she looked at Vegeta smiling. „What?” he asked. He was already in his training clothes and he was just about to leave. „Never mind” she said still smiling. „Are you aware that even after all those years I still don’t get you at all?” the prince smiled, then kissed his wife and left the room. As Bulma continued to dress she thought back of the „old times” as from how far they have come. It wasn’t just the fact that Vegeta originally came here to kill them all and now he was among the fighters who were defending the planet but the unexpected relationship they developed over the years. She never though she will fell in love with him and she still remembered when her friends heard that Trunks’ father is Vegeta. They were shocked to say the least. She herself had trouble picturing the prince as father and she had no idea how it will turn out. She knew well about Vegeta’s past, but she decided not to care. Still, when Vegeta decided to stay after Cell was defeated, she had a hard time believing it. After it Vegeta begin to change. He already changed somewhat during the 3 years they trained for the fight against the cyborgs but that was nothing compared to the next 7 years. She thought she couldn’t be more happy as Vegeta sometimes ended up behaving like a real father. Now, that she thought about it, she never expected the change, on what he went through after Buu. This time he really tried to be a good father and a good husband. He was full of surprises and although he wasn’t the knight in the shining armour at the beginning, now Bulma felt she really found her prince. Her smile brightened as she reached this thought. 3 other weeks passed and the renovation finished on the house where Chichi and SonGoku lived. This meant 2 things; Goku and his family were moving out and Bulma and Chichi set their plans into motions. „Before you move back, there is something what I need to share with you” Bulma said, once they were all in the dining room. When everybody was looking at her she shared the „plan” and broke the news that they will leave the saiyans alone for 2 weeks. As Videl decided to join them, it had an impact on Gohan as well, so he was hearing this news just as shocked as the rest of them. „We want you to experience how it is to be a human” Chichi added. „But we are not humans” Goku resisted. „Exactly” Bulma smiled. „You need to learn to behave like them. So you will be on your own, which means that you will need to cook for yourself...” „Why cook? We have several cooks” Vegeta interrupted. „Well, I gave them some days off as well” Bulma smiled with a devil’s smile. Once she seen the shock on their faces she continued: „So you need to cook, do the chores and you better find some work as well, as we won’t leave you any money at all.” „What?” Trunks asked and he became very white in an instant. „I recommend you to enjoy your dinner as we leave tomorrow” Chichi advised. So SonGoku, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten and Gohan had the whole house for themselves from the next morning. „Just when I thought we will have a nice school vacation” Goten sighed as they walked to the school in the morning. It was their last day before they had the short break what they had at the end of autumn. In the meanwhile SonGoku and Vegeta was desperately trying to come up with some idea about how to find work ASAP. As Gohan was the only one who was normally working as well, he left early so they couldn’t ask for his help. He prepared some magazines for them which were offering jobs. „Have you found anything?” Goku asked after a while, because they decided to divide the magazines between them to speed up the search. „No, not really. I hate so much this chicken shit writing of the humans. My eyes are hurting just from watching it. Did you find anything?” „Maybe. They are looking for workers to move people’s stuff like furniture and boxes. You don’t need anything to do this work, apart from physical strength so we should be ok.” The manager was more than happy to employ them, once he has seen their muscles. They remembered not to show their true strength so they moved heavy objects like fridge and washing machine together and moved at a human speed. Still, they made a heavy impression on the others as they finished packing the truck 5 times as fast as it was common, since they did not need to stop to catch their breath. „Wow guys, you are strong!” said one of their co-worker, who was a heavily musculated man in his 30s, but he was just human. „Humans are just so pathetic” Vegeta smirked when they were on their lunch break. „The fact that they are not as strong, doesn’t make them pathetic. As even though they are not quick, they invented cars and airplanes and they can get anywhere pretty quickly with them” Goku explained. „Yeah, sure. I give them, that they have a higher level technology then the saiyajins had, until they began to buy it from the other aliens. But otherwise they are stupid. How can they invent things like Christmas or the Easter bunny? All those things drive me crazy, especially since Bulma is so obsessed to celebrate all of those stupid holidays. And their superstitions are the most insane. Like 4 is an unlucky number or something bad will happen if you see a black cat... How retarded are they to invent such things?” „Superstations are mad, I give you that. But didn’t saiyans had something similar as well? Or weren’t they celebrating anything?” Goku asked. „Crap, I always forget that even though you are a saiyan you have no idea about your own folk. Anyhow to answer your question; no there are no superstition the only thing what brings you bad luck is if you die. Logically. About the holidays, we only celebrated the king’s birthday.” „There you go! So at least birthdays were special.” „Only the king’s birthday. I’m pretty sure that the common fighters didn’t even had an idea when they were born as it had no importance. Even my birthday wasn’t celebrated, ever. Not that I missed it as I was quite surprised to see that humans are making such a fuss about it. What is so good about being older?!” „How was the king’s birthday celebrated? I sort of have a feeling, that there were no birthday cakes – Goku smiled and Vegeta had to laugh.” He just imagined her father having a cake and blowing out the candles. It was just so tremendous that even tears were streaming from his eyes. „We had fights all day” he explained once he caught his breath. “I guess it’s a bit similar to the event what humans had in the dark ages, those jousts. Although it didn’t involve any weapon, it was just men fighting each other, or a group of men fighting.” „Was there a price?” „Food, a lot. However it wasn’t the normal food, but something special from an another planet which was recently invaded.” After they eat all of their food (they brought all the leftovers from the fridge) they had to go back to work. Trunks and Goten found it extremely strange that when they got home from school, none of their fathers were home as they were working. Of course they were fully aware that they need to find some work as well really soon. Gohan arrived back about the same time when Goku and Vegeta and then the saiyans held an emergency meeting, because there was no food left at all. „We could always try to cook” Goten said. „Yeah, like we know so much about cooking” Vegeta sighed. „Well, I found some books with receipts” smiled Gohan and put 3 books to the desk. „You can learn almost everything from books.” „Try to learn fighting from books” Trunks responded. „I stated almost everything. But it cannot be so difficult.” Everybody had their own doubts, however as they had no other choice they decided to try it. It was more challenging than anything else what they had done so far. While Goku tried to peal the potatoes, Vegeta was trying the same with the onions. While Goku pealed only 3 potatoes he managed to cut his fingers at 5 different places and he stabbed them as well two times. Just as he was reaching for an another adhesive plaster he blinked at the prince who was crying. „Vegeta!” he shouted, then dropped the knife, stepped to him and before the prince could say anything, Goku hugged him. „Kakarott, what the fucking hell are you doing?!” Vegeta shouted, and he pushed away Goku, who pralled off from the wall. „I just wanted to comfort you! I’m not sure why you are crying, but...” „You retarded, stupid idiot! I’m not crying, it’s just the onions, it’s pinching my eyes.” „Oh” moaned Goku, while the rest of the saiyans were laughing on them so hard that they had trouble to stand and they bent over. Gohan advised to try to make it as simple as possible so they tried to make roasted chicken with boiled potatoes. „It’s not very promising” said Trunks, when the dinner was ready. „It cannot be that bad” hoped Goku. „Then you try it first Kakarott! If you don’t die after the first bite, then I might try it as well” smirked Vegeta. SonGoku gathered all his courage and ate a bit. It was just... terrible. Even though he was hungry he failed to force down more than 3 bites. The others had the same issue. „We will die” Goten stated and nobody had anything to disprove it. That night they all slept terrible and they become even more hungry in the morning. So all of them were searching for anything which was edible. The best what they got was cereal and they eat all 6 packages of it. „I guess I’m just more hungry then before” whined Goku. „The same here” reported Gohan. However they didn’t had much time to suffer as Goku and Vegeta had to leave for work, just like Gohan. Trunks and Goten had the job-hunting task this time. „I just might have found something” Trunks rushed to the phone. „What?” asked Goten. „They just renovated the city library and they need some people to help out putting back the books on the shelves.” „Eh... books? I guess Gohan would like that job.” „Hey it’s not like I have a choice. And just for your information; there are some good books, you should try reading sometimes.” „No thanks! I don’t want to end up as my brother.” „I like reading as well, and I’m still not like him.” „Sure, since you are reading mystery novels and scifies and ok, books on engineering. But Gohan is obsessed with books about philosophy, economics and such crazy stuff.” „Did you find anything?” „Maybe. They are searching for a bouncer in the club downtown. The only issue is, that you need to be at least 20 years old but I can always lie about my age.” Both considered themselves lucky as Goten already needed to start that evening and Trunks on the next day. That evening they all eat canned food as at least those only needed to be heated up. The next morning everybody eat what they still found, but it was clear that today they need to go shopping. At least one of them. As they all hated it, everybody was aware that it won’t be an easy decision who should go. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)