Betting Debts von Lollapie (Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff and more) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: The Ballerina ------------------------ He just came back from the first briefing he had in ages. Well at least the first one he had by himself anyway. The last couple of months he had always gone on missions with the STD, never alone. Fury needed to see, that he was back to his old self. Reliable and resilient. Concentrated. Always at aim. Clint sat at his table in his room at S.H.I.E.L.D., opening the Romanova-File. There was barely any information about her. No age, no real listing of her skills, no curriculum. Nothing he could really work with. Plus everything they knew about her ended with the Second World War. This case would take some observation; otherwise he would stand no chance in killing her. At least there were a couple of pictures, so he would know who to look for. Apparently the Black Widow had made her nest in Stark Industries, but nobody knew what she wanted there. The best hunch they had, was that she might want to kill Anthony Stark, the founder’s son. So it was up to him to find out. His eyes fell on a copy of an old picture. It was probably taken in the 40’s, Clint guessed, by the looks of it. It showed Natalia Romanova, the ballet dancer. The ballerina, in a sleek white costume, feathers in her tied up hair. The silky white cloth covering, but also showing, every part of her body. Her poise was a very typical one. Standing on one leg, her upper body bent slightly forward, one arm gracefully held above her head, the other stretched out in front of her. The second leg stretched far behind and up, her knee slightly bent. The look on her face was concentrated, but still full of passion and emotion, her eyelids closed softly. His gaze rested upon the black and white copy for a while. At the time she seemed to be at ease, enjoying herself. Enjoying what she was doing. He couldn’t help but wonder why she stopped being a dancer. At this point he would have never guessed that it wasn’t in her blood. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (