Dragon Ball R von Lans13 (The saiyans are back!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: Chapter 7 -------------------- 8 years passed since the saiyans were brought back to life on planet Vegeta. They adjusted quite good to their new lifestyle which meant that now they defended planets for money and technology instead of killing the inhabitants and selling it. Vegeta had quite a surprise soon after he visited his home planet; his father took a new mate and he ended up having a little brother called Gogeta. He still had some issues with it, especially now as he was watching his 7 year old brother playing with his 5 year old grandson in the living room. Trunks married Atin and had their little boy Karris, who was almost the same age as Gohan’s second child Bardock. Karris and Bardock were similarly vivacious as Goten and Trunks back when they were children and when occasionally Gogeta joined them, the parents were quite certain that at the end of the day, something bad will happen. “Where do you think you are going?” Vegeta looked up to his 18 years old daughter, who was just about to leave the house. “I have a date, remember?” she asked, looking at her father. Then like reading in his thought she removed her coat so Vegeta could see how she was dressed. The saiyan prince wasn’t entirely ok with the outfit as the red dress was a bit too short and more revealing then he would it liked to be, but it was appropriate enough not to make a real objection so he nodded. “I will be home by midnight!” Bra called, then hugged his father and left. Vegeta remembered the first time when Bra was invited to a party. He was against it and they argued with Bulma for 2 hours, until he agreed that she can go. He had some conditions though and those were not negotiable. One was the curfew (11pm) and the other was that he had to approve the clothing what Bra wore. This turned to be more difficult than any of them thought as Bra had to change 6 times until Vegeta give the final ok. It was a good lesson though as for the 2nd time, Bra only had to change 3 times and them mostly just once. Sometimes she even managed to pick an „appropriate” dress at her first try, like today. Vegeta finally understood why both Bulma and Goku said that he should be happy until he only has to play with Bra and he will take it extremely hard when she starts dating and going out. When he first got the news that they were having a daughter with Bulma, he had many problems with it but he never assumed this will be one of them. “We will have a daughter” the prince recalled the day, when Bulma got back from the doctor. “What?” he asked, breaking the mug in his hand. He was just about the make a coffee when Bulma entered the kitchen. “When we decided to have a second child you knew as well that there is a 50% chance for it.” “You decided to have a second child, not me.” “Actually when I bought up the topic I was prepared that you will be outraged and you will call me stupid and stuff, but your only asked me and let me quote „Are you serious?”. And when I told you I’m, you said „whatever”.” “And you take that as an agreement?” “Well, yeah... I mean from you it was a clear ok. Or are you saying now, that I’m pregnant, you regret it?” “No, I don’t. It’s just... I have no idea what to do with a girl!” “She will be half saiyan so at some point you can train her as well. You said that saiyan women were just as good fighters as men.” “Mostly. But she will be half human.” “You will love her and she will love you back.” “I sincerely doubt that.” “Trunks loves you too and he thinks you are a great father.” “I still couldn’t figure out how that’s possible...” “Are you babysitting?” Goku suddenly asked, bringing back the saiyan prince to the present. “Hell Kakarott, I already told you like a million times not to teleport 5 inches before me! Could you at least pick an another room? Not to mention, that we have a front door.” “Which you only use occasionally as well” Goku smirked. “That’s beside the point Kakarott! What do you want?” “I came here to pick up Bardock. Gohan asked me too.” “I sort of understand why Gogeta and Karris are here, but why does Bardock end up in my house as well?” “Because they are friends and it’s not like they are not spending time at my house. If you remember, they hang out there yesterday.” A few hours later Trunks arrived home with Goten. “I’m beaten, let’s go eat something” Trunks said. “Exactly what I wanted to say” Goten smiled and they went to the kitchen. As they were starving, they didn’t even bother to make it to the dining room, they just pulled out the food from the fridge, put it on the counter and then began to eat. They were helping out the saiyans for the last 4 days against some strong enemy. Whenever the saiyans felt that they cannot complete a mission, they asked for their help and one or two of the five saiyans joined them to help. “Daddy, you are back!” Karris called and he hugged Trunks strongly, almost causing him to fall. “What did you do while I was away?” Trunks asked, putting up his son on one of the bar chairs at the counter. “We played with Bardock and Gogeta a lot. I also trained with grandpa” Karris reported with a big smile on his face. “You have much to learn boy” Vegeta joined them, looking at Karris. “I will be a super saiyan soon!” he stated, then jumped off the chair and run back to the living room. Later, when Bulma got home and she realised that Vegeta was in the living room, she asked: “So once again Bra is out?” “She has exactly 10 minutes to get home, otherwise I will locate her and drag her sorry ass back” the saiyan commented. “She will be here in time. She always is, knowing that you are not just saying these things.” “For once I would be happy if she would be similar to Gohan’s brat, Pan. She is still not interested in boys and also she is wearing normal clothes.” “Pan is only 14 and it’s her nature that she is a tomboy. But at least you shouldn’t worry that somebody will kidnap Bra or harm her physically. The only people who are stronger than her, are either a member of this family or they are Goku’s relatives.” “Hmpf” Vegeta said. Bulma couldn’t repress a smile, while she sit down beside him and leaned against his side. “I’m here!” Bra shouted just as the clock showed midnight. “And why exactly did you have to break in the door?” the prince asked, looking at her daughter, who was still holding the door in her hand. “Ups, I was in a hurry” she smirked. “But you cannot complain as I’m on time.” “But I can complain!” Bulma stood up. “How many times do I have to get the things repaired that you saiyans break? It’s the fifth time this months that somebody broke the door!” “The other four times it was Karris” Bra stated, while she grabbed the door and leaned it against the wall. “Hi sis!” Trunks called, who just come to check what that strange noise was. “So you broke the door?” “Let me be! I haven’t broken half as many things as you!” she snapped. “Because you are a girl” Trunks stated. “No. It’s because I actually use my brain” she stated and then both of them laughed. “How was your date?” Pan asked later when Bra called her. “Terrible. How come every man is a jackass?!” Within a few days a new party was organised by Bulma as Bra turned 18 that week. “I’m so not in the mood for parties” she signed, while she was trying to find a dress. “It’s your 18th birthday. You have to celebrate it” Bulma explained as she was sitting on her daughter’s bed, examining the clothes which ended up next to her. Bra had the same clothing habits as her, she pulled out all her clothes and put them on the bed, until she didn’t find the one which was good for the occasion. As Bulma already invented a robot which put back the clothes later on, none of them felt that they should change this habit. At the other side of the floor Atin was also going through her clothes but in a more normal manner. She mostly managed to find the right one within 5 minutes. “When will Bardock arrive?” Karris asked, looking at his father, who was just about to convince him to change his muddy clothes at least to a clean one. “Within an hour or so” Trunks replied, then pushed a shirt to his son’s hands. “At least change your shirt!” “Why?” “Because it has two huge stains on it.” “Ok, but I won’t dress up like the rest of you!” he called, hating elegant outfits just like Goku and Vegeta. “How come grandma convinced grandpa to wear a suit?” “They shouted with each other at least for an hour” Trunks laughed. “But you know grandma always gets her way.” “They why is grandpa still arguing?” “That is a good question” the half saiyan said and then he remembered when a long time ago his parents had one of their fight, which resulted Bulma leaving the room screaming. Trunks looked at his father and asked: “How did you two ended up together?” He realised it was the worst possible time to ask this question as Vegeta was extremely angry, but the question was out. “What?” the prince looked at his 9 year old son confused. “You heard it... how did you two... met?” Now that Trunks already asked it, he was determined to get an answer. He already wondered about this since a while now, but never had the courage to ask it. Vegeta was not prepared for this question and he had no idea how to answer it. He was not the type who ever lied to his family but so far he managed to avoid the topic related to his dark past. His confusion caused him to actually forget that he was very angry at Bulma and only the confusion remained. He started to answer, before he even realised it: “After Namek, they wished me back with the dragon balls to Earth along with the Namekians and your mother offered to stay with her.” “Namek... that was where you fought against Freeza, right?” “Yes, anyhow...” “And Goku killed him, right?” “If we want to be exact, you killed him a couple of months after that.” “Me? I wasn’t even born then, was I?” “Your future version. You came back from the future to warn us about the androids.” “Oh yeah, I heard something about it. So how come Goku haven’t killed Freeza on Namek? And why haven’t you killed him? You were there, weren’t you?” “Will you let me explain, or will you just interrupt with your stupid questions?!” Vegeta snapped. “I’m sorry!” “I couldn’t kill Freeza, because he killed me first.” “You died?! I mean even before Buu, you already died once?” Trunks asked, failing to restrain himself. “Yes” Vegeta answered grinding his teeth. “Kakarott thought that bastard deserved an another chance and so he let him leave. He also let me leave when I first come to Earth.” Vegeta just then realised that he let the last sentence slip. He wasn’t intending to tell his son the whole story but now there was no way back. He has seen that Trunks was repressing the urge to interrupt him with a new question so he continued: “I came to Earth first, to get the Dragon Balls to wish for eternal life. However that clown Kakarott defeated me and then decided to let me run, even though I was planning to blow up the whole planet as soon as I got my wish. He was always stupid, so no wonder he left Freeza alive as well.” “Wait, you wanted to blow up Earth? Why?” “Because that was what I did back then. After Freeza killed the saiyans and blow up my planet I ended up serving him and I enslaved whole races for him or killed them. I had no choice, but I never cared that it was wrong. Not until I came to Earth at least.” “But... but you don’t kill any more” Trunks said. “Not even people who piss you off.” “No, I don’t.” “And.. and you helped to save the Earth and fought against Cell and Buu.” “True. But that doesn’t change the fact that I wiped out planets under Freeza’s command. So after I came back from Namek, shortly your future version appeared and warned us about the androids. We all decided to fight and trained for 3 whole years. Don’t be mistaken, I wasn’t planning to fight to save this mud ball, I just wanted to test my powers! Anyhow I decided to stay here as your mother had good equipment for training and that’s all.” Vegeta was always afraid what will Trunks say once he knows the truth about his past. And now it happened, the truth was out. Of course he hasn’t shared much, like details but it was enough for him to know that he used to be evil. He looked at Trunks, who was looking back at him, clearly expecting to tell something more. When he realised, that was all his father had to say, he asked: “My future self was a badass, right?” “What?” Vegeta asked, not believing his ears. He just told his son that he used to be evil and a mass murder and this was the question what he came up with?! “I heard that you used to work for Freeza and stuff, but it was a long time ago. Since then you saved Earth twice, so... You just died a year ago and it was terrible! I won’t be angry with you about something, which happened a long time ago. I wasn’t even born yet!” Vegeta still couldn’t believe his son reactions. Even the best possible scenario wasn’t going so well in his mind when he played out this scenario. Trunks realised that his father was confused so he quickly hugged him while saying: “I love you dad and I’m glad that you are alive!” He quickly released his father to ease the tension and asked again: “So was my future self a badass?” “Why do you even assume it?” the prince asked, still not understanding how he could be so lucky that both Bulma and Trunks loved him even after everything he did. “He killed Freeza, so he had to be” Trunks smiled. When Trunks reached this point he realised that Karris finally changed to his clean shirt so they were ready to go. In a couple of minutes the first guests arrived and by 2pm everybody was there. “How come I don’t see any of your classmates?” Goten asked, looking at Bra. “The girls are bitches, the boys just stupid. How come you don’t have any of your girlfriends with you?” “Cause I don’t have any right now.” “Wow, that’s rare” she smiled. “Although I seriously thought that you will marry Serena. You were going out with her for 2 years.” “I couldn’t even tell her that I was a saiyan so the relationship was doomed” Goten sighed. “My brother and Gohan are both so lucky with their wives. I cannot imagine anybody taking our whole family background so good, like it’s nothing special.” “Don’t forget our mothers.” “Hey, Chichi only got to know the truth when they were already married and had Gohan. Even your father had no idea that he was an alien.” “True. But your mother knew that Vegeta was a saiyan from the start.” “My parents aren’t exactly a typical couple.” “True” Goten said and they both had to laugh. “You know, Pan said I should just marry you” Bra smiled. “Since we are both half saiyans.” “Like Vegeta would let it! He would kill me or worse...” “What can be worse than killing?” “He would first torture me until I beg him to kill me, until I would welcome death.” “Are you talking about dad?” Trunks joined them, looking at his sister. “How have you figured out?” Bra smiled. “No classmates?” Trunks also asked. “Seriously?” Bra asked back. “Are you starting it as well? Like you and Goten had so many friend! Or Gohan. Hell, he only started to go to public school when he was 17!” “Why would Bra need human friends, when she has us?” Pan joined, dragging Marron with her. Bra knew that Pan was right. She had friends and a great family and it’s not like she wasn’t on good terms with humans; her mother was human, Videl also, just like Atin. At the end, the party turned out to be a good one. Not the best, but Bra had real fun. Also she could at last wear what she wanted. Of course when Vegeta had seen her sexy black dress which was quite revealing and her high red heals, he naturally wanted to object but she was quicker: “We have an agreement that I need to get my clothes approved, I know.” “I most certainly won’t approve this!” Vegeta shouted. “You don’t have to, as the agreement is only valid in case I leave the house. Since the party is here, I won’t cross the front gate. You can keep an eye on me, anytime you want.” “Why do you have such clothing in the first place?” the prince asked. “You know, it’s mum’s. Or it was, but she decided to get rid of it as she is too old for this. So I asked her to give it to me.” “What?” he asked, not quite believing it. But then as he looked at the dress he sort of remembered seeing it in Bulma ages ago. Of course he liked it on her, but as soon as his daughter was wearing the same dress it wasn’t cool at all. Marron and Pan stayed over, so Bra had a long talk with them after the party was over. When most of the guests went home, Trunks finally had the opportunity to train in the gravitation room and Atin joined him. To be on the same power level, Trunks also put on the gravity belt and set the gravity high, while Atin only fought at a slightly increased gravity. “At least I can beat you so” she smiled, after she landed a really good punch, which caused Trunks to end up on the floor. “You can keep up with Karris as well, without him wearing a belt” he also smiled and jumped back to his feet. “For now, but I’m already feeling that he is stronger. The only reason why he doesn’t know it yet is, that I have more experience and advanced skills. But he is stronger. I so envy your saiyan powers!” “If that’s any consolidation, I think you are now the strongest human on Earth, especially since Krilin got older.” “I’m really curious what will happen next year, when Karris has to go to school.” “He will have Bardock as a classmate.” “Should that be a good or a bad thing?” “It depends” Trunks smirked. “I certainly caused more trouble with Goten as I would have alone but at least I had a friend and I wasn’t standing so much out as Goten had the same issues.” “What was the worst thing you two did? I’m not sure that I really want to know, though I have to ask” Atin laughed. That caused Trunks to remember how he „accidentally” hit his teacher and Goten cracked the wall. They were around 10-11 years old and had the most boring math class ever. While Trunks found it boring because he already knew more than the kids in ground school, Goten thought it’s boring, because he had real trouble with the subject and he had no idea what the teacher was talking about. They tried to live through the class by playing torpedo under their school benches and when Trunks hit the last of Goten’s ships he cried out a bit louder than he should have: “Holy crap!” That caused their teacher to look up. “Damn!” Trunks called and he tried to hide the piece of paper which was still in his hand. The teacher had no idea what was exactly on the paper, but he hurried over and tried to grab it out from the boy’s hand. As Trunks wanted to push away his teacher’s hand, he used more power than necessary and he ended up hitting him so hard that he bounced off from the wall. They both panicked and Goten got to him with so much dynamism, that he also bounced off from the wall, which cracked thanks to that. They both ended up in the principal’s office who called their parents. It wasn’t the first time that they were sitting in front of the principal’s writing desk, waiting for Bulma and Chichi to pick them up. Mostly just only one of them ended up there, but occasionally both of them. However, this time when the door opened, Goten and Trunks looked shocked as Vegeta showed up. Trunks had no idea what to expect from him, he only felt sheer panic and couldn’t gather his thoughts. He already knew how Bulma would have reacted, but this was the first time Vegeta came to pick him up. “What happened this time?” he asked from the principal, only looking shortly at him and then looking at his son. That moment Trunks understood why Goten was afraid of Vegeta and he was sure that in case a look could kill, he would have died a painful death as soon as his father arrived. “He hit his teacher...” the principal began, but Vegeta interrupted, still locking Trunks’ gaze: “Have you killed him?!” At that moment the principal was quite sure, that he didn’t hear the question right. Sure, he had no idea how a little boy managed to break a teacher’s arm, but to kill him... “Of course not! I’m always careful not to kill humans” Trunks answered. “What?!” the principal asked, no longer be able to think that he has some issues with his hearing. But Vegeta ignored him and snapped at his son: “Obviously you were not careful enough, otherwise I would not be in this goddamn school, but home, training!” “It’s not even like I wanted to hit him, it was an accident. And I only broke his arm!” the young saiyan tried to explain. At that moment Goku entered the room as well and Goten felt extremely relieved. For the first time since the prince arrived, he felt a slight chance to come out from the school alive. “What happened?” Goku asked, not really bothered by the look Vegeta was shooting at him. “We played torpedo and then when I lost I called out and the teacher heard it and he wanted to get the paper from Trunks so he accidentally hit him but he only wanted to push his hand away and so the teacher sort of hit the wall and then I hit the wall as well and it cracked but I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to check on him” Goten explained with one breath, looking hopefully at his father. “They should be disciplined for not paying attention...” the principal began, but Goku ignored him as well and looked at the boys: “So it was just an accident?” “Yes!” both boys answered at the same time. “Well, nobody got seriously injured...” Goku stated, but Vegeta began to shout: “You cannot be serious Kakarott! They cannot control their powers as they have a slacking attitude on the trainings and now I had to come here as the woman is on some damn conference or whatever. I had to interrupt my own training as my son is a stupid stone headed idiot!” Vegeta looked at Trunks again, then said: “Let’s go, we will discuss this issue further at home!” “But, he still has 2 other lessons left for today!” the principal called. “So?” the prince asked, looking at the pathetic excuse of the human who called himself the principal. “So... you cannot... just take him... home” the principal managed to say, while he felt like the prince wanted to kill him with his stare. He had no idea how close he was to the truth. “I’m his father so I can take him anywhere I want” he stated and not looking back he left. Trunks wasn’t entirely sure what to do, but after a second, he decided to follow his father so he jumped off the seat and left the room as well. “Hey Vegeta, wait for me!” Goku called, then signalled Goten to go with him and they also left. “But...” the principal started to call out, then he stopped. He just had no idea what happened in the last 5 minutes. When he had first seen Bulma’s outrage and then Chi-Chi’s reaction, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Both women were shouting off their son’s head and dragged then aggressively after them, but only once they left the building. While they were inside, both just apologised in an extremely polite way and stated that this won’t happen again. And they kept their words, as the two half-saiyans never ended up twice for the same issue in the principal’s office. The boys always managed to cause a new kind of trouble. “And what happened?” Atin asked as Trunks finished the story. “You mean after we got home?” “Yes.” “My father was about to drag my ass to the gravity room when my mother arrived who listened to the principal’s voicemail after we left and she insisted that she will kill me first, and only when she is done, can my dad have his way with me. So she shouted with me for a really long time and after that I got one of my most intensive training in my life.” Just the next day Trunks had to visit his old school in order to enrol his son, who will start next year. As Bardock was the same age as Karris, Gohan had to go too, so they decided to do this together. There was a long line in front of the teacher’s office so it took nearly an hour until they were the next in line. Trunks realized that the principal was still the same, although he looked much older and had less hair now. When he looked at Trunks he instantly remembered on him and he asked: “Don’t tell me that you have a son and he will study in my school?!” “I never assumed you are still working here” Trunks smirked. “You almost caused me a heart attack, but as you can see I’m still alive. If you don’t mind me asking; why do you want your child to attend this school?” “I had fun here” Trunks answered unable not to smile. ”Does... Does Goten also have a child?” the principal asked, clearly showing signs of panic. “No, he doesn’t have any yet, but his brother does.” “Nice to meet you, I’m Gohan!” the other saiyan introduced himself feeling quite sorry for the old man. “Maybe I will take an early retirement next year” the principal sighed. “It’s so cool that we will go to the same school” Karris laughed, looking at Bardock. “My father only attended high school, but uncle Goten told me some stories about his time there with Trunks” Bardock smiled back. They were in the living room of the Capsule Corporation, waiting for Gogeta to finish his training with Vegeta. It was the last morning he spent there, as King Vegeta was scheduled to arrive in the afternoon, taking his youngest son back. “Don’t tell me that this is all?” Vegeta asked, after his little brother tried to attack him, failing. “No, it isn’t” Gogeta said, then he took a second to catch his breath and attacked again. While Vegeta easily deflected his brother’s attack he thought that even Gohan’s daughter and son were much stronger than Gogeta, and they were even less, then half saiyans. Sure, Gogeta had huge potential, just like when he was a child and also he started to exceed their father’s power, although he was only 7. He started to think that saiyans combined with humans could be an evolution for his race as his and Kakarott’s children were much stronger than any saiyan. Although they were not stronger yet then their fathers, Goten and Trunks become pretty close to it by now. It was no longer an option for Goku and Vegeta to defeat Gotenks, unless they also fused together. After an another 30 minutes Vegeta decided to let Gogeta go and also he left the gravitation room in order to have some lunch. Later when King Vegeta arrived, Vegeta was a bit surprised to see his stepmother as well. Strange things happened in the past years and once again it changes his perspectives. When he visited his father the first few times he realised that he was glad that he ended up in Earth. Strange as it was, he didn’t like the way his stepmother was behaving with his father. She was pretty and a good fighter, in saiyan measurement a perfect queen. Still, she never really shared what she was thinking and she did everything what his husband told her, without any objection. First Vegeta though it was the perfect „marriage”, but then as he watched them, he began to doubt whether his father really knew her or cared how she felt. Most probably the answer was no to both questions. As irritating as Bulma was sometimes, Vegeta enjoyed arguing with her. If not for Freeza, he would have ended up with a saiyan woman eventually and although he thought in the past it would have been much better, he knew now, that he was much more happy with his human wife. “When can I come again?” Gogeta asked, looking at his father. “We will see. You cannot neglect your trainings” King Vegeta said. “Like I wasn’t training here!” Gogeta snapped. “I learned much more from my brother in this two weeks, then I learned home in a year.” “You don’t have to exaggerate, son.” “But I’m not! Brother could kick everybody’s ass at the same time” Gogeta said and Vegeta couldn’t repress his feeling any longer and he had to laugh. His father looked at him shocked as he still couldn’t understand how he could have changed so much. He was so different from the other saiyans and he still couldn’t see why he decided to stay on Earth instead of moving back home. “Hey!” Goku said, who just then instantly teleported himself to the living room. “Kakarott... why you!” Vegeta snapped. “I told you a thousand time to use the front door!” “Sure, sure!” he smiled. Kakarott was another mystery for the King. Sure, in the past years Bardock improved a lot and he finally become an elite fighter, but still, it didn’t explain how a low level saiyan could be stronger than his own son. And Vegeta seemed to be ok with it, which was an another mystery for him. Sure, Vegeta explained to the King that he wanted to kill him for years. What the King failed to understand was; what changed his mind. He didn’t get the two saiyans and their families, just like Vegeta still failed to understand the humans at most times. “Are you coming to the celebrations?” King Vegeta asked. “Sure” Goku answered. “But as usual, we won’t fight as it wouldn’t be fair. Maybe I will bring Bardock along, but even Pan is too powerful. Maybe Trunks will bring Karris and he can also fight.” With that said, King Vegeta said goodbye and went back to his planet with his new mate and son. “I feel like we are a third race” Goten told Trunks, when they were coming out from the gravitation room. “I know what you mean. Even our fathers are not fitting in with the saiyans” Trunks smiled. “But we cannot really pretend to be human either.” When Goten had a shower and changed his clothes he was about to go to the dining room to have something to eat, when he bumped into Bra. “Watch where you are going!” Bra shouted. “Sorry!” Goten said. “I’m starving so I was in a hurry.” As Bra was about to eat as well, she joined them. When Trunks had to leave and the two of them were alone in the dining room, Bra felt awkward. She noticed that since some weeks now she tried to avoid being alone with Goten. It was fine when Trunks or somebody else was there but as soon as the two of them were alone, she felt strange. Suddenly she had no idea what to talk about even though she knew Goten for ages and earlier it wasn’t an issue. “Crap!” Goten called, when he opened a soda and it exploded out of the bottle, soaking his shirt. “You are so clumsy” Bra laughed. “How was I supposed to know?” he asked, pulling off his shirt and drinking the remaining of the soda. “Aren’t you... planning to... put on an another shirt?” Bra managed to ask, while blushing. Goten looked at her confused. He had no idea why she was blushing and then it hit him that she was behaving strangely around him for a while now. “Hey, it’s not like you haven’t seen me without my shirt” he smiled, and stepped closer to her. Bra stepped back, bumping into the wall. “Just put something on!” she stuttered. “Why? Don’t you like the sight?” Goten smirked and leaned closer to her. Bra tried to pull back but as she had the wall behind her it was impossible, at least if she wasn’t planning to destroy it. She felt Goten’s breath on her cheek and their bodies were only inches apart. “Goten, I...” Bra began, but instead of finishing it, she suddenly grabbed Goten, pulled him even closer and kissed him. Although he clearly wasn’t expecting it, he didn’t pull away as he liked it very much. When they finally parted, Bra would have preferred to run up to her room but she braced herself and said: “Goten, I think I’m in love with you!” “You are joking, right?” Goten asked but as he looked at her, he knew she was serious. Finally he got the picture, but he had no idea what to say. It’s not like he couldn’t see how cute Bra was, but she was his best friend’s little sister and what was more scary, she was Vegeta’s daughter. Under other circumstances he would have asked her out a long time ago, but given her family, he tried not to think about her that way at all. “So, do you dare to go out with me?” she asked, smiling. “Why would you assume, that I like you too?” “You liked when I kissed you, right?” “Well, yes...” “Also, you find me cute, right?” “Well, yes...” “So?” “So what?” “What is your answer?” “Bra... your father would kill me and I’m not even sure about Trunks reaction for that matter.” “Father never killed any human” Bra said, then quickly added “at least since Buu. All my previous boyfriends are in perfect health.” “How many have you actually introduced to him?” “None, but he has seen two of them from... a good distance!” Bra explained and they both burst out in laugh. From that day on Goten not only went to Capsule Corporation to see Trunks, but also for Bra but so far they decided to keep their relationship in secret. “I’m so excited to go to your home planet” Atin said, when she joined the saiyans to visit planet Vegeta. “It’s not really my home planet” Trunks smiled. “Still, I never visited an another planet before. And I had to train hard to be able to travel here. I mean the gravity is 10 times greeter then what we have on Earth.” “Say Vegeta, how come Bulma never wanted to come?” Goku asked, looking at the prince. “It’s not exactly that she didn’t want to come, but she can’t. The gravity would crash her” Vegeta answered. “I heard she is working on a suite which would decrease the gravity so she could come” Trunks added. “I certainly hope it will take years until she builds it” Goku said. “How come?” Atin looked at him surprised. “That would mean that Chichi can come along as well.” This time it was the King’s birthday, which meant that the saiyans had their own jousts. There were one-on-one fights and group fights as well. Since Goku and the rest were still way stronger than any other saiyans, they didn’t participate. But Bardock and Karris could and they were really excited. They already wanted to fight last year but they were not allowed as they were only 4 years old. When they arrived, a small group of saiyan welcomed then, specially Vegeta as he was the prince. Most of the saiyans were already gathered around the arena as the fights were just about to begin. Vegeta watched the fight somewhat sceptical as he thought the saiyans are still really weak, compared to him. Sure, they improved a lot since the planet was reviewed but none of them reached the super saiyan level. “Atin is really good” Goku commented, when she just defeated a saiyan. “It’s a disgrace that a human can defeat a full blood saiyan” Vegeta commented. “Some humans are strong” Trunks added. “Also, it’s not like the saiyans are the strongest race.” After 3 other fights Atin was out but even so she was proud of herself to be able to stand her ground against the saiyans and even the increased gravity wasn’t a problem for her. Karris and Bardock easily won all of their fights until they had to fight each other. The others couldn’t believe their eyes seeing the boys powers. Karris was slightly stronger so he won, just to have the next fight with the other Bardock, Goku’s father. Bardock beat him, but they knew that maybe next year he won’t be able to. “It’s always so much fun!” Karris smiled, when the jolts finished and they closed the day with a huge feast. While Vegeta was away with Trunks, Bra only had to avoid Bulma when she met Goten. But as Bulma wasn’t able to sense Ki, Bra even invited Goten over, knowing that her mother will be in the company the whole day. “So, we are all alone here?” Goten asked, when he arrived and kissed Bra. “Yes, at least until evening” Bra smiled. “Maybe I’m paranoid, but the last time I was here, I felt like Trunks already knows it. He was looking at me really strangely.” “Nah, you are just imaging it.” They decided to go to the pool in the garden as it was a quite hot summer day. “What do you think how long can we keep it in a secret? I mean secrets are bound to be find out eventually...” Bra said, climbing out of the pool and sitting down on a sunbed next to Goten. “I know we cannot keep it from them forever, but at least I want to make sure I really love you, before Vegeta kills me” Goten laughed. “Do you want to say, that you are still not sure?” “I was just joking, of course I’m sure” Goten smiled, then grabbed Bra and kissed her. “You are worth dying for, it’s just... I want to live my remaining short life to the fullest!” Bra couldn’t repress a smile. She couldn’t believe it, how she never realised before how handsome Goten was. She only though about him as his brother best friend. Sure, they were also friends and did some crazy things, mostly with Pan and Marron tagging along as well. Also Goten was older than her, but it wasn’t such a big age difference now that she was 18 and Goten 24. At some level they both enjoyed keeping their relationship in secret. It was exciting stealing kisses while anybody could have seen them, also it was exciting as Goten climbed up to the 2nd floor and visited Bra in her room at one night. He couldn’t fly, as Vegeta or Trunks would have spotted him instantly, but with his „normal” powers he was still skilled. “You are crazy” Bra said, when she saw Goten hanging from her windows. “You are making me crazy” he smiled. They talked about watching a movie together at home, but given their relationship, both of their houses were out of the question. They sit down on the couch in Bra’s room and Goten pulled out the pen drive. While he walked to the TV he saw Bra’s pc, where a photo was opened from her birthday party. “Hey, I haven’t even seen those” he called, grabbed the pc and sit down with it. “O, I just got it from my mother. I haven’t seen all of those either” Bra explained, then she leaned closer and they looked at the pictures. Somehow after they saw the pictures they ended up on YouTube, watching episodes of „You think you can be a star?” which was a talent show were everybody could apply. Mostly people decided to sing, but there were some dancers, comedians, magicians and some other crazy people. They only watched the people who were so pathetic or terrible that it was funny. They laughed so hard that even their backs were hurting. Also as they didn’t want to wake up anybody in the house, it was hard to keep it low. The more you are not supposed to laugh, the more you are actually laughing. “Geez, Goten! You will wake the whole house” Bra called, when Goten was laughing on a contestant, even louder than on the others. “I...” he began, but was unable to continue from laughing. He was laughing so hard that he ended up on the floor, lying. “Goten!” Bra said, also fighting hard not to laugh, then as she realised that Goten won’t be able to stop, she jumped on him and covered his mouth with her hands to repress the noise. Around the same time Trunks woke up sensing his son entering their bedroom. “What is it?” he asked whispering, getting up and walking to him. Atin was still asleep so he didn’t want to wake her up. “I... I think something is in my closet. A monster...” Karris whispered back, his eyes full of tears. Trunks had Deja-vu all over again. He remembered when he went to his parents room when he was about Karris’ age. He had no idea, how Vegeta handled when Bra had nightmare and pulled the same number, but he got an entirely different attitude from Vegeta. Sure, he wasn’t that much willing to go in their parents’ room, knowing how his father would find him weak, but the noise in the closet just wouldn’t let up, so he decided to go. Vegeta sit up alert, as soon as Trunks opened the door. “What?!” he asked, not caring whether he would wake Bulma or not. “Trunks drear?” Bulma asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes. “What’s wrong?” “There is... something in my closet” he said. He couldn’t bear to say monster in front of his father, although he was pretty convinced that it had to be a monster. “Come here, you can sleep here if you want” Bulma offered, but before Trunks could move Vegeta called: “No fucking way! The brat will sleep in his own room.” “Vegeta...” Bulma began, but the prince was already up, grabbed Trunks by his shirt and hung him in the air. “I will handle this!” he shouted, then stormed out of the room, dragging his son after him. “I don’t want to go back!” Trunks cried, but Vegeta wasn’t listening, he simply stormed into his room and throw Trunks on the floor. He wasn’t even bothering to turn on the light as there was enough light coming from the floor to be able to see most of the things in the room. “Now you will open the closet!” Vegeta commanded. “I’m afraid” Trunks objected and desperate all his efforts, tears were streaming down on his cheek. He was angry and knew that he was behaving childish but hell, he was only 5 years old so how else was he supposed to behave? Vegeta looked at his son and Trunks felt he was piercing him with his look. Back then, he had no idea that Vegeta was a mass-murderer or at all that he was bad, yet he was scared of him. “Boy, whatever is in that closet – if there is anything at all – it cannot be as scary as I’m now!” Vegeta snapped. Trunks though about it for a moment and he knew his father was right. Whatever was in there, he would rather face that monster then his father. When he reached this conclusion he stopped sobbing and a bright smile appeared on his face. Vegeta was quite taken aback by this sudden change of mood. Sure, he already experienced it with Bulma, but Trunks was something else. Trunks felt that he was entirely calm and also remembered that he was strong. According to his mother he was way stronger than most of the humans, that’s why he had to take extra care not to break things. Sure he wouldn’t stand a chance against his father but he could kick that monster’s ass. How could he have been so dumb to fail to realize it sooner? “I’m really stupid, am I not?” he asked, looking at Vegeta. He didn’t say anything, just raised an eyebrow, indicating that he is not quite sure what Trunks exactly means. Trunks stepped closer to the closet and opened the door. It was empty, apart from his clothes. “I’m sure the monster sneaked out while I went into your room” he explained looking back at Vegeta. Vegeta was about to say something, when Trunks continued. “Well, next time he won’t be so lucky! I will roast his ass!” Seeing Trunks determination and hearing the statement Vegeta almost burst out laughing. Though, he managed to repress it and only his usual smirk appeared on his face. “Daddy?” Karris asked, pulling Trunks sleeve as they arrived to his room. “We will go in and see what’s there” Trunks explained, entering the room and turning on the light. Karris wasn’t that willing to enter, even with the light on, so he reluctantly followed her father, still holding his sleeve. Even though Vegeta handled the situation in his unique way, Trunks was never ever afraid of the monster in the closet. Still, he decided to make a slightly lighter approach with his son. “Why can’t I just sleep in your room?” Karris asked. “Because you will be still afraid from the monster here and I think you don’t want to be afraid forever.” “No, I don’t” Karris slowly nodded. “Also, if there is indeed a monster then you can at least have a good fight” Trunks smiled. “You always said that you envy me because I go on missions with the saiyans and fight monsters.” “Right!” Karris lightened up and a big smile spread on his face, too similar to the one Trunks had 20 years ago. “Cool, so I have my own monster to fight?!” With that he run to the closet and opened the door. Of course there was nothing apart from his clothes and when Karris realized it, he actually felt disappointed. “Maybe it hide when he felt your Ki” Trunks offered. “It’s not fair, I wanted to kick his ass! Do you think it will come back?” “I don’t know. So, do you still want to sleep with us?” “No” Karris shook his head. “I want to be here when he is back!” “Sure?” “Sure!” “Sleep well then!” Trunks smiled and when his son was in his bed, he turned down the light and closed the door. While he has walking towards the bedroom, he asked himself, whether he did the right thing. Sure he knew that normally parents are supposed to say that there are no monsters and stuff, but he knew too well, that there ARE monsters. He himself faced some and he knew about all the other enemies Goku and the others defeated. Also, even though they had peace for a long time now, it was inevitable that somebody crazy will attack them sooner or later. Thinking that through, he decided he handled the situation quite good. He was just about to enter the bedroom, when he realized he walked past it and was almost at the other end of the house. As he wanted to turn back he heard noises coming from Bra’s room. Although the house was huge and he lived at the other end as Bra, now he was almost before her room and had a sensitive hearing so it didn’t escape him. He froze and automatically checked for Ki’s, but he could only feel Bra’s familiar energy. Still, he was quite sure he heard something. “Could it be that Bra snugged her current boyfriend up to her room?” he asked from himself. It was a slight possibility, but he assumed she wouldn’t dare it given how their father was. He wanted to leave nevertheless, deciding it’s none of his concern, when he clearly heard Bra scream. It wasn’t a big scream, just a short one, still he rushed in the room, without knocking. He had the most unexpected sight, as Bra was sitting on Goten, still trying to cover his mouth, while Goten was trying to get free as he had hard time breathing so he tickled Bra, which caused her to scream. “Have you ever heard of knocking?” Bra asked, while Trunks stood in the door frozen. “It’s not what it looks like!” Goten said, while he pushed Bra off and sit up. “I’m” Trunks began, then quickly stepped inside the room and closed the door before finishing “not even sure what it looks like.” “Well, it...” Goten tried to explain, then realized that he had no idea what to say. His mind simply got blank and he couldn’t even come up with a pathetic lie. Bra looked at him, then on his brother, finally decided there is no way out from this so she sighed: “Ok, Goten and I are dating. Obviously...” “What?! Since when?” Trunks asked, not expecting this. Sure he had no idea why Goten was in Bra’s room, but he was still searching for some explanation when his sister told the truth. “A while now” Bra answered nervously smiling. “You know my father will kill you?” Trunks said after looking at Goten for a while. “Yeah, that is mostly the reason why we are keeping this in a secret. To prolong my life” Goten explained, while nervously scratching the back of his head. There was silence again as neither one of them were sure what to say. Trunks had so many questions but every time he focused on one, he realized that he doesn’t really want to know the answer or he is better off not knowing. He almost asked whether they already slept together, but then he thought that since Bra is his little sister and Goten is his best friend it would be... not so good to know. “Do you also plan to kill me?” Goten finally asked, breaking the silence. Trunks has to concentrate not to laugh on this question. Sure, he was protective of his little sister, but unlike Vegeta, he accepted that she will have boyfriends. Luckily for all of them, he haven’t inherited that much from Vegeta’s raging attitude, sure he inherited some others instead, but at least not this one. On the other hand, Goten changed a lot during the last years. Even after they broke up with Serena, he didn’t go back being a womanizer. Sure he was still popular, but he no longer treated women as mere objects. Also, even though Goten tried to hide it, he was feeling really bad after Serena left him, which was a first. “I have met most of Bra’s boyfriends over the last year and she somehow seem to have a talent to choose complete idiots to go out with” Trunks began, looking at his best friend. “So the fact that she is interested in you is showing that there might be still hope for her as you are a real improvement compared to her ex-es.” “Gee, thank you for having such a nice opinion of me” Bra called. “Still, does it mean that you are ok with it?” “I never saw it coming, but yes. I mean it’s your lives.” Bra and Goten felt an instant relief and they couldn’t believe to hear these words. Sure they knew that Vegeta is the real trouble, but they never imagined that Trunks will accept is so easily. “One more thing though” Trunks continued, then locked his gaze with Goten’s. “If you break her heart, you will answer to me!” “I won’t” Goten nodded, a bit shocked by the murderous gaze Trunks was shooting at him. “Great. Also” Trunks this time looked at Bra, locking her gaze “in case you hurt him, you will answer to me!” “What?” Bra asked, taken aback. “Hey, Goten is my best friend you know!” Trunks smirked. Just as he was about to leave and the new couple felt relaxed, Trunks suddenly turned back asking: “When do you plan to break the news to father?” “Certainly not right now in the middle of the night!” Bra answered, biting her lip nervously. “You know what I mean.” “As soon as possible” Goten sighed. “Great. ’Coz I don’t want to hide this from him and right now I have no choice and I don’t like it. I won’t be you secret keeper you know!” “Easy for you to say brother” Bra looked at him a bit irritated. “As you are a man father couldn’t care less who you date! You never had to get your clothing approved or had a curfew until when you had to come home!” “True, but believe me, I had my fare share, when I was little!” That said, Trunks left the room with a smirk on his face. Now that he knew that Goten and Bra were together he also realized that they behaved strange around each other when the others were also there. Like when Bra come out from the Gravity room with Vegeta, Goten clearly checked her out. Bra preferred to wear girly clothes, also her nails were always nicely made, still she was a saiyan. Sure, when she was a child she only wanted to train to spend more time together with Vegeta, but later she had to confess to herself that she liked it, it was in her nature. She was not as strong as the other half-saiyans but still strong enough to defeat any full blooded saiyan on planet Vegeta. “You are so sexy even in this sweaty training suit with messed up hair” Goten whispered to Bra’s ear, when he caught up with her. She was just about to go in her room to have a shower and change. “You are a pervert” Bra smiled, pushing away Goten. “I’m just telling the truth” he insisted, then grabbed Bra’s hand which was still on his chest, pulled close to himself and kissed her. “Are you crazy? Somebody could see us!” Bra called, after they parted. She wanted to be angry, but enjoyed the kiss too much to successfully pretend it. “This might be my last day, so don’t be so mean!” he laughed, then took a step back and walked away. That night he once again visited Bra in her room. “You are still crazy” Bra said, while she opened the windows. “Might be, but I don’t want to come in. I want you to come out!” “Are you insane? My father would kill you along with me. I cannot just leave the house without his permission.” “He will never know. He is with my father on some kind of training trip in the mountains.” “What if he suddenly comes home?” “He won’t but anyhow I can check his presence anytime. Come!” “Well, ok” Bra nodded, then climbed on the cliff. “Now let’s go!” Goten said, grabbing Bra and flying away. “Hey, I can fly on my own!” “Sure you can, but then Vegeta might feel your Ki, so just relax!” Bra knew Goten was right so she stopped struggling and realized that it was quite nice being in Goten’s arms. So she leaned her head on his chest. “We are almost there, close your eyes!” Goten asked her. “It’s so exciting” she smiled, then obeyed. She slowly felt that they were descending and she also felt the familiar salty air, which you only feel when you are at the sea. “Can I open it now?” “Not yet, but almost.” Goten landed, then slowly put Bra down. “Now you can open your eyes!” When the half-saiyan girl looked around, she couldn’t believe the sight. They were indeed at the sea on a sandy beach, but it was breath-taking. The sand looked like it was mixed together with small diamonds as it had a strange shining in the moonshine. They were in a small bay and shortly after the beach, palm trees ruled the seaside. “I have never seen something so beautiful!” Bra smiled, then pulled off her sandal and run into the sea until it reached until her knees. “I’m happy you like it” Goten smiled, who also left his shoes in the sand and run after her. “Actually this is the only beach where you can see this kind of sand.” “I sure see why you had so many girlfriends over the years. Bringing them here is already a win.” “Actually, you are the first girl who I bought here” he confessed and was a bit confused as he felt himself blushing. Although it was indeed the most idealistic place for romance, he never had the urge to share it with anybody. Partly because it was hard to approach with normal methods so he would had to borrow a chopper from Bulma, partly because he also felt that this place was something special. “Now I’m intrigued” she smiled, then kissed Goten. Later they lie down on a blanket which Goten bought (in a capsule) and watched the stars. Now that was a classic, which Goten did with many of his girlfriends in the past, still this was somehow different. Sure the fact that he explained Bra which planet they protected with the saiyans helped to make a difference, but also the whole atmosphere was more intimal, then what he ever experienced before. Actually as Goten used so many classic romantic moves with his previously girlfriends, he was not quite sure about this trip. Then decided to take the risk and as he has seen Bra’s reaction he was happy to decide so. “How have you found this place?” Bra asked. They were lying next to each other, with Bra snuggling close to Goten. “I was sort of lost in my thoughts and didn’t pay much attention where I was flying. I used to fly around a lot at night after we broke up with Serena to clean my head. Then one night I somehow ended up here, not quite believing my eyes.” “You really loved her, didn’t you?” “Yes, or at least I thought so. She was somehow different from all the other girls, the first one who I have seen as a real person, not just some girl, who I can show off. But she wasn’t the one as I could never entirely speak with her open.” “I know the feeling. I had a crush on Darrell, who was 1 year above me and it took me months until I finally dared to approach him. I was so happy when we finally dated.” “I remember you speaking highly about him a while ago.” “Yeah. I though he is the one but every time I wanted to talk with him about my family or childhood, I constantly had to watch what I’m saying. I wasn’t quite ready to reveal that I’m a half-alien. Eventually we broke up and just like you and Serena, we sort of reached this conclusion together, but still it was hard for me. I had several rebounds until I was really ok, with what happened.” “At times like this I envy Trunks. He managed to fall in love with the right girl at the first time.” “He is sure lucky, but I don’t mind what happened. I mean you have to get burned to appreciate the good things in your life. There is a saying; you don’t know what you have until you lose it.” Goten looked at Bra smiling. She was always more mature then all the other girls at her age. He wondered if it was because of her strange family or it was just something what she inherited. Though she couldn’t possibly inherit it from Bulma, as she was quite carefree when she simply left home to search the dragon balls at the age of 16. “I love you” Bra said, looking into Goten’s onyx eyes. “I love you too” he whispered, then they kissed each other. This time the kissing was more intensive and also longer than ever before. When Goten wanted to pull away, Bra grabbed his shirt and pulled him back so he literary ended up on top of her. He grabbed Bra’s top and felt her breast under it. Bra felt like her body was on fire and Goten also felt something similar. Suddenly Bra sit up, still kissing Goten and removed her top. The next moment she also removed Goten’s shirt and ended up on top of him, once they were lying back on the blanket. She pressed herself against his body and she felt Goten’s erection. “Are you sure... you really want this?” Goten asked. He knew that Bra was a virgin, but her attitude sure wasn’t like of one. If she hasn’t told it him before, he would have been quite sure that she already slept with somebody. “I’m” she said, playfully biting his lower lip. “Good, because I’m not sure that I could stop” Goten answered, then pushed Bra off and climbed on top of her. “Now your father has even more reason to kill me” Goten smiled, when they lied next to each other, exhausted. “Yeah” Bra smiled, then they both laughed. It became more and more challenging to keep their relationship in secret, especially since they always wanted to be together. “It’s better if you tell him, then if he finds out on his own” Trunks was trying to convince Goten for the thousandth time now. They were in the dojo, which was run by Goten. As he had to find some work after he finished college, he decided to be a master. Sure he couldn’t teach anything apart from the real basics, but still he loved his work. He couldn’t understand how was Trunks able to sit in an office the whole day, or work in the laboratory. Sure he basically took over the company from Bulma, but still, Goten couldn’t imagine running a huge company by himself. He was quite happy with the dojo though. It was a pleasant surprise for him as well, how much he enjoyed teaching material arts to normal humans. Even if none of them come even near to Atin, as she was quite something else. “It’s not that I don’t know” Goten sighed “it’s just... you know how Vegeta is. And it certainly doesn’t help that I know what he did under Freeza’s command. He could really kill me!” “I’m sure Goku would save you.” “Yeah, if he is around. That’s why I’m sort of waiting for Bulma to organize a party or something and then tell them with my father standing next to me...” “Oh if that’s the only issue then you can rest assured. She just told me that she wants to do some dinner party.” “Why?” “Do you know my mother like the person, who needs a reason to throw a party?” Trunks laughed. “No. You are right.” “So here is your chance!” Goten wasn’t too happy about the prospect of telling the truth, but he know he cannot put it off forever. “Tell him when Goku is around” Bra also advised, when they talked about this later. So they braced themselves as much as it was possible. On the day when the party started, both of them were extremely nervous. “Are you planning to dress like that?” Vegeta asked, when he saw Bra coming down to the living room. ”Why? Is there a problem?” she asked caught off guard. She looked down on her red top and black skirt, then on her white sneakers. “No, not really” the prince answered, looking at her daughter suspicious. “So that’s my problem.” “What?” Bra asked, not able to follow her father. “Whenever we have a party here, you always wear some kind of ridiculous outfit with the excuse that since you are not leaving home, you can wear whatever you want.” “Oh... O! I can go and change!” she offered, realising that her mind was so elsewhere that she simply put on the first outfit what she could find in her closet. “That wasn’t my point!” Vegeta said, then gave up and left. He had no idea what was going on in Bra’s mind. “Don’t try to understand teenagers, it’s just impossible!” Bulma smiled, looking at the prince. “I think it’s rather so, that I don’t get women... at all” Vegeta called. “Regardless of their age.” Bulma had to laugh hearing this, then she went to Vegeta and kissed him on the cheek. Soon all the guests arrived and they began to mingle. “What?!” Pan asked a bit louder than intended. “You heard; I’m dating Goten” Bra explained whispering. She was sitting at one of the tables with Marron and Pan and they were out of earshot from the others. Ok, Piccolo was still able to hear them but he wasn’t a threat so Bra didn’t care. Anyhow soon they will all hear the news. “How come Goten haven’t told me?” Pan was outrageous and she was looking with her eyes for her uncle. “We haven’t told anyone yet” Bra explained. “But since when?” Marron asked, also having a hard time believing it. “Since 6 months now.” “Any you kept it a secret from us? From your best friends! Come on Bra!” Pan was really taking it personally, only hearing it so late. “How come you haven’t told anybody?” Marron asked. “Isn’t it obvious?” Bra raised her eye-brown. “My father.” “Oh yeah” Pan nodded. “Also I guess Trunks.” “Well at the beginning sure, but he took it rather well.” “No!” Pan jumped up from the chair. “Don’t tell me that even Trunks knows!” “It wasn’t intentional but he found it. He is the only one who knows by the way.” “Still... you have to make it up to us” Pan said, sitting down again. “Are you saying Trunks is ok with it?” Marron asked. “Yes. He said that so far I was only going out with jerks so Goten is quite an improvement. Also he wouldn’t really kill him anyhow. But my father on the other hand just might...” In the meantime Goten was trying to find an ideal time when he could speak with Goku. He guessed it might be easier to involve him first, making sure he is aware of the whole story, before breaking the news to Vegeta. “Hey dad, do you have a sec?” Goten asked, then without really waiting for a reply, he dragged him behind a tree, checking for Vegeta’s Ki and making sure he is far away. “What is it?” Goku asked a bit confused. “I’m going out with Bra!” he confessed straight away. “Ok I guess. I mean I have quite a hard time keeping track of your constantly changing girlfriends but anyhow that’s Chi-Chi’s obsession, not mine.” “This time it’s serious. Otherwise I wouldn’t even dare to date her.” “Why? Is she scary or something?” “I’m more afraid of Vegeta...” “Vegeta?” Goku looked like he was only vaguely paying attention until this point but now he looked at his son. “How comes Vegeta into the picture?” “’Cause Bra is his daughter you know...” Goten sighed. “Oh, so when you told me that girl you are dating is Bra, then you actually meant that Bra. Wow, that’s good! Think about it! Your children will be the strongest ever!” “Well, maybe... but I’m not so concerned about my children yet. I’m not even sure how to tell this to Vegeta. He will kill me, for touching his little princess...” “Nah, I don’t think so” Goku smiled. “I think he will be happy. Ok, he won’t show it, but still.” “Happy? Are you like... insane? Sorry dad, but how can you assume this? You know him better than anybody.” “He will be ok.” “Just in case you are wrong and I’m right, could you please be there when I tell him this? Just in case he will try to kill me...” “Yeah, ok I guess” Goku nodded, then run off as a new portion of food arrived. Goten and Bra had to wait a couple of hours more, until they found the best time. Vegeta was in the kitchen, making a coffee and nobody else was around. Bra and Goten also entered the kitchen with Goku tagging along. “Hey Vegeta, can I speak with you a sec?” Goten asked, trying to remain calm. “What?” Vegeta asked, true to his usual charming self. Goten looked at Bra who was sending next to him, then at Goku, who seemingly completely forgot why he was here as he was halfway in the fridge looking for something to eat. “I’m dating Bra” Goten said a bit louder than he intended and his body tensed, ready to feel the first hit. “Is it true?” Vegeta asked, looking at her daughter. “Yes” Bra nodded, then grabbed Goten’s hand for support. Vegeta looked at them silently with a composed face from which the young saiyans couldn’t read anything. “So guess what?” Goku stepped to the prince and put his hand on Vegeta’s shoulder smiling like a child. “We will be family!” At that moment Goten really whished his father wasn’t there as he seemed to make the whole situation even worse, though just a moment ago Goten was convinced that it couldn’t be any worse. Now he learned that there is always something worse. Vegeta still didn’t say anything, then he drunk from his coffee and finally said: “Ok.” With that he considered the topic closed and walked out, leaving a totally shocked couple behind. It took 5 seconds until Bra could move and she run after her father, while Goten’s mind was racing. This was the last reaction what he expected and he couldn’t believe that his father was right. On the other hand Goku seemed to know Vegeta better than anybody else as even after their first encounter he felt that there was still hope for him. Everybody though he was crazy, just to see later how right he was. “Daddy, wait up!” Bra called and caught up with Vegeta who headed for the living room. The prince stopped and looked at his daughter. “Does it mean you are ok with it?” Bra asked. “Does it matter? You are just like your mother, going after your own head...” “I sort of expected you to want to kill Goten and stuff.” “Do you want me to?” “No! But could you explain?” “Let’s just say Goten isn’t the worst possibility. He is still better than humans...” “What about the saiyans?” “I don’t think that any full blooded saiyan would put up with you, even if you are the princess” Vegeta smirked. “Thank you!” Bra laughed, then hugged his father tightly. “You are the best daddy ever!” While Bra rushed back to the kitchen, Vegeta again asked the question from himself; how the hell come all to this? Sure he stayed here at first to fight the androids, but the disturbing thought was, that his future self who knew nothing about them (and was killed) also decided to stay on Earth. So he knew the android excuse wasn’t entirely true. Ok, he stayed for whatever reasons but now that he could go back to his own planet, he never even considered it. He knew his father didn’t get him at all and now he will also be shocked to hear about Bra. Sure, Trunks didn’t marry anybody royal either, but at least Atin was human, which was a good excuse. Then suddenly he remembered the day, when Trunks was determined to marry Goten. It all started with a silly question. “Mum, why do people get married?” The 6 years old Trunks asked. All 3 of them were in the living room. Vegeta was checking out the layout plan of the improved gravity room sitting on the couch, while Bulma was sitting next to him, reading some kind of trashy romance novel. “Why do you ask?” Bulma looked at him, realising that Trunks was watching an old photo album filled with her parents’ wedding pictures. “Oh I see.” “So why?” “It’s rather difficult to explain. When 2 people love to spend time together then after a while they decide to get married.” “Then I will marry Goten when we grow up” Trunks nodded, causing Vegeta to drop the papers from his hand and it got scattered on the floor. He was looking so socked that Bulma couldn’t resist the urge and had to laugh. She laughed so hard that even tears were flowing from her eyes. Thinking back on that day, Vegeta come to the conclusion that if one of his children were to marry Goten then Bra is still the better option. When Goten told her mother the news as well, Chichi was furious for the fact that she only gets to know it so late. She even grabbed a frying pan and hit his son on the head while screaming. “Maybe your mother is more dangerous than Vegeta” Goku whispered to Goten, so that Chichi wouldn’t hear it. “Could be” Goten nodded, rubbing the fresh bump on his head. Finally Bra and Goten didn’t need to hide their relationship anymore, so they spent much more time together. Vegeta was just coming out from the kitchen when Karris run to him. “Grandpa!” he cried, holding a book in his hand. Vegeta already knew what this was about and he tried to leave, but Karris was quicker and grabbed him: “Please, read me a bedtime story!” “You should bother your parents, I don’t have time for this nonsense!” “But when you read it it’s so much more fun” Karris smiled. While Vegeta gave up and followed him, he again couldn’t understand how it come all to this. He wasn’t even reading books for Bra, yet he ended up reading it to his grandson. Until a few years ago, he only had a vague idea about these bedtime stories, just simply found them stupid. Now that he actually know many, he was even more convinced that the people who wrote these must be retarded. He just couldn’t gasp why children loved these made-up stories. “Which one?” he asked, sitting down on Karris bed, once the boy was under the blanket. “Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf” he answered and gave the book to the prince, already marked by the right page. “That one again?” Vegeta asked. “It’s my favourite!” Vegeta took a deep breath and began to read. Though he wasn’t exactly reading it, he was rather just getting the baselines from the book. It started when he was first attempting to read a story about a king who promised to give his daughter to anyone who will slave the dragon. Karris was constantly asking questions instead of listening to the story, like: “Why didn’t the king himself slayed the dragon?” “He was a weak sorry excuse for a human” Vegeta answered. “A king has to protect his people.” “Then why was he the king?” “He sliced the throat of the previous king from behind and the law said whoever kills a king can become one.” “Ok, can you continue?” “So there was a king who was a back-stabbing bastard...” Vegeta began again. It became a common practice that he already explained details, which Karris would ask and so his version of the story was slightly different from the book. “Once upon a time there was a small girl who wore a riding hood of red velvet so everybody just called her Little Red Riding Hood. She was forced to bring food for her grandma, who lived alone in the forest, because she was so annoying that nobody could stand her from the family so they evicted her. They were hoping that some wild animal will eat her, but so far they hadn’t have such luck...” Trunks couldn’t help but overhear his father reading to Karris as the door was half-open. The first time he heard it, he couldn’t quite believe it. Not just because he was reading stories, but the way he was doing it. “I don’t think he should say things like back-stabbing bastard to a 5 years old boy” Bulma sighed. “You cannot be overprotective!” Trunk shrugged. “He sure wasn’t overprotective with me and look how fine I turned out to be!” “True” Bulma nodded and then they both had to laugh. A few months passed and then the whole family become busy planning Goten’s and Bra’s wedding. Trunks managed not to make such a big deal about it, though he had some serious fight with Bulma. Bra on the other hand liked all the fuss and she enjoyed the planning. Goten wasn’t so into it, but since the young princess showed much spirit, he tried his best to adjust. It was more hard occasionally then he ever imagined. “Do you think this peacock blue or this lapis lazuli is better?” Bra asked, holding two coloured card in each of her hands. They were sitting on the living rooms carpet while tons of wedding invitation templates, colour schemes and textile samples were scattered around them. “To tell you the truth for me both are blue and I don’t see any difference” Goten sighed. “You guys sure are busy” Trunks smiled, entering the room with Atin. “I’m so glad we didn’t do all this” Atin whispered into Trunks’ ear. “What do you think brother?” Bra asked, holding up the two cards. “I guess the same as Goten. For me both are blue” Trunks answered. “You men are so useless sometimes” Bra sighed and looked at the two cards herself, lost in her own world. “Before you ask me” Atin called as Bra was just looking at her “I also see no difference.” “Seriously?!” the young princess asked, then put down one and picked up an another which was red. – Ok Goten, this is the easier version; blue or red? “Red I guess” he answered, then suddenly looked at Atin and asked: “Hey Atin, are you pregnant?” “Yes” she smiled. “I was just today at the doctor to confirm it.” “What?!” Bra asked, then she began to concentrate and slowly she also felt the small Ki, which came from Atin, but wasn’t belonging to her. “We just wanted to tell it to everybody over the dinner” Trunks explained. “That’s great, congratulation!” Goten smiled. “Yeah it’s great” Bra smiled, then grabbed Goten and dragged him out of the room suddenly. “Where are we going?” he asked, then when they entered Bra’s bedroom he asked again: “What?” “Now that Atin is pregnant we have no time to waste” she said, grabbing Goten and pushing him on the bed. He was entirely confused and while he enjoyed Bra kissing him and he also kissed her back, even began to remove her clothes, he still had no idea what was exactly going on. “I want our child be around the same age as Trunks’” Bra explained, pulling off Goten’s shirt. “So we have to hurry!” “What?” Goten asked trying to sit up, but Bra pushed him back: “You heard me! You had Trunks, Karris has Bardock so our child has to have somebody as well.” Goten wanted to answer, but he couldn’t as Bra’s tongue entered his mouth. Then he was too busy removing their remaining underwear’s to talk, then he didn’t even wanted to talk. Later, when they were again in progress to get dressed, Goten asked: “Why do you want them to be around the same age?” “It’s more fun. Sure I have Pan and Marron, but that’s not the same what you and Trunks had. Among kids even 2-3 year difference matters and you were so lucky to go in the same class as my brother. I never had even half so much fun.” “Ok, I think I see your point” Goten smiled. Bra was relatively ok with school, but she had to pretend to be someone who she was not. Sure Gohan, Trunks and Goten also hid their powers but it was Bra who had the most trouble with it. Whenever they had PE or any sport even she just pretended to be a pretty girl who is fully exhausted after 100m run. Also she was terrible in volleyball and handball, at least all of her classmates though so. “So babe, what about a date on Sunday?” Miroku, one of her classmates asked, blocking’s Bra way, who was about to go to her next class. “How many times do I have to say no?” she asked, concentrating not to punch him in the face. “Until you say yes!” he smiled and run his hand over his hair which he believed was sexy. “Let me explain it once again as I think you have a hard time understanding things; if you were the last men on Earth, then I would rather be a lesbian, then to date you!” With that said, Bra stormed out of the classroom, pushing him „slightly” so he bounced off from the wall. “At least I only have 1 week left until the final exams” she thought, stepping into her next classroom. She so much would have preferred home-school than this. Also, she was way more clever than her classmates so she was bored to deaths. Sure, Trunks had the same problem, but at least he could fool around with Goten on some of their classes. Then Bra though about her upcoming wedding and she was lost in her own world during the whole class.   Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)