Lords of Magic von lisardos7 (the story of JQ) ================================================================================ Prolog: Prologos ---------------- Every story has a beginning… and so does this one. One thousand years ago, Eoros was a beautiful world ruled by mighty deities. Their mission was to protect humanity from the threat of demons who wanted to takeover and destroy Eoros. The most powerful deities were referred to as the Titans. There were 8 of them each one possessing the power over one element. Their names were: Lizardos the Dragon of Fire, Volvos the Great Beast of Earth, Oceaneon- King of the Oceans, Skyon the Air god, Hikarion the Light, Yamirion the Shadow, Titania the Heart of Lightning and Cyberion the Metallic One. Each one of them had the power to create life and restore it and they also had several minions among the lower gods. The most important of their servants were the 8 Great Ones- mighty wizards who represented the Titans among the mortals and were gifted the power to summon the gods and their might. The greatest among them was Red Q-the flame master. He was the one who defeated several demons and among them the Dark 6- the highest rank leaders of the evil armies. Red Q was also the one who brought peace to the people of Eoros. With all these achievements he was treated and worshipped by many as if he was one of the gods. Along side with the other Great Ones he ruled Eoros for several years making sure that the mortals he was supposed to protect lived in peace and harmony. In the times of the Great Ones reign Eoros was truly a paradise world, the true Shambala… However everything changed when the Conqueror- a mighty Demon Lord whose name could not be spoken, arrived and began his attack. His first step was putting a curse on all the great deities, including the Titans, thus making it impossible for them to intervene and protect their precious world. After accomplishing that his next target were the 8 Great Ones and all other beings on Eoros who possessed the power of elemental magic so that no wizard, dragon or any other mystical creature could stop him from taking over Eoros and from that place any other world he could possibly desire. The Conquerors attack was merciless. With the help of his demon armies he erased all who could disturb him in any way possible…At least that’s how it seemed to him… He didn’t know that a 3 spell casters managed to escape his wrath and hid in the underground. These were: Angelo- the youngest son of Red Q, his wife Rekkia and the last of Red Q’s apprentices Gabriella the White. Over the next 900 years these 3 survivors struggled to stop all of the Conquerors plans. The fought his minions, destroyed his projects for expansion and gained power in order to permanently bring the demon down. Finally, one hundred and thirteen years ago, the 3 wizards stood face to face with the monster that destroyed their land and all those closest to them. Their battle lasted for days, neither one of them wanted to give up… their powers were equal… the situation changed when the Conqueror used his ultimate attack and nearly defeated the brave spell casters. The situation seemed hopeless… heavily injured and exhausted after days of fighting Angelo, Rekkia and Gabriella were unable to cast any spell… but, there still was one way… one last hope… Connecting all their remaining powers in a final attempt to defeat the Conqueror, Angelo and Rekkia used one of the “Forbidden Spells”- The Blade of Chaos. And so they succeeded and finally defeated the Conqueror, releasing Eoros from his grasp. But the joy after winning the 900 year long war didn’t last long. The price of their victory was high…too high… for using “The Blade” they had to pay with their own lives. Shortly before taking their last breath they told Gabriella that one day the Conqueror will return and the key to his oblivion would be a child who was supposed to be born before the demons return. Angelo and Rekkia had a son they named Sven, shortly before going into battle with the Conqueror, and the child who would defeat him would by one of Sven’s grandchildren thus a direct descendant of Red Q. Gabriella’s duty was to take care of Sven and wait for the “chosen one” to be born. That was Angelo’s and Rekkia’s last request. Gabriella promised to do as they said, and so she did. Over the next hundred years, the new descendants of Angelo have appeared: Sven had a son- Aquarion. The son of Sven also had a son who he named Samarion. It was Samarion who was supposed to be the father of the chosen one. And exactly 13 years ago, on the 1st of July the one who would defeat the Conqueror was finally born. His name: Jacob Angelicon Quin, son of Samarion, descendant of Red Q. And this is the true beginning of our story… Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)