a not so golden life von LeoDrayThanatos ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Chapter 3 -------------------- ~ will of L&JP ~ CHAPTER 3 Back in the office, the number of parchments on Frambook's desk had been multiplied. And some small boxes were on the table as well. "Mister Potter, please, take a seat. We have some papers to go trough. But first, take those." He shoved the small boxes over the desk towards Harry. "Those boxes contain your family rings, that show, that you are truelly the lord of all,your inherited families." "But which ones should I wear? Because I can't wear them all. I have not enough fingers...?", Harry asked, confused. "That isn't a problem at all. Normally, a wizard, who is the heir to a family, wears the heir ring on the right middle finger. And the lord of a family wears the family ring on the left ring finger, since ohe right ring finger is reserved for the bonding ring. And if someone is the lord of more than one family, like you are, then he wears all of the family rings on this finger. Because the rings have the ability to melt to one single ring, and you can decide, which family crest you want everyone to see, or if you don't want anyone to see your ring at all. Another security meassurement is, that once you wear the rings, you'll be the only one to take them off again." Harry took the boxes and opened one after the other, took the ring out of it and showed it to Frambook, who told him, which ring bore which crest. Then he put one ring after the other on his ringfinger. This was another special experience, because every time he put a ring on, it took a drop of his blood from his finger for a last verification and then resized itself to fit perfectly. When Harry had put on all of his rings, he decided to let the Potter crest be seen. "Now, that the rings are taken care off, let us continue with your inheritances. Is there something special that you want to start with?", Frambook asked the young lord. "Yes, actually, there is. How can I be a pure blood, when my mother was a muggleborn? And why was there a second surename listed with her maiden name 'Evans'? I was always told, that my mother's name was 'Lily Evans' before she married my father." "Ah, yes. This is a very interesting question. Also, it is a question I got asked about seventeen years ago as well, when your parents came here to find a way to convince James Potter's parents to allow your parents marriage. It appeares, that your mother was actually a pureblood, whose parents died shortly after her birth. They were light wizards and good friends with one Albus Dumbledore. After their death, he brought your mother to a couple whom he knew and who wasn't able to conceive a child on their own. This couple adopted her and raised her as their own, without ever so much as mention that she was adopted." "Wait, my mother was adopted? Which makes Petunia my aunt only on paper, but not by blood!? And Dumbledore KNEW!? And he still sent me back to this abusive 'home' every summer because of so called blood wards, that couldn't exist at all?!" Harry was fuming once more. "Since you are now a lord, even though you aren' of age yet, and the people you live with right now aren't of your blood, you would be in your full right to live in one of your estates or houses by yourself. You would only be required to have a house elve with you to guarantee that you eat properly and are also taken care of. But we can look into this later. Now, we will take a look at your parents will, if it's okay with you?" Harry nodded. "This here is your parent will. To read it, all you have to do is to add one drop of your blood on the parchment for verification." ~ This is the will of James Harold Potter and Lily Rose Potter née Evans-Viperian We write this will while being in our own mind and of health. This will replaces every will writen earlier in our lives. Should anything happen to us and our beloved baby boy, Harry James Potter, will be left behind, he is to stay with his godfather, Lord Sirius Orion Black. If this isn't possible, he is to be staying with his other godfather, Severus Tobias Snape. He must not, by no means, be handed over to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore or my adoptive sister Petunia Dursley. The first will only use him for his so-called 'Greater Good' and the second hates magic more than everything else. Now to the financial stuff. To Sirius Orion Black, we give over custody of our son, nothing else, since he's already rich enough. To Remus John Lupin, we give the vault called 'wolf funds', which will act as some kind of trust fund for him to be taken care off, since hehs such a hard time finding a job and the wolfsbane potion is everything but cheap. And Moony, this is in no way some charity, but looking after a very dear friend. To Severus Tobias Snape, we give the vault called 'potions research funds', so he can research and experiments with his beloved potions as muchas he wants without caring for money. Everything else goes to our son, including all books about mages, necromancy and metamorphmagi.~ Harry's magic was whirling around him in his rage. "To put everything together: in my parents will is stated, that I must not, by any means, be given over to Dumbledore and the Dursleys, but to Sirius or, as surprising as it is, to Snape. And in the night my parents got killed, Dumbledore leaves me on the abusive Dursley's doorstep, in the middle of the night, and my godfather isn't sent to Azkaban, without a trial, until a week later. And if this wouldn't be enough, I'd have had another godfather, whom no one ever mentioned to me, who would have been available to raise , how come that my parents will hasn't been read until now?" By now, Frambook was fuming as well. "Your parents' will hasn't not been read by now. Because every will is read by the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot as soon as the writer of a will dies." "And who exactly was this Chief Warlock back then, who ignored the whole thing? And why didn't ever anyone ask about it as well? I know for one, that Remus Lupin strugles everyday to survive because he hardly finds a job and now Sirius, who helped him as far as he could, is gone as well." "Dumbledore" was all Frambook pressed out during gritted teeth. "Is there anything I can do to get back at Dumbledore for everything he has done to me? And is there a way to find out, who else was involved with him concerning the mistreatement of myself over all those yearrs? And would it be possible for you to inform Remus of the vault for him? But I don't yet want Snape to be informed, if possible." "I'd say, that, before we do anything at all, we'll check your vault movements, to make sure, if they also stole your money or just your childhood." Harry agreed to this. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)